Anyone Contemplating?,We May Have To Settle For A Cruz/Rubio Ticket To Beat Hillary?

:iagree: Being we all know how the far left will find ways to steal the election in purple states, an Hispanic Ticket may be the only plan to beat the rats. You know that if Hillary still shows a 10 point deficit in most swing states, the left will find a way to register people that don't exist, or "Barely Legal".
Its a fair assumption that its going to be any combination of Trump/Cruz/Rubio.
We just have to wait to see how the polls look next summer. We may need to have Rubio on the ticket being he is the one who can beat Hillary.
Any thoughts? Comments? :rolleyes:

It doesn't matter who is nominated. Hillary doesn't have a prayer. If exit polls are conducted, it will be seen that she doesn't have enough support to get more than 35 to 40% of the population voting for her.

The only people that will believe that she won the election are folks that ONLY watch TV and gobble up MS CFR publications. Anyone that looks at scientific exit polls will know the truth.

Why do you think the state never let's in UN observers? BOTH parties don't want this, the elites don't want that. There is no difference in either party. It's a grand facade to protect the FED. It's a damned ponzi scheme.

Frankly, I'm okay with her being president. Let the whole system burn. Burn the fucker to the ground. If they do this, they don't do it in the people's name, you know that, don't you?

Doom Paul / It's Happening: Image Gallery | Know Your Meme
what we need to hope for is that all red state governors make sure they dont all of a sudden find 100,000 new residents to their states. like,,huh? now where did all of these people come from?

Well, globalists are evil and nasty, but they are also cheap. I doubt they are going to import that many folks. And the poor don't have that much money to travel.

100,000 might actually make a lot of work for the people and create jobs. It takes money to move people, feed people, house people, etc.

As long as the private sector and local people have control over their own affairs, it shouldn't be too much trouble.

You should be wary of Cruz though. The Dominionists are dangerous to the Bill of Rights. I haven't studied them in depth, but that is the Christian version of radical fundamentalism.

The Deception Of Dominion Theology

Ted Cruz, Dominionism and Jesus

Deporting illegals would cost about 300 billion, it cost tax payers 100 billion a year take care of them and in 3 years 300 billion. Take that same money we take care of them with, to deport them. Deport the illegals and put Americans back to work again, while keeping illegals out and jobs in. Works for me, unless you're going to defend the illegals staying, instead of defending our Americans to have jobs. There are 8 million unemployed and 11 million illegals, say maybe half are children, that fixes the job economy. But I'm sure you will complicate things and spin it with socialist emotional rhetoric.


Third highest ratings for a presidential debate with the largest segment being the 25-50 bracket. Let's see what kind of crowd Bartles and James draw on a Saturday night just before Christmas
Third highest ratings for a presidential debate with the largest segment being the 25-50 bracket. Let's see what kind of crowd Bartles and James draw on a Saturday night just before Christmas

I'm a Democrat and I probably won't watch the debate but I made sure not to miss the GOP debate. Who doesn't love a circus?
Third highest ratings for a presidential debate with the largest segment being the 25-50 bracket. Let's see what kind of crowd Bartles and James draw on a Saturday night just before Christmas

I'm a Democrat and I probably won't watch the debate but I made sure not to miss the GOP debate. Who doesn't love a circus?
You've got to know that the majority reason viewers tuned in was to hear their positions. Are you that confident that you know your chosen candidate's stance on the issues? Or are you so locked in that your fingers are in your ears and vote is already cast?
We may need to have Rubio on the ticket being he is the one who can beat Hillary.

:laugh::lmao::laugh2: :laugh: :laugh: :lmao::laugh2::lmao: :laugh:

Rubio is wet behind the ears, low in the polls, not a household name, and too nice. Hillary would chew him up and spit him out. Trump and Hillary are Mayweather vs Pacquiao, opposed to Rubio and Hillary being Rhonda Rousey vs Holly Holm, whereas Rubio is a great knockout presenter but not a good defender against attacks. Rubio can dish it out but he can't take it. Trump on the other hand would be like Money Mayweather and boast about his great record but back it up in the debate. Floyd is not a knockout fighter, but like Trump, he will get under your skin and frustrate his opponents. Trump is the equivalent of a modern day Sun Tzu and Machiavelli which said "every battle is won before it is fault" and "it is better to be feared than loved". Muhammad Ali utilized this strategy well by taunting and breaking down his opponents outside the ring just like Trump does.




I think Cruz may be even more a fascist in philosophy than The Donald, who is simply a tyrant.

One of those two and Forino?
I think that's going to be it. The demographics are too close for Rubio and Cruz, the VP pick is designed to scoop up a bunch of new support and Hillary will be the nominee for Dems. A woman would sway many to jump ship.
I believe Hillary beats Cruz and Rubio among hispanics. Plus, who do you think Hillary's VP pick is going to be? An old white guy? :badgrin:

Liberal Hypocrisy at its finest: La Raza-led initiative to tell Latinos how oppressive and racist the GOP is when they would be the one ticket that is all Latino. We would also witness the undertone of Liberals trying to tell US that Cruz and Rubio are not real Latinos when in fact, they are just as Latino as Obama is Black.
The GOP is going to put Trump to good use bashing Hillary after he loses the Republican nomination.

All that punching of his fellow candidates he has been doing will turn on Hillary later next year.

Fun times.

The GOP candidate, whoever it is, will be able to act like a gentleman boxer while Trump brings his WWE background to do all the finishing moves. The Superfly Splash, the Running Neckbreaker, the Dungeon Lock...

"She's probably got a Swiss bank account for all the money she's stolen. I don't know. Maybe."

"She will get us nuked by Iran. Believe me."

"She'll take more time off then Hopey McChangepants. She's didn't come out the other side of that menopause in good shape, you know."
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