Any of you practice meditation?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
For me, I rely on prayer for my mediation. Music as well.

I long for the time when I didn't have a care in the world. Now I find myself swearing and short on patience even if I just lose a chess match or drop something due to weakness in my hand. I definitely miss my dog, just him needing to be fed, walking to my side when he knew I was not feeling well was therapeutic.

Anyways, any of you meditate? If so, how often, has it improved? Any particular system you follow?

Thank you for your time.
Anyways, any of you meditate?

Meditation is highly misunderstood by westerners. It is usually confused with concentration, but these are two very different things. Meditation might best be understood as the opposite of prayer.
  • In prayer, You speak and God listens.
  • In meditation, God speaks and you listen.
Meditation involves quieting the mind. The mind is like a rowdy monkey which robs you of awareness by forever distracting you with irrelevancies.

When the mind quiets, you suddenly see and hear all.

Meditation is best pursued through a bone fide teacher. These are very hard to find in the West.
For me, I rely on prayer for my mediation. Music as well.

I long for the time when I didn't have a care in the world. Now I find myself swearing and short on patience even if I just lose a chess match or drop something due to weakness in my hand. I definitely miss my dog, just him needing to be fed, walking to my side when he knew I was not feeling well was therapeutic.

Anyways, any of you meditate? If so, how often, has it improved? Any particular system you follow?

Thank you for your time.

Hmmmm...let me think about it.....hmmmmm....ohmmm......
Meditation is highly misunderstood by westerners. It is usually confused with concentration, but these are two very different things. Meditation might best be understood as the opposite of prayer.
  • In prayer, You speak and God listens.
  • In meditation, God speaks and you listen.
Meditation involves quieting the mind. The mind is like a rowdy monkey which robs you of awareness by forever distracting you with irrelevancies.

When the mind quiets, you suddenly see and hear all.

Meditation is best pursued through a bone fide teacher. These are very hard to find in the West.

Yeah, you're right. My mind doesn't shut down and it's exponentially worse due to life circumstances and stresses beyond the norm. Throw in my health concerns and it's been daunting. Trying to slow down the brain is a challenge as I require constant mental stimulation even during those rare peaceful periods in my life.
Yeah, you're right. My mind doesn't shut down and it's exponentially worse due to life circumstances and stresses beyond the norm. Throw in my health concerns and it's been daunting. Trying to slow down the brain is a challenge as I require constant mental stimulation even during those rare peaceful periods in my life.

Quit your bitching
Trying to slow down the brain is a challenge as I require constant mental stimulation even during those rare peaceful periods in my life.

Then you have a problem. I am just the opposite--- I try to have as little mental stimulation as possible except only when necessary. The calm mind is like a still lake of water offering a perfect reflection of the world. The mind is like the clatter of a noisy downtown intersection. The mind is the seat of ego identity which forever separates you from the rest of the world. The common problem is this:
  • The common misconception that you are your mind and ego.
  • As soon as you realize and can understand that your mind and ego are separate from you and are robbers stealing away your peace and consciousness, you can begin meditation.
Here, try these books:


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