Anyone Been Contacted by a Deceased Loved One?

I told all of mine to try, and bring me the lottery numbers if they come back!

Being a Christian, I am perplexed: I don't know if your spirit sleeps until you are risen, or if you are cognizant, and can travel / visit. I do know when my Dad died, something sat on the edge of my bed, and my yongest brother's - I was too afraid to look. When my brother looked, he saw nothing, but the corner of the bed severly depressed?

When my oldest sister was killed, my mom claimed that her face appeared in front of her several times in the airport.

The paranormal is scary for many Christians as some churches have attempted to make it a scary thing. To much fear and all. The old Testament prophets were shown by vision. The Lord said He would put instructions into a man in his sleep to hide his pride from him. Pride is very hard to overcome here in this world. Heman= "faithful" of the Bible was given 14 children/begotten. One of those was vision.
In 1993 my husband and I were traveling through Mo. It was the first time I had ever been so far east. We went through a town called Rolla, MO. The next night I awoke with a memory of a vivid dream. My grandfather and I were setting on a wooden porch swing painted white. He told me, "Everything is going to be alright". Grandpa passed away in 1976, he used to tell me a lot of things when I was very small. Grandpa sure did look good though, his white hair was as brilliant as ever but he looked young. Now, I did not know anything was wrong.
The morning after this dream I did have the urge that I needed to get a secretary immediately off my bank account asap, so I called back to Idaho and told my bank to take her off the account as payroll had already gone through for that pay period. They did and said come in and sign as soon as we got back.
That night I called my dad and told him I had the oddest sensation when we came out of the hills going into a town called Rolla, Mo. That was the first I learned that is were grandpa was from.
When we got back to Idaho I had meetings right away. I got home and my husband told me the secretary had jumped him when she could not access our business account. Ultimately she quit. About 6 months later I learned my secretary was attempted to embezzle about $27,000.00. We were able to recover the money she had set aside for herself.
My grandpa was a firm Believer in our Lord Jesus Christ and in Him we live even when the flesh is gone to the grave.
I haven't, and I can say with all honesty, I would love for it to have happened. I am "sensitive" to living people, but apparently not to people after they have died. I have lost a son, my father, and my husband, and if anyone of them would have contacted me, it would have been delightful. I guess that just doesn't happen in my life.
I told all of mine to try, and bring me the lottery numbers if they come back!

Being a Christian, I am perplexed: I don't know if your spirit sleeps until you are risen, or if you are cognizant, and can travel / visit. I do know when my Dad died, something sat on the edge of my bed, and my yongest brother's - I was too afraid to look. When my brother looked, he saw nothing, but the corner of the bed severly depressed?

When my oldest sister was killed, my mom claimed that her face appeared in front of her several times in the airport.

It is my understanding of Christianity that the dead are all supposed to be asleep and incommunicado and knowing nothing until Jesus comes back and raises them up again.
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As he was dying, Harry Houdini made a pact with his wife, Bess, that if he could possibly contact her from the other side, he would. She tried for 10 years to communicate with him to no avail.

After my Mom died I laid in a dark room for three days, talking to her and asking her to please communicate with me. There was nothing. And she and I had been very close.

I don't really believe in any of this. I believe that these experiences people speak of can be explained by natural causes. I can certainly understand why people want to believe they've heard from their loved ones on the "other side." As long as Mankind has existed we've been trying to understand our existence and inevitable death, and hope that there is something beyond this life. I hope so, too.
My grandpop had been dead for several years when I had a dream about him. We were at a family gathering, and he suddenly sat up and said that he had to go.
I followed him outside, and a white light surrounded him. I said that I wanted to go with him, and he told me not to worry, it wasn't my time. Then the light seemed to make him evaporate and he disappeared.

I think this was him contacting me via a dream to let me know he was okay on the other side.
Depends on what you mean by contacted. At my Aunt Norma's funeral I saw a shadow knock on the door of the bathroom stall. Was it her IDK, do ghosts pee? IDK

When My hubby's grandmother passed We think she was trying to tell us something. A jewelry box I had inherited from her got smashed. I'd left it on the center of the bed while we went to have dinner. We heard a crash and it was all over the floor. The thing that was interesting was there was a secret drawer that I hadn't noticed and inside were some gold rings. Had the box not hit the floor who knows if I ever would have discovered it.

When My Aunt Lucy died I knew. The minute the phone rang it popped into my head that she was dead. My grandmother didn't even get the bad news out of her mouth before I said Aunt Lucy's dead isn't she?
My grandpop had been dead for several years when I had a dream about him. We were at a family gathering, and he suddenly sat up and said that he had to go.
I followed him outside, and a white light surrounded him. I said that I wanted to go with him, and he told me not to worry, it wasn't my time. Then the light seemed to make him evaporate and he disappeared.

I think this was him contacting me via a dream to let me know he was okay on the other side.

Not only do they contact me in sleep I also get messages while awake.
Also during sleep in my youth I had prognosticated my life in my dreams.
The current life I live was the end of my dreams. I could go at anytime now.
My grandpop had been dead for several years when I had a dream about him. We were at a family gathering, and he suddenly sat up and said that he had to go.
I followed him outside, and a white light surrounded him. I said that I wanted to go with him, and he told me not to worry, it wasn't my time. Then the light seemed to make him evaporate and he disappeared.

I think this was him contacting me via a dream to let me know he was okay on the other side.

Dreams seem to be a common way for dead loved ones to communicate. A friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver in front of her home. In the chaos her grandfather lost his keys and searched everywhere but couldn't fine them. Right before her wake her grandfather had a dream. He saw my friend and she told him that his keys were outside near a certain tree. when he checked the next morning they were there. Some may say it was his subconscience telling him where he lost his keys but He was adamant it was her.
When my sister died in June this year, I had a dream about her the night before. In my dream she was showing me pictures and one was of herself but not at all how she wore her hair or style.

The next day my mom called said something had happened to my sister and I better get out there, I so flew to Philly and took a cab to the hospital.

At the hospital My sister looked exactly like the photo in my dream, she had chopped her hair off and had it in the same style as the picture I saw of her in my dream.
My mother died about a year and a half before my Dad. She visited me in dreams all the time. Sometime in December, I had a dream that my Mom was waiting for my Dad with a horse to carry him with her. (That's kind of the Reader's Digest version.) The dream disturbed me so much, I called my brother to ask if anything was wrong with Dad. He told me that my father was confined to a wheelchair and unable to care for himself. Dad failed quickly and died in Sep of that year (my Mom's birthday was in Sep.) After Dad died, I didn't dream about either of them for many years. What's kind of disturbing right now is, I have started dreaming about my parents again. They are waiting at home for me. Needless to say, I wonder whether I have much longer, or not.
I have other tales.
i have felt the presence of my deceased grandmother, and also my mother after she passed. Nothing was said i just a feeling of peace come over me. It was a difficult time but I can stil feel their presence if I go into a more meditative state.
My mother died about a year and a half before my Dad. She visited me in dreams all the time. Sometime in December, I had a dream that my Mom was waiting for my Dad with a horse to carry him with her. (That's kind of the Reader's Digest version.) The dream disturbed me so much, I called my brother to ask if anything was wrong with Dad. He told me that my father was confined to a wheelchair and unable to care for himself. Dad failed quickly and died in Sep of that year (my Mom's birthday was in Sep.) After Dad died, I didn't dream about either of them for many years. What's kind of disturbing right now is, I have started dreaming about my parents again. They are waiting at home for me. Needless to say, I wonder whether I have much longer, or not.
I have other tales.

I wish there was a way to feel connected like how dreams feel.

I hate waking up and knowing she's gone.
When my sister died in June this year, I had a dream about her the night before. In my dream she was showing me pictures and one was of herself but not at all how she wore her hair or style.

The next day my mom called said something had happened to my sister and I better get out there, I so flew to Philly and took a cab to the hospital.

At the hospital My sister looked exactly like the photo in my dream, she had chopped her hair off and had it in the same style as the picture I saw of her in my dream.

Wow. Tell me there isn't something too all of this. I'm so very sorry for you loss, drifter. 2013 has been an especially crappy year, hasn't it?

There are so many small, seemingly not-connected things that occurred during this summer. My parents moved last Oct (2012) from the home they lived in for nearly 50 years to a retirement community. Their house address was 6013, the retirement address was 6103. Their last name started with 'F', the retirement wing of the building was 'F'. When we went to pick out the vault (what the coffin goes into in the ground) we find out that the guy who handles that was our next door neighbor's nephew when we were kids at our old house. My brothers played ball and stuff with him. My aunt (my mom's sister who died two days before my dad) was also buried there, so her kids (my cousins) also met this guy. Turns out, he knew them as well. On the prayer cards we picked out for my dad, we got a picture of eagles flying over a mountain and the mountain had a faint impression of the flag. During his burial there were hawks flying all over the place, way up high. My aunt died May 28, my dad died May 30, my mom fell and broke her hip June 2 and died June 10. None of them had to attend the funeral of the other and my mom was only sad for six days, from when her sister died till she fell and broke her hip and then she was on heavy morphine. Six days. On the seventh she rested. My brother moved back here from another state. He just made settlement Oct 4. Exactly one year after we moved my parents into their new place. There are other things but ... there are just so many little things here and there but when you step back and look it just makes you wonder.

I've only had two dreams of my mom. One was that I told her I missed her. The other was there were some bills to pay and they were all ready to go, just needed a signature, and she was standing to the left of me and said 'This is your home'. I wasn't at our house now, wasn't at our old house, wasn't at the house I grew up in, wasn't at an unfamiliar place (indicating that we moved). I was standing in the living room of my apartment I had before I got married. :eek: Wonder what that dream meant? lol

I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences. I'm still waiting for ... I don't know -- something. I do notice a lot of hawks flying around all over the place. More so than usual.
When my sister died in June this year, I had a dream about her the night before. In my dream she was showing me pictures and one was of herself but not at all how she wore her hair or style.

The next day my mom called said something had happened to my sister and I better get out there, I so flew to Philly and took a cab to the hospital.

At the hospital My sister looked exactly like the photo in my dream, she had chopped her hair off and had it in the same style as the picture I saw of her in my dream.

Wow. Tell me there isn't something too all of this. I'm so very sorry for you loss, drifter. 2013 has been an especially crappy year, hasn't it?

There are so many small, seemingly not-connected things that occurred during this summer. My parents moved last Oct (2012) from the home they lived in for nearly 50 years to a retirement community. Their house address was 6013, the retirement address was 6103. Their last name started with 'F', the retirement wing of the building was 'F'. When we went to pick out the vault (what the coffin goes into in the ground) we find out that the guy who handles that was our next door neighbor's nephew when we were kids at our old house. My brothers played ball and stuff with him. My aunt (my mom's sister who died two days before my dad) was also buried there, so her kids (my cousins) also met this guy. Turns out, he knew them as well. On the prayer cards we picked out for my dad, we got a picture of eagles flying over a mountain and the mountain had a faint impression of the flag. During his burial there were hawks flying all over the place, way up high. My aunt died May 28, my dad died May 30, my mom fell and broke her hip June 2 and died June 10. None of them had to attend the funeral of the other and my mom was only sad for six days, from when her sister died till she fell and broke her hip and then she was on heavy morphine. Six days. On the seventh she rested. My brother moved back here from another state. He just made settlement Oct 4. Exactly one year after we moved my parents into their new place. There are other things but ... there are just so many little things here and there but when you step back and look it just makes you wonder.

I've only had two dreams of my mom. One was that I told her I missed her. The other was there were some bills to pay and they were all ready to go, just needed a signature, and she was standing to the left of me and said 'This is your home'. I wasn't at our house now, wasn't at our old house, wasn't at the house I grew up in, wasn't at an unfamiliar place (indicating that we moved). I was standing in the living room of my apartment I had before I got married. :eek: Wonder what that dream meant? lol

I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences. I'm still waiting for ... I don't know -- something. I do notice a lot of hawks flying around all over the place. More so than usual.

Thanks for sharing that, there were alot of connections when I look back as well, my cousin died and he lived back east, after that my dad died and my sister had gone off the wagon into a serious drinking binge, she went back east to try and sober up and was bonding with our living cousin whose brother had died, she seemed to be doing well and didn't want to go back to her husband and kids, she enrolled in college and was sober.

But a week before she died she relapsed again, the night she died she had taken an overdose of sleeping pills.

Anyway long story short she committed suicide and the night she did it I had dreamed about her. She had cut her hair short in the dream and when I saw her at the hospital it was also the case.

It's been very sad for my whole family, but also as you mentioned I had dreams and also sometimes even when awake pictures of scenes would come over me and I had no context to put them in until after different deaths happened.

My sister died on june 10th 2013 and so it's only been 4 months it still feels fresh for me.

I am really glad you shared though because it is a reminder how we are all going through things and how things are also connected in the universe.
drifter --- my mom died on the same day as your sister. June 10, 2013. It sure is still fresh, isn't it?

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