Any News on Who Will Replace Sessions?

And while he's at it, he needs to jerk the licenses of those broadcasters who refused to run GOP political ads. That is most certainly a no no, no matter what stupid claims they make.

And how do you feel about Christian bakers making a wedding cake for a couple of cupcakes?

Cup cakes aren't in the public domain and aren't leased from the Fed.And no, a baker doesn't have to make faggot friendly cupcakes if he/she/it/mutant doesn't want to.

You really are a blonde.
Now that Eric Holder II is gone, and good riddance, will Trump appoint a real AG this time? The Democrats want to threaten with their empty 'investigations', so will Trump do the right thing and finally appoint someone who start indicting their pet vermin under the RICO statutes?

And while he's at it, he needs to jerk the licenses of those broadcasters who refused to run GOP political ads. That is most certainly a no no, no matter what stupid claims they make.

Oh look, another big government statist that thinks the central government should dictate what ads a private media company runs.

Why not just move to Russia and get it over with?

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Hillary lost, and she's a crook and traitor. Get over it, and get behind Maxine Waters.

and, it isn't okay for networks to decide whose Party's ads it's not going to run, either, but you seem okay with it so I'll assume you really do want to go live in Russia. Good riddance to you and your fellow traitors.

I never voted for Hillary, so nothing to get over.

Yes, a network should be able to decide which ads to run, they are a private company and the government should not be interfering.

Keep your big government statist fingers out of my life

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Actually they don't own the airwaves, dumbass, they're public domain, and they can't discriminate unilaterally, dipshit Commie. And, only retarded kids still run around babbling 'statist' like it's some sort of witty response; I guess we're supposed to believe you're all libertarian n stuff' because you parrot that idiot word, when if fact you're just a overaged brat.
Trolls warp the narrative by accusing everybody else of whatever it is they are currently engaged in.
It's blanket camouflage.
And while he's at it, he needs to jerk the licenses of those broadcasters who refused to run GOP political ads. That is most certainly a no no, no matter what stupid claims they make.

And how do you feel about Christian bakers making a wedding cake for a couple of cupcakes?

Cup cakes aren't in the public domain and aren't leased from the Fed.And no, a baker doesn't have to make faggot friendly cupcakes if he/she/it/mutant doesn't want to.

You really are a blonde.

Do you even know what public domain means? It refers to an artistic work that is generally covered by copyright protections, but is no longer protected because the legally prescribed time period has passed. The Bible is in the public domain. The book Gone With the Wind is not in the public domain. TV channels are not in the public domain.
Chris Christie is a good pick. Need a pitbull in there; especially since the new Democrap majority house is preparing to carpet bomb the WH with obstructionist petty subpoenas.
And while he's at it, he needs to jerk the licenses of those broadcasters who refused to run GOP political ads. That is most certainly a no no, no matter what stupid claims they make.

And how do you feel about Christian bakers making a wedding cake for a couple of cupcakes?

Cup cakes aren't in the public domain and aren't leased from the Fed.And no, a baker doesn't have to make faggot friendly cupcakes if he/she/it/mutant doesn't want to.

You really are a blonde.

Do you even know what public domain means? It refers to an artistic work that is generally covered by copyright protections, but is no longer protected because the legally prescribed time period has passed. The Bible is in the public domain. The book Gone With the Wind is not in the public domain. TV channels are not in the public domain.

You need to reread your source on 'public domain'; that's the term used for them. For starters ...


As I state on the first page, I know of no field where there is more important work to be done by the Senate than in juvenile delinquency, and the attention this committee is giving to this critical problem is most timely. Nowhere can this committee be more effective in stemming the excessive, concentrated and exaggerated portrayal of crime and violence than in radio and television. For the air waves over which broadcasters send their signals are in the public domain. The broadcasters acquire no vested interest in the air waves, and are issued licenses of no more than 3 years' duration.

The FCC requires broadcasters to operate in the public interest, and it must take programming into full account in issuing and renewing their licenses.

Here I want to say, Mr. Chairman, that in 1938 the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee was opposed to superpower, large AM broadcasting stations.

Senator Wheeler was then the chairman. By the mere passage of the resolution of that committee, which the FCC has ever since honored, the FCC never has gone in for superpower AM stations—just the mere passage of a resolution of that committee.

Now, this is the public domain, and I am going on from here as to what your committee can do as far as we are concerned, the FCC and the broadcasters and the public.

Broadcasters who apply for station licenses and for license renewals are required to report in detail the percentage of time devoted to different types of programs such as entertainment, religion, news, education, discussion—I did not list them all—and those that are sustaining and commercial, and so forth; that is when they apply for a license"

Air Waves "are in the Public Domain": Public Television Advocacy in the 1950s

.. and more. Search link verifies that 'public domain' is indeed the common usage, using 'Air waves are in the public domain'. It applies to all media, not just out of copyright materials.

air waves are public domain - Bing
Ted Cruz...

He has the education and intellect, but he's such a weasel and doesn't have the character for the job. I'm glad he beat the commie racist dork, but I'm also glad Pete sessions got dumped, too, since he's a giant turd, even if Allred won his seat. Bush bots need to go as well as well, and Allred being a complete rookie is far less of a problem than Sessions returning.
Chris Christie is a good pick. Need a pitbull in there; especially since the new Democrap majority house is preparing to carpet bomb the WH with obstructionist petty subpoenas.

He certainly has nothing to lose at this point, true enough. But he's from frigging Jersey ... why not a westerner? They have more of the populist streak in them than easterners do.
And while he's at it, he needs to jerk the licenses of those broadcasters who refused to run GOP political ads. That is most certainly a no no, no matter what stupid claims they make.

And how do you feel about Christian bakers making a wedding cake for a couple of cupcakes?

Cup cakes aren't in the public domain and aren't leased from the Fed.And no, a baker doesn't have to make faggot friendly cupcakes if he/she/it/mutant doesn't want to.

You really are a blonde.

Do you even know what public domain means? It refers to an artistic work that is generally covered by copyright protections, but is no longer protected because the legally prescribed time period has passed. The Bible is in the public domain. The book Gone With the Wind is not in the public domain. TV channels are not in the public domain.

You need to reread your source on 'public domain'; that's the term used for them. For starters ...


As I state on the first page, I know of no field where there is more important work to be done by the Senate than in juvenile delinquency, and the attention this committee is giving to this critical problem is most timely. Nowhere can this committee be more effective in stemming the excessive, concentrated and exaggerated portrayal of crime and violence than in radio and television. For the air waves over which broadcasters send their signals are in the public domain. The broadcasters acquire no vested interest in the air waves, and are issued licenses of no more than 3 years' duration.

The FCC requires broadcasters to operate in the public interest, and it must take programming into full account in issuing and renewing their licenses.

Here I want to say, Mr. Chairman, that in 1938 the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee was opposed to superpower, large AM broadcasting stations.

Senator Wheeler was then the chairman. By the mere passage of the resolution of that committee, which the FCC has ever since honored, the FCC never has gone in for superpower AM stations—just the mere passage of a resolution of that committee.

Now, this is the public domain, and I am going on from here as to what your committee can do as far as we are concerned, the FCC and the broadcasters and the public.

Broadcasters who apply for station licenses and for license renewals are required to report in detail the percentage of time devoted to different types of programs such as entertainment, religion, news, education, discussion—I did not list them all—and those that are sustaining and commercial, and so forth; that is when they apply for a license"

Air Waves "are in the Public Domain": Public Television Advocacy in the 1950s

.. and more. Search link verifies that 'public domain' is indeed the common usage, using 'Air waves are in the public domain'. It applies to all media, not just out of copyright materials.

air waves are public domain - Bing

Oh, for fuck's sake. I'd dissect your abject failure to understand what you're talking about, but I'd require tuition.

In any case, the fact remains that a media company is just as much a private business as a bakery.
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy...
Christie, Pam Bondi, as the list develops.

Chris Christie at White House as Trump considers replacing Jeff Sessions as AG: reports
Other people in the running include Rudy Giuliani, outgoing Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and former Attorney General William Barr, who served under President George H. W. Bush, according to a CBS News report. The list is only expected to grow in the coming days, with no decision expected soon, the outlet reported.

Bondi is easier to look at than Christie; but may lack the testosterone needed at nut-cutting time.
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy...
Christie, Pam Bondi, as the list develops.

Chris Christie at White House as Trump considers replacing Jeff Sessions as AG: reports
Other people in the running include Rudy Giuliani, outgoing Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and former Attorney General William Barr, who served under President George H. W. Bush, according to a CBS News report. The list is only expected to grow in the coming days, with no decision expected soon, the outlet reported.

Bondi is easier to look at than Christie; but may lack the testosterone needed at nut-cutting time.
Pam is tough. She handled the harassment by a mob with aplomb. Ben Franklin (Poor Richard) had a saying "Beware of those who are slow to anger". I think that Pam would know how to use the DOJ weaponry if given the opportunity, and would welcome the bigger bodyguards.
Christie would always be deflecting the "Bridgegate" accusations. Maybe Pam on top of DOJ and Christie playing Rod Rosenstein?
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy...
Christie, Pam Bondi, as the list develops.

Chris Christie at White House as Trump considers replacing Jeff Sessions as AG: reports
Other people in the running include Rudy Giuliani, outgoing Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and former Attorney General William Barr, who served under President George H. W. Bush, according to a CBS News report. The list is only expected to grow in the coming days, with no decision expected soon, the outlet reported.

Bondi is easier to look at than Christie; but may lack the testosterone needed at nut-cutting time.
Pam is tough. She handled the harassment by a mob with aplomb. Ben Franklin (Poor Richard) had a saying "Beware of those who are slow to anger". I think that Pam would know how to use the DOJ weaponry if given the opportunity, and would welcome the bigger bodyguards.
Christie would always be deflecting the "Bridgegate" accusations. Maybe Pam on top of DOJ and Christie playing Rod Rosenstein?

I could live with that!
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy...
Christie, Pam Bondi, as the list develops.

Chris Christie at White House as Trump considers replacing Jeff Sessions as AG: reports
Other people in the running include Rudy Giuliani, outgoing Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and former Attorney General William Barr, who served under President George H. W. Bush, according to a CBS News report. The list is only expected to grow in the coming days, with no decision expected soon, the outlet reported.

Well, at least he is going outside of the Republican establishment! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

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