Any of these westerners worth watching

It's one of the better remakes ever.

Just odd to try to "remake" one of the already best westerns ever. I have both in HD in my movie library, I just found the remake less good party because you already know what is going to happen in every scene through it as it closely follows the original story and party because it simply lacked the many good stars of the first. Even Bridges came off kinda wooden. To me, the girl in the remake came off very flat, personality and voice-wise, compared to Kim Darby who went on to TEACH acting.
Nothing meh about that epic....Can't think of any movie that can pull off eight minutes of opening with no dialogue and still be riveting....Henry Fonda was such a convincing evil doer that he got scads of hate mail for ruining his rep as the All-Murican good guy lead actor....Can't think of anything that flick doesn't have.
Sorry, not a fan of most of the Spaghetti Westerns, Clint's GB&U being the exception.

Oh fuck, I can't believe I left out The Magnificent Seven.

Eli Wallach was just great in both.

May as well toss in Blazing Saddles too. ;)
I'll have to put that one on my list....Nonetheless, I stand by my rating of those two as the best ever made.

Open Range is better than Once Upon a Time.
One of my favorites is El Dorado. James Caan as Mississippi was awesome. Had a great blend of humor and serious scenes.
Another great one is Valdez is Coming. One of the best presentations of long range shooting put to film.

The same with Joe Kidd.
That's a high bar to clear, IMO.

I say "Outlaw Jose Wales" is WAY better than "Unforgiven", and Eastwood only got the mercy Oscar for the latter.

Agreed. Josey Wales is top 5 movies ever made, genre doesn't matter.

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