Any student missing school tomorrow longer than 10 minutes will be marked absent

Let's see. Perfect attendance, or join a protest that might help save their lives in the long run. Gee, they both seem so important.

You mean join a political rally funded by Soros and Planned Parenthood (using federal tax dollars) demanding the end of civil right...

Tell me, how do you Stalinist democrats differ from the Khmer Rouge? They used "students" to further their attacks on liberty as well.
Our school district put the kibosh on the walkout including any type of protest involving guns/gun control. The students can talk about policy at a private after school event. The walkout is to honor and remember those killed in the shooting. The school also said no to the walkout being in more public part of the school and it's been relocated to an area that will be non-disruptive. Some politicians were invited by the students but the school also nixed them coming and speaking, due to safety concerns. As long as the students remain respectful and follow the rules, no disciplinary actions will be taken. Step out of line, face the consequences.

Someone in charge finally grew a pair.

The Tech Industry’s Psychological War on Kids – Member Feature Stories – Medium

Incase some haven't noticed many schools are taking away the books , wanting the kids to use ipads or computers. If the public only knew half the truth of damage we wouldn't have a nation of idiots teaching kids on these things.
That's only a small part of teaching issues in class rooms........ Indoctrination .

Information would be much different for a kid at home even if they learned some information a computer it wouldn't be 8 hrs a day..
Let's see. Perfect attendance, or join a protest that might help save their lives in the long run. Gee, they both seem so important.

You mean join a political rally funded by Soros and Planned Parenthood (using federal tax dollars) demanding the end of civil right...

Tell me, how do you Stalinist democrats differ from the Khmer Rouge? They used "students" to further their attacks on liberty as well.

You think Planned Parenthood is paying for the school walkout? Who do you think they are paying?
Nice try Jake but there’s never been a Hs death in
Children protesting being slaughtered and some think the answer is to threaten them more.

Modern conservatism.
To bad stats don’t back up that ridiculous statement

Too - two - to!
which never fed a hungry child

Wrong. I've made quite a successful career out of being MUCH better with the English language than the vast majority of the US population.
^^^ Label them absent when they are only ten minutes late.

God bless you always!!!

When they're marked absent, maybe the little twerps will realize they don't own the place.
If they show up at all, they are to be labeled late, not absent, especially if they are only ten minutes late.

^^^ Label them absent when they are only ten minutes late.

God bless you always!!!

So you think that teachers should waste valuable class time redoing the attendance record over and over to accommodate people who think it's okay to wander in whenever, or not at all, as they please? At what point do they actually get to make a determination that the little snot isn't going to show up and move on with their work?

I hate to break it to you, but this is already the policy in most schools I'm aware of. The teacher takes attendance, the attendance form goes to the office, they're officially absent for that period, the parents get a call, end of discussion.

It's called "teaching responsibility". We used to consider that a good thing.
Sometimes kids end up being late due to reasons that are beyond their control. My school bus was late a few times getting to my house and so me and everyone else who took that bus were late getting to school. Should those who are in that position be marked absent? In my opinion, if a kid shows up at all, they should be labeled late and not absent because there is a difference.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. I was late coming into work one day because I had to make an unplanned trip to the hospital so that I could see a family member one last time who ended up passing on later that day. Was I labeled absent or even in any trouble at all for being late? No.

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