Anyone Contemplating?,We May Have To Settle For A Cruz/Rubio Ticket To Beat Hillary?

I think Cruz may be even more a fascist in philosophy than The Donald, who is simply a tyrant.







Just because all horses asses are Republicans doesn't mean all Republicans are horses asses.... though I'll bet it's close.
:iagree: Being we all know how the far left will find ways to steal the election in purple states, an Hispanic Ticket may be the only plan to beat the rats. You know that if Hillary still shows a 10 point deficit in most swing states, the left will find a way to register people that don't exist, or "Barely Legal".
Its a fair assumption that its going to be any combination of Trump/Cruz/Rubio.
We just have to wait to see how the polls look next summer. We may need to have Rubio on the ticket being he is the one who can beat Hillary.
Any thoughts? Comments? :rolleyes:
If the Big Quack consistently polls 10% above no2 in the primaries, how can he not be the nominee? I don't think he'd spend the money to run as an indep, but I don't think the Trumpeters will turn out if he's not the nominee.
well what if Hillary has another heart or brain attack next summer, who's next? O'Malley/Wasserman ticket?
Cruz and Rubio poll lower with latinos than Romney did.

That's because latinos aren't morons.

Conservatives, don't delude yourself that latinos will vote for those clowns.

Oh, the first lady is not required to be the spouse of the president. Other presidents have had a family friend or a daughter take that position. Most likely, Chelsea will assume role for President Hillary.
Oh, the first lady is not required to be the spouse of the president. Other presidents have had a family friend or a daughter take that position. Most likely, Chelsea will assume role for President Hillary.

Are you so deluded you think Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky would share the spotlight with anyone? Only one that makes sense is for Bill to pull a Bruce Jenner. Besides, if he does it before the election it would enhance her chances of not being thrown under The Democrat Party bus!

But not by much tho I hope you won't tell HER.
Cruz and Rubio poll lower with latinos than Romney did.

That's because latinos aren't morons.

Conservatives, don't delude yourself that latinos will vote for those clowns.

Oh, the first lady is not required to be the spouse of the president. Other presidents have had a family friend or a daughter take that position. Most likely, Chelsea will assume role for President Hillary.

Like Hillary said, "What Difference Does It Make?"
:iagree: Being we all know how the far left will find ways to steal the election in purple states, an Hispanic Ticket may be the only plan to beat the rats. You know that if Hillary still shows a 10 point deficit in most swing states, the left will find a way to register people that don't exist, or "Barely Legal".
Its a fair assumption that its going to be any combination of Trump/Cruz/Rubio.
We just have to wait to see how the polls look next summer. We may need to have Rubio on the ticket being he is the one who can beat Hillary.
Any thoughts? Comments? :rolleyes:
when you say we on the left finds ways for the left to seal the election, is this theft caused by letting all citizens vote ??? is that how we are stealing it??? causing we on the left win the election ... I guess one mans Idea of voting is another mans Idea of stealing the amazes me when you hear of republicans saying we have to have voters Id's to vote then when we on the left go and get those voter Id's, that you republicans then close down the voter Id offices so we on the left can't get a voters Id card I guess that is stealing the election in your mind huh??? .... because to many of us lefties are getting voter Id's cards it seems to me you have a demented Idea of who is stealing what...:rock:

easy, Liberals have ZERO morals. There is not an honest Liberal in all of any Government.
1.) Fill out any and all Absentee ballots sent to any house. Return for votes. The Absentee votes where they are existing (another state).
2.) Double vote across state lines. CLEVE lady voted 6 times for BHO.
3.) Provisional Ballotsgive out to anyone who shows up in CA (for instance). Where do those ballots go? They only use them if Tight race? yeah right.
4.) Use Absentee to register dead and or pets at address.

any other?

You got that right!!

View attachment 57158
you are stupid its obvious you have no Idea how absentee ballots work ... you can only get one each one is base on a social security number matching the person name ... you say the stupidest shit
:iagree: Being we all know how the far left will find ways to steal the election in purple states, an Hispanic Ticket may be the only plan to beat the rats. You know that if Hillary still shows a 10 point deficit in most swing states, the left will find a way to register people that don't exist, or "Barely Legal".
Its a fair assumption that its going to be any combination of Trump/Cruz/Rubio.
We just have to wait to see how the polls look next summer. We may need to have Rubio on the ticket being he is the one who can beat Hillary.
Any thoughts? Comments? :rolleyes:
when you say we on the left finds ways for the left to seal the election, is this theft caused by letting all citizens vote ??? is that how we are stealing it??? causing we on the left win the election ... I guess one mans Idea of voting is another mans Idea of stealing the amazes me when you hear of republicans saying we have to have voters Id's to vote then when we on the left go and get those voter Id's, that you republicans then close down the voter Id offices so we on the left can't get a voters Id card I guess that is stealing the election in your mind huh??? .... because to many of us lefties are getting voter Id's cards it seems to me you have a demented Idea of who is stealing what...:rock:

easy, Liberals have ZERO morals. There is not an honest Liberal in all of any Government.
1.) Fill out any and all Absentee ballots sent to any house. Return for votes. The Absentee votes where they are existing (another state).
2.) Double vote across state lines. CLEVE lady voted 6 times for BHO.
3.) Provisional Ballotsgive out to anyone who shows up in CA (for instance). Where do those ballots go? They only use them if Tight race? yeah right.
4.) Use Absentee to register dead and or pets at address.

any other?

You got that right!!

View attachment 57158
you are stupid its obvious you have no Idea how absentee ballots work ... you can only get one each one is base on a social security number matching the person name ... you say the stupidest shit

My wife and I have voted with absentee ballots since we were 65 years old. I think it's OK
He was told to get rid of the skeletons in his closet.

Yeah, but try to separate Trump from his trophies.

Wait, considering his wives...never mind.

Well, honestly now . . .

View attachment 57155
isn' that just like a republican that thinks with their dicks instead of their brains ... hell no I wouldn't want any thing that has the trump name on it in the white house

Maybe this is more to your tastes?
like I said seems you're dirt stupid can't think for yourself
:iagree: Being we all know how the far left will find ways to steal the election in purple states, an Hispanic Ticket may be the only plan to beat the rats. You know that if Hillary still shows a 10 point deficit in most swing states, the left will find a way to register people that don't exist, or "Barely Legal".
Its a fair assumption that its going to be any combination of Trump/Cruz/Rubio.
We just have to wait to see how the polls look next summer. We may need to have Rubio on the ticket being he is the one who can beat Hillary.
Any thoughts? Comments? :rolleyes:
when you say we on the left finds ways for the left to seal the election, is this theft caused by letting all citizens vote ??? is that how we are stealing it??? causing we on the left win the election ... I guess one mans Idea of voting is another mans Idea of stealing the amazes me when you hear of republicans saying we have to have voters Id's to vote then when we on the left go and get those voter Id's, that you republicans then close down the voter Id offices so we on the left can't get a voters Id card I guess that is stealing the election in your mind huh??? .... because to many of us lefties are getting voter Id's cards it seems to me you have a demented Idea of who is stealing what...:rock:

easy, Liberals have ZERO morals. There is not an honest Liberal in all of any Government.
1.) Fill out any and all Absentee ballots sent to any house. Return for votes. The Absentee votes where they are existing (another state).
2.) Double vote across state lines. CLEVE lady voted 6 times for BHO.
3.) Provisional Ballotsgive out to anyone who shows up in CA (for instance). Where do those ballots go? They only use them if Tight race? yeah right.
4.) Use Absentee to register dead and or pets at address.

any other?

You got that right!!

View attachment 57158
you are stupid its obvious you have no Idea how absentee ballots work ... you can only get one each one is base on a social security number matching the person name ... you say the stupidest shit

My wife and I have voted with absentee ballots since we were 65 years old. I think it's OK
I've been voting absentee sense the first one was offered to us over 40 years I think ... the person called "num nuts" thinks you can get 4 or 5 absentee ballots to cheat when you vote ... as you know and anyone with a brain knows you can only get one
:iagree: Being we all know how the far left will find ways to steal the election in purple states, an Hispanic Ticket may be the only plan to beat the rats. You know that if Hillary still shows a 10 point deficit in most swing states, the left will find a way to register people that don't exist, or "Barely Legal".
Its a fair assumption that its going to be any combination of Trump/Cruz/Rubio.
We just have to wait to see how the polls look next summer. We may need to have Rubio on the ticket being he is the one who can beat Hillary.
Any thoughts? Comments? :rolleyes:
We could have a Christie/ Cruz ticket...if only Chris hadn't blown up that bridge.....
Trump would expose Hillary failure as Secretary of State, short term Secretary, questionable leave of office, deleted gov email top secret documents, Benghazi blunder, false claims of Muhammad offensive video causing attacks, defending radicals actions as a sympathizer and apologizing for offending Muhammad, locking up an American that she said caused the uproar which led to Benghazi attacks, 2007 primary loss, covering up husband affairs, Whitewater scandal, using women for votes, socialism, welfare, weak on Isis, illegal immigrants, allowing terrorist enter USA, harboring terrorist, releasing terrorist, also being a Black Panther Part lawyer and Alinsky commy bitch


Everything you've said has been proven to be a LIE.

You need to catch up!

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