Anybody think less of this man than me?

View attachment 533794

Have we had a worse top General than this guy?
I don't care what he said while Trump was president.
I am talking about right now.
He is AT LEAST at much at fault for the Afghanistan FUBAR as Biden.
In the middle of the Taliban going door to door kidnapping young girls, beating people in the streets and letting ISIS in to bomb U.S. soldiers... this fat ass traitor said "the Taliban are significantly helpful to us".
This man needs fired immediately and his stars removed on national television.
But Biden will absolutely do nothing to this failed General because it would be admitting he fucked up.

You do know Afghanistan has been a war zone since 1974, don't you?

Are you sure your information is accurate? Did you get it straight from Gateway Pundit or PJ Media.
View attachment 533794

Have we had a worse top General than this guy?
I don't care what he said while Trump was president.
I am talking about right now.
He is AT LEAST at much at fault for the Afghanistan FUBAR as Biden.
In the middle of the Taliban going door to door kidnapping young girls, beating people in the streets and letting ISIS in to bomb U.S. soldiers... this fat ass traitor said "the Taliban are significantly helpful to us".
This man needs fired immediately and his stars removed on national television.
But Biden will absolutely do nothing to this failed General because it would be admitting he fucked up.
"This guy"???????????????

How do you know that's how he identifies?
View attachment 533794

Have we had a worse top General than this guy?
I don't care what he said while Trump was president.
I am talking about right now.
He is AT LEAST at much at fault for the Afghanistan FUBAR as Biden.
In the middle of the Taliban going door to door kidnapping young girls, beating people in the streets and letting ISIS in to bomb U.S. soldiers... this fat ass traitor said "the Taliban are significantly helpful to us".
This man needs fired immediately and his stars removed on national television.
But Biden will absolutely do nothing to this failed General because it would be admitting he fucked up.
he is the best general the Taliban ever had
He's just another Woke Liberal - surprising for an Infantry commander - but, it happens, I guess, and <bleep> floats to the top... ;)
PC douche nozzle.

Somehow we have denigrated our military from Washington, MacArthur, Patton, Schwarzkopf to this fucking guy. It’s sad to see. And a whole lot concerning.

MacArthur, Patton, and Schwarzkopf were all jerks.

MacArthur wasted thousands of lives island hopping in the Pacific, when that was just for show.
Once the Japanese fleet was sunk, those islands could have and should have been totally ignored.
MacArthur also wanted to keep using nuclear weapons, even after he knew they were so inhumane and illegal.
If MacArthur has used nuclear weapons on China as he wanted to, Russia would have been forced to retaliate, and the US would be a radioactive wasteland for hundreds of year yet.

Patton did understand tanks because of his cavalry background, but he was partially responsible for the US having the worst tanks in the war.
Too small, too light, useless cannon, and not enough armor.
He had no finesse and only used brute force.
It is just a good thing the air force was there to bail him out, and that the Germans put 90% of their forced on the eastern front.

Schwarzkopf was just a criminal. The Kuwaitis had been stealing Iraqi oil with slant drilling, so Iraq had the legal right to invade, and had asked ambassador Glasspie for permission, which the US gave. So the Highway of Death, where we massacred an Iraqi column retreating under a white flag, negotiated truce, was just a war crime that Schwarzkopf should have been executed for. One of the worst war crimes in all history.
View attachment 533794

Have we had a worse top General than this guy?
I don't care what he said while Trump was president.
I am talking about right now.
He is AT LEAST at much at fault for the Afghanistan FUBAR as Biden.
In the middle of the Taliban going door to door kidnapping young girls, beating people in the streets and letting ISIS in to bomb U.S. soldiers... this fat ass traitor said "the Taliban are significantly helpful to us".
This man needs fired immediately and his stars removed on national television.
But Biden will absolutely do nothing to this failed General because it would be admitting he fucked up.

That is silly.
The Taliban has a very strict and moral reputation for honesty and being law abiding.
That is the main complain against them, they are too strict and moral.

The idea they would be "going door to door kidnapping young girls", is just ludicrous.
Not only would the not do that, but all Afghan homes are well armed and it would not at all succeed.

And they certainly have no connection to ISIS, which is most likely a US creation, that is Iraqi Arab, not Afghan or Pashtun, so could not even speak to people in Afghanistan.

Just like the Taliban were our allies in 1979, they could be again.
But I doubt anyone is going to ever trust us again.
MacArthur, Patton, and Schwarzkopf were all jerks.

MacArthur wasted thousands of lives island hopping in the Pacific, when that was just for show.
Once the Japanese fleet was sunk, those islands could have and should have been totally ignored.
MacArthur also wanted to keep using nuclear weapons, even after he knew they were so inhumane and illegal.
If MacArthur has used nuclear weapons on China as he wanted to, Russia would have been forced to retaliate, and the US would be a radioactive wasteland for hundreds of year yet.

Patton did understand tanks because of his cavalry background, but he was partially responsible for the US having the worst tanks in the war.
Too small, too light, useless cannon, and not enough armor.
He had no finesse and only used brute force.
It is just a good thing the air force was there to bail him out, and that the Germans put 90% of their forced on the eastern front.

Schwarzkopf was just a criminal. The Kuwaitis had been stealing Iraqi oil with slant drilling, so Iraq had the legal right to invade, and had asked ambassador Glasspie for permission, which the US gave. So the Highway of Death, where we massacred an Iraqi column retreating under a white flag, negotiated truce, was just a war crime that Schwarzkopf should have been executed for. One of the worst war crimes in all history.
Oh no, not jerks. So much worse than being a CRT faggot. Those other generals won wars. Too bad for you they weren’t fucking Girl Scout quality. Deal with it. Men, ruthless fucking ones win wars. Not faggots like this piece of shit.
Oh no, not jerks. So much worse than being a CRT faggot. Those other generals won wars. Too bad for you they weren’t fucking Girl Scout quality. Deal with it. Men, ruthless fucking ones win wars. Not faggots like this piece of shit.

There is a difference between doing what you have to in order to win, and deliberately trying to see how many lives you can waste for no good reason.

For example, MacArthur did not help win WWII in the Pacific at all. What won WWII in the Pacific was the navy sinking the Japanese fleets, and the air force for mining the shipping lanes between China and Japan.
MacArthur just wasted lives.
The point is the Taliban were never the enemy.
They never attacked us and it was illegal to attack them.
View attachment 533794

Have we had a worse top General than this guy?
I don't care what he said while Trump was president.
I am talking about right now.
He is AT LEAST at much at fault for the Afghanistan FUBAR as Biden.
In the middle of the Taliban going door to door kidnapping young girls, beating people in the streets and letting ISIS in to bomb U.S. soldiers... this fat ass traitor said "the Taliban are significantly helpful to us".
This man needs fired immediately and his stars removed on national television.
But Biden will absolutely do nothing to this failed General because it would be admitting he fucked up.
Are you suggesting the commanding general staff should exercise their privileges and immunities as subject matter specialists once given their task; and let the Congress hold any Inquiries afterward?
The specific question in your title is "

"Anybody think less of this man than me?"​

My specific answer to the comparison you asked for is "no. I hold that man in high regard, and therefore, much higher than you. "
You and 80 million other useful idiots.

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