Anybody seen the latest Sea Level numbers?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
a few months ago I opined that NCAR was holding up release of data because of falling levels. instead they added the GIA adjustment to keep the numbers up. now the latest figures show a half centimetre drop. add in the half centimetre adjustment and youre talking a pretty impressive change. like I said before, you can only push the numbers around for so long before you use up all the slack in the system and need to make a big correction.

graphic from NASA
Envisat is the purple line. notice how it is started higher than the other data in 2004
Well our fearless leader finally can claim to have kept a campaign promise:

June 3, 2008, when he clinched the Democratic nomination for President:
". . . .this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals. . . ."

And here I thought he was just a megalamaniac, but it ain't braggin' if you can do it. :)
Matt- you've probably seen the graphic that shows a constant linear trend since the Little Ice Age with a 60 year sine wave added for natural variation of ocean currents etc. this recent slow down is just part of the cycle. the recent AGW meme in climate science is just too tethered into thinking CO2 as the main driver to consider anything else. during the 90s everything made sense and a lot of opinions hardened into belief. now nature is not cooperating and data has been discounted or fudged to support a theory that is less probable by the month. ten years from now there will be quite a few sheepish researchers but we will have a fuller understanding that includes a lot more factors than just CO2.
Its a shame Wire, the algorians are going to circle the wagons and come up with some excuse soon... They are ominously quite on this....
The warmers are being particularly silent on this aren't they?:lol::lol::lol:
No, why?...

... Is Miami an' Los Angeles, an' NYC under water now?...

... Granny got Uncle Ferd out workin' on attachin' pontoons to the side o' the trailer...

... gonna make it a big ol' houseboat.
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The warmers are being particularly silent on this aren't they?:lol::lol::lol:

Yep they are right now waiting for a sign from the goracle..:lol:

Maybe it's because they feel as they read this---> that there science may not be so good and so they need to try to figure out wtf is going. A double take like reaction.

1# Missing heat
2# slowing raise of oceanic temperature
3# slowing raise in global land temperature
4# now dropping sea levels.

Doesn't make any sense...Only reasonable ways for this is either 1# the solar minimum has finally caused enough of a negative to turn the thing in the other direction, or 2# it is all bull shit. Old rocks will agree that something is fishy going on and within science we must find out the whys.
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The warmers are being particularly silent on this aren't they?:lol::lol::lol:

Yep they are right now waiting for a sign from the goracle..:lol:

Maybe it's because they feel as they read this---> that there science may not be so good and so they need to try to figure out wtf is going. A double take like reaction.

1# Missing heat
2# slowing raise of oceanic temperature
3# slowing raise in global land temperature
4# now dropping sea levels.

Doesn't make any sense...Only reasonable ways for this is either 1# the solar minimum has finally caused enough of a negative to turn the thing in the other direction, or 2# it is all bull shit. Old rocks will agree that something is fishy going on and within science we must find out the whys.

Well that's only logical isn't it? Back in the 70's, when it was speculated that we were headed into an ice age, all the talk was on how could we reverse the cooling. And when the admittedly relatively small number of scientists who bought into that had to admit it wasn't happening because we then went into a warming trend, they had to rework the crisis. Both politicians and scientists had to write a new map re global warming to keep grant monies flowing and votes and contributions from the environmental wackos coming in.

So now, what if that isn't happening either? CO2 levels have continued to rise but the warming trend has stalled and may be reversing now? And rather than drowning countless coastal cities, the oceans are beginning to retreat?

I'll bet somebody a great hotdog the next crisis will be something like: "OMG, the oceans are drying up. Our ports will be left high and dry. Countless species living in coastal waters will be doomed. Famine is in the future of all who depend on the sea.

The big question is, will the same people be as gullible and buy into that as passionately as they have global warming?
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Yep they are right now waiting for a sign from the goracle..:lol:

Maybe it's because they feel as they read this---> that there science may not be so good and so they need to try to figure out wtf is going. A double take like reaction.

1# Missing heat
2# slowing raise of oceanic temperature
3# slowing raise in global land temperature
4# now dropping sea levels.

Doesn't make any sense...Only reasonable ways for this is either 1# the solar minimum has finally caused enough of a negative to turn the thing in the other direction, or 2# it is all bull shit. Old rocks will agree that something is fishy going on and within science we must find out the whys.

Well that's only logical isn't it? Back in the 70's, when it was speculated that we were headed into an ice age, all the talk was on how could we reverse the cooling. And when the admittedly relatively small number of scientists who bought into that had to admit it wasn't happening because we then went into a warming trend, they had to rework the crisis. Both politicians and scientists had to write a new map re global warming to keep grant monies flowing and votes and contributions from the environmental wackos coming in.

So now, what if that isn't happening either? CO2 levels have continued to rise but the warming trend has stalled and may be reversing now? And rather than drowning countless coastal cities, the oceans are beginning to retreat?

I'll bet somebody a great hotdog the next crisis will be something like: "OMG, the oceans are drying up. Our ports will be left high and dry. Countless species living in coastal waters will be doomed. Famine is in the future of all who depend on the sea.

The big question is, will the same people be as gullible and buy into that as passionately as they have global warming?

The answer is, "Yes."
Yep they are right now waiting for a sign from the goracle..:lol:

Maybe it's because they feel as they read this---> that there science may not be so good and so they need to try to figure out wtf is going. A double take like reaction.

1# Missing heat
2# slowing raise of oceanic temperature
3# slowing raise in global land temperature
4# now dropping sea levels.

Doesn't make any sense...Only reasonable ways for this is either 1# the solar minimum has finally caused enough of a negative to turn the thing in the other direction, or 2# it is all bull shit. Old rocks will agree that something is fishy going on and within science we must find out the whys.

Well that's only logical isn't it? Back in the 70's, when it was speculated that we were headed into an ice age, all the talk was on how could we reverse the cooling. And when the admittedly relatively small number of scientists who bought into that had to admit it wasn't happening because we then went into a warming trend, they had to rework the crisis. Both politicians and scientists had to write a new map re global warming to keep grant monies flowing and votes and contributions from the environmental wackos coming in.

So now, what if that isn't happening either? CO2 levels have continued to rise but the warming trend has stalled and may be reversing now? And rather than drowning countless coastal cities, the oceans are beginning to retreat?

I'll bet somebody a great hotdog the next crisis will be something like: "OMG, the oceans are drying up. Our ports will be left high and dry. Countless species living in coastal waters will be doomed. Famine is in the future of all who depend on the sea.

The big question is, will the same people be as gullible and buy into that as passionately as they have global warming?

Yes, the collectivist minded people are allways in need of impending doom. they are incapable of just living a good life and being productive and helping others. They just can't be happy. They fundamentally believe that man is evil and all he does is evil.
This means one of two things
1# The sun is a huge part of the climate and it's acting weird
2# There theory sucks and something stinks

Actually Matthew, both statements are correct. Sort of. the Sun is indeed the MAJOR component of our climate and it isn't acting weird. It just is acting normally. We've only been really observing it for the last 100 years so we have no idea what's "normal" for it.

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