Any wrestling fans here?

lol. according to you son owen must have faked that and is probably hiding in ontarioe somewhere. gimme a break son. lol. godfather is a bad ass and not one to mess with. prolly cut a slit in the cable so he could win for sure.

Well, then you're not listening to me. I already said, performers can be injured while performing. It's basically stunt work. That doesn't change the fact that it's scripted... in fact, it reinforces why it must be strictly scripted. If Godfather cut a slit in the cable, he didn't win anything, he murdered someone and he would've been questioned and arrested. But he is a performer and was as shocked as anyone the equipment failed.

lolz. you have more stories then walt disney son. your telling me that godfather didnt have access to that cable before the sporting event started? gimme a break boss. those guys get there HOURS before it starts.

Ok, this is just a troll bit. Whose sock is this really?
Anyone interested in a real sport should check out REAL wrestling. Best and oldest sport in the world.

No relation to the play-time nonsense on tv.
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You do realise that the crossface is a strangle hold right. I dont knwo if wiki is a solid source of proof for any claim. lol. Im going to bed.

Well, no, it's not a strangle hold (which is illegal, btw). It's actually a very old submission hold. But that is beside the point.

I can't find anything other than speculation from tabloid sources that Benoit used the move to kill his son. Nothing official whatsoever, but so what if he did? That doesn't prove professional wrestling is real. I'm quite sure a 250 lb. grown ass man could pile drive a 7-year-old and kill them. That doesn't make wrestling real.... sorry!

Look... I've known fans like you my whole life. I get it.... you believe it's real! Nothing I can say to you is ever going to convince you otherwise. My uncle was in the business and I personally know people in the business. It's all scripted. It was scripted back in the day just like today. It's not "sometimes it's not" it's always scripted. Their job, just like a magician or illusionist, is to make you believe it is real.

I dont think taker throwing mankind off of the cell was scripted pal. lol

Are you putting on an act now? No one could really be this...

read up on it bud. why don't you get out of my thread so real wrestling fans can post. brittle bunch around here.
You do realise that the crossface is a strangle hold right. I dont knwo if wiki is a solid source of proof for any claim. lol. Im going to bed.

Well, no, it's not a strangle hold (which is illegal, btw). It's actually a very old submission hold. But that is beside the point.

I can't find anything other than speculation from tabloid sources that Benoit used the move to kill his son. Nothing official whatsoever, but so what if he did? That doesn't prove professional wrestling is real. I'm quite sure a 250 lb. grown ass man could pile drive a 7-year-old and kill them. That doesn't make wrestling real.... sorry!

Look... I've known fans like you my whole life. I get it.... you believe it's real! Nothing I can say to you is ever going to convince you otherwise. My uncle was in the business and I personally know people in the business. It's all scripted. It was scripted back in the day just like today. It's not "sometimes it's not" it's always scripted. Their job, just like a magician or illusionist, is to make you believe it is real.

I dont think taker throwing mankind off of the cell was scripted pal. lol

Are you putting on an act now? No one could really be this...

read up on it bud. why don't you get out of my thread so real wrestling fans can post. brittle bunch around here.

Real wrestling fans would talk about REAL wrestling.
You do realise that the crossface is a strangle hold right. I dont knwo if wiki is a solid source of proof for any claim. lol. Im going to bed.

Well, no, it's not a strangle hold (which is illegal, btw). It's actually a very old submission hold. But that is beside the point.

I can't find anything other than speculation from tabloid sources that Benoit used the move to kill his son. Nothing official whatsoever, but so what if he did? That doesn't prove professional wrestling is real. I'm quite sure a 250 lb. grown ass man could pile drive a 7-year-old and kill them. That doesn't make wrestling real.... sorry!

Look... I've known fans like you my whole life. I get it.... you believe it's real! Nothing I can say to you is ever going to convince you otherwise. My uncle was in the business and I personally know people in the business. It's all scripted. It was scripted back in the day just like today. It's not "sometimes it's not" it's always scripted. Their job, just like a magician or illusionist, is to make you believe it is real.

I dont think taker throwing mankind off of the cell was scripted pal. lol

Are you putting on an act now? No one could really be this...

read up on it bud. why don't you get out of my thread so real wrestling fans can post. brittle bunch around here.

Real wrestling fans would talk about REAL wrestling.

you another idot saying that brock lesner and kurt angle arent real wrestlers? lolz. the irone shiek was a olympic trainer for wrestling. but thats ameture stuff. this is shoot wrestling. fucking figure it out you dumb libfuck and get out of my thread and change that stupid picture of yours. jesus.
Anyone interested in a real sport should check out REAL wrestling. Best and oldest sport in the world.

No relation to the play-time nonsense on tv.

Right. And if you really want to see some ass kicking, check out MMA.

i have watched since the 90s son. shamrock and severn both did pro wrestling and both were awesome in ufc. and then you have brock who was the most dominent heavyweight of all time. try again boss. lolz.
HaHaHa! Exactly, Citizen Boss. Take it easy on “Chico” Tannen.

Haha... Well, like I said, I've known fans like Biff all my life. You cannot convince them it's not real. The best you ever get is when they admit that... well, maybe SOME of it is scripted....

ALL of it is scripted, 100% all the time. It HAS to be! It would be impossible to have it both ways and you'd probably end up getting someone seriously hurt far more often than it happens, if that were true.
Based on what I’ve read, I know better than to debate you on wrestling, real or fake. You know your onions. It’s just that farm implements like Chico Tannen and DarkFury really get under my skin. They’re the ones who think that Idol’s neck was actually burned by Lawler’s Cosmic Fireball, it’s Goddamn ridiculous. I would rather watch an hour of a video log burning than a second of that bullshit.
Watching a log burning would be more interesting then watching your ratings fall.
I’ve got you pegged, punk. You’re one of those guys who probably drives a truck, owns a gun or two, goes to church on occasion, and calls them self a “proud American”. Well let me tell you something, Jack. I’m proud too. I’m proud that I can skate by while saps like you and “Chico” Tannen foot my bill. Speaking of feet, I’m proud of those too. The money I save by sponging of your dime I can put toward pedicures and maintain my perfect toes. Not like the knarled toes of that unfortunate blonde yeti with breath that smells like garlic knots that sleeps next to you every night. Now go build a wall and make sure you and your pal “Chico” are on the other side of it.
HaHaHa! Exactly, Citizen Boss. Take it easy on “Chico” Tannen.

Haha... Well, like I said, I've known fans like Biff all my life. You cannot convince them it's not real. The best you ever get is when they admit that... well, maybe SOME of it is scripted....

ALL of it is scripted, 100% all the time. It HAS to be! It would be impossible to have it both ways and you'd probably end up getting someone seriously hurt far more often than it happens, if that were true.
Based on what I’ve read, I know better than to debate you on wrestling, real or fake. You know your onions. It’s just that farm implements like Chico Tannen and DarkFury really get under my skin. They’re the ones who think that Idol’s neck was actually burned by Lawler’s Cosmic Fireball, it’s Goddamn ridiculous. I would rather watch an hour of a video log burning than a second of that bullshit.
Watching a log burning would be more interesting then watching your ratings fall.
I’ve got you pegged, punk. You’re one of those guys who probably drives a truck, owns a gun or two, goes to church on occasion, and calls them self a “proud American”. Well let me tell you something, Jack. I’m proud too. I’m proud that I can skate by while saps like you and “Chico” Tannen foot my bill. Speaking of feet, I’m proud of those too. The money I save by sponging of your dime I can put toward pedicures and maintain my perfect toes. Not like the knarled toes of that unfortunate blonde yeti with breath that smells like garlic knots that sleeps next to you every night. Now go build a wall and make sure you and your pal “Chico” are on the other side of it.

lolz! 21 jump street wants to take a crack at old biff. i do own guns you numnuts! and fuck the mexicans. ill build a wall around your damn house so you can get out and ill do it with real american workers. lol.
read up on it bud. why don't you get out of my thread so real wrestling fans can post. brittle bunch around here.

Hey noobz... you don't get to tell people to get out of your threads here. We have mods and forum rules to take care of that sort of thing. You need to grow some thicker skin.

I want to go back to the video you posted earlier of the guy being thrown off the top of the cage. That one even included the infamous steel chair gag... one of the oldest pro wrestling pratfalls. I always like to joke with die hards about those steel chairs... seems like they'd ban those things around the ring, so many people get hit with them! lol

You want me to explain how the trick works? Notice when he hits his opponent with the chair, he uses the flat part of the chair and hits him in the bow of his back. A pro wrestler's back is the toughest part on their body. Being smacked by the flat part of a steel chair isn't going to hurt them, especially when it's a scripted move and he knows it's coming. Now, if he REALLY wanted to harm the man, why not just turn the chair sideways and chop him in the back with the blunt edge? Well... because that would break his backbone and paralyze him instantly... that's why. Then, when he throws him off the top, why did he throw him face first instead of pushing him off backwards? It was because, face first, the guy is able to use his forearms to break his fall into the plywood table below, which absorbed the energy of his fall.

All of these pratfalls are rehearsed, practiced and scripted. The performers know how to make them look authentic for the audience. It's no more "real" than the bearded lady at the circus.
read up on it bud. why don't you get out of my thread so real wrestling fans can post. brittle bunch around here.

Hey noobz... you don't get to tell people to get out of your threads here. We have mods and forum rules to take care of that sort of thing. You need to grow some thicker skin.

I want to go back to the video you posted earlier of the guy being thrown off the top of the cage. That one even included the infamous steel chair gag... one of the oldest pro wrestling pratfalls. I always like to joke with die hards about those steel chairs... seems like they'd ban those things around the ring, so many people get hit with them! lol

You want me to explain how the trick works? Notice when he hits his opponent with the chair, he uses the flat part of the chair and hits him in the bow of his back. A pro wrestler's back is the toughest part on their body. Being smacked by the flat part of a steel chair isn't going to hurt them, especially when it's a scripted move and he knows it's coming. Now, if he REALLY wanted to harm the man, why not just turn the chair sideways and chop him in the back with the blunt edge? Well... because that would break his backbone and paralyze him instantly... that's why. Then, when he throws him off the top, why did he throw him face first instead of pushing him off backwards? It was because, face first, the guy is able to use his forearms to break his fall into the plywood table below, which absorbed the energy of his fall.

All of these pratfalls are rehearsed, practiced and scripted. The performers know how to make them look authentic for the audience. It's no more "real" than the bearded lady at the circus.

hey boss dont tell me what to do in my thread. i paid to be a supporter. you must be some dumn lib who expects everything for nothing. lolz. get lost you skunk.
HaHaHa! Exactly, Citizen Boss. Take it easy on “Chico” Tannen.

Haha... Well, like I said, I've known fans like Biff all my life. You cannot convince them it's not real. The best you ever get is when they admit that... well, maybe SOME of it is scripted....

ALL of it is scripted, 100% all the time. It HAS to be! It would be impossible to have it both ways and you'd probably end up getting someone seriously hurt far more often than it happens, if that were true.
Based on what I’ve read, I know better than to debate you on wrestling, real or fake. You know your onions. It’s just that farm implements like Chico Tannen and DarkFury really get under my skin. They’re the ones who think that Idol’s neck was actually burned by Lawler’s Cosmic Fireball, it’s Goddamn ridiculous. I would rather watch an hour of a video log burning than a second of that bullshit.
Watching a log burning would be more interesting then watching your ratings fall.
I’ve got you pegged, punk. You’re one of those guys who probably drives a truck, owns a gun or two, goes to church on occasion, and calls them self a “proud American”. Well let me tell you something, Jack. I’m proud too. I’m proud that I can skate by while saps like you and “Chico” Tannen foot my bill. Speaking of feet, I’m proud of those too. The money I save by sponging of your dime I can put toward pedicures and maintain my perfect toes. Not like the knarled toes of that unfortunate blonde yeti with breath that smells like garlic knots that sleeps next to you every night. Now go build a wall and make sure you and your pal “Chico” are on the other side of it.

lolz! 21 jump street wants to take a crack at old biff. i do own guns you numnuts! and fuck the mexicans. ill build a wall around your damn house so you can get out and ill do it with real american workers. lol.
I knew you had guns. They’re probably fake, like your wrestling. I’ll give you, you made some strong points, but I’m LMAO at how Boss has you completely in his pocket. Chicken George was less owned. Let’s get back to the slaughter.
Well, no, it's not a strangle hold (which is illegal, btw). It's actually a very old submission hold. But that is beside the point.

I can't find anything other than speculation from tabloid sources that Benoit used the move to kill his son. Nothing official whatsoever, but so what if he did? That doesn't prove professional wrestling is real. I'm quite sure a 250 lb. grown ass man could pile drive a 7-year-old and kill them. That doesn't make wrestling real.... sorry!

Look... I've known fans like you my whole life. I get it.... you believe it's real! Nothing I can say to you is ever going to convince you otherwise. My uncle was in the business and I personally know people in the business. It's all scripted. It was scripted back in the day just like today. It's not "sometimes it's not" it's always scripted. Their job, just like a magician or illusionist, is to make you believe it is real.

I dont think taker throwing mankind off of the cell was scripted pal. lol

Are you putting on an act now? No one could really be this...

read up on it bud. why don't you get out of my thread so real wrestling fans can post. brittle bunch around here.

Real wrestling fans would talk about REAL wrestling.

you another idot saying that brock lesner and kurt angle arent real wrestlers? ....

They were. Most people over the age of 10 know the difference, sock.
I dont think taker throwing mankind off of the cell was scripted pal. lol

Are you putting on an act now? No one could really be this...

read up on it bud. why don't you get out of my thread so real wrestling fans can post. brittle bunch around here.

Real wrestling fans would talk about REAL wrestling.

you another idot saying that brock lesner and kurt angle arent real wrestlers? ....

They were. Most people over the age of 10 know the difference, sock.

whatever you say captin sparrow. lolz
hey boss dont tell me what to do in my thread. i paid to be a supporter. you must be some dumn lib who expects everything for nothing. lolz. get lost you skunk.

I will tell you what to do and I'll do it as I please. I don't care if you paid to be a supporter. I've been a supporter as well, it's a good thing to do. That doesn't give you special privies. I'm also not a liberal and not a skunk. You just don't like that I am telling you your fantasy about wrestling being real is false. I understand, I hurt your feelings and now you're lashing out.

As I said before, I have an uncle who wrestled professionally and I personally know some people in the business. I haven't dropped any names but they are very well known nationally... actually, their name has been mentioned in this thread already. I have had long conversations with them, sitting around their pool. I'm telling you, as a person who knows first-hand... it's ALL scripted! 100% of the time.
I dont think taker throwing mankind off of the cell was scripted pal. lol

Are you putting on an act now? No one could really be this...

read up on it bud. why don't you get out of my thread so real wrestling fans can post. brittle bunch around here.

Real wrestling fans would talk about REAL wrestling.

you another idot saying that brock lesner and kurt angle arent real wrestlers? ....

They were. Most people over the age of 10 know the difference, sock.
Hahaha. Sock Lol
Haha... Well, like I said, I've known fans like Biff all my life. You cannot convince them it's not real. The best you ever get is when they admit that... well, maybe SOME of it is scripted....

ALL of it is scripted, 100% all the time. It HAS to be! It would be impossible to have it both ways and you'd probably end up getting someone seriously hurt far more often than it happens, if that were true.
Based on what I’ve read, I know better than to debate you on wrestling, real or fake. You know your onions. It’s just that farm implements like Chico Tannen and DarkFury really get under my skin. They’re the ones who think that Idol’s neck was actually burned by Lawler’s Cosmic Fireball, it’s Goddamn ridiculous. I would rather watch an hour of a video log burning than a second of that bullshit.
Watching a log burning would be more interesting then watching your ratings fall.
I’ve got you pegged, punk. You’re one of those guys who probably drives a truck, owns a gun or two, goes to church on occasion, and calls them self a “proud American”. Well let me tell you something, Jack. I’m proud too. I’m proud that I can skate by while saps like you and “Chico” Tannen foot my bill. Speaking of feet, I’m proud of those too. The money I save by sponging of your dime I can put toward pedicures and maintain my perfect toes. Not like the knarled toes of that unfortunate blonde yeti with breath that smells like garlic knots that sleeps next to you every night. Now go build a wall and make sure you and your pal “Chico” are on the other side of it.

lolz! 21 jump street wants to take a crack at old biff. i do own guns you numnuts! and fuck the mexicans. ill build a wall around your damn house so you can get out and ill do it with real american workers. lol.
I knew you had guns. They’re probably fake, like your wrestling. I’ll give you, you made some strong points, but I’m LMAO at how Boss has you completely in his pocket. Chicken George was less owned. Let’s get back to the slaughter.

get lost 21 jump street!
hey boss dont tell me what to do in my thread. i paid to be a supporter. you must be some dumn lib who expects everything for nothing. lolz. get lost you skunk.

I will tell you what to do and I'll do it as I please. I don't care if you paid to be a supporter. I've been a supporter as well, it's a good thing to do. That doesn't give you special privies. I'm also not a liberal and not a skunk. You just don't like that I am telling you your fantasy about wrestling being real is false. I understand, I hurt your feelings and now you're lashing out.

As I said before, I have an uncle who wrestled professionally and I personally know some people in the business. I haven't dropped any names but they are very well known nationally... actually, their name has been mentioned in this thread already. I have had long conversations with them, sitting around their pool. I'm telling you, as a person who knows first-hand... it's ALL scripted! 100% of the time.

lol. you are a skunk until i tell you that your not. who was your stupid uncle? bet i have never heard of him and i know pretty much everything about wrestling.

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