Anyone Else Getting Tired of Hearing About More Sanctions Against North Korea?


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
I am very tired of this garbage. I say stop the sanctions and let the bombings begin.
I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.
Russia, China Hit Back After U.S. Criticizes Them Over North Korea Crisis
Russia, China Hit Back After U.S. Criticizes Them Over North Korea Crisis

Liu said both Washington and Pyongyang have ignored calls by the UN Security Council to de-escalate tensions and relaunch six-party negotiations as proposed by Beijing and Moscow.

North Korea has continued its missile tests, Liu said, while the United States has raised tensions by refusing to rule out military options and deploying an advanced antimissile system to South Korea that challenges the security of China and Russia as well.

The Chinese ambassador, in criticisms aimed at the United States, said implementation of Security Council resolutions is also being hampered by unilateral sanctions and "preconditions put to starting the dialogue" with Pyongyang.

The Trump administration has been pursuing a strategy of pressuring Pyongyang through new unilateral sanctions and appealing to China to use its influence while declaring that all options, including a targeted military strike, are on the table to block North Korea from carrying out threats against the United States and its allies in the region.

China has proposed that both sides back down from their current course toward military confrontation, with North Korea refraining from any further missile or nuclear tests, and the United States refraining from further military exercises or deployments in the region."

The global elites in the West want war, they need war. They have an economic system that is disintegrating, and an internal civil war that is collapsing their Deep State power structure.

They have had a liberal democratic paradigm for over 150 years and will have to turn to autocratic soft police state soon as their populations are waking up. Something must be done.

Hell, even Germany and Russia seem to be moving into coalition.

If the idiot plebes in the US start demanding war over a non-existent N. Korean threat, the MSM really have them completely brainwashed.

President Trump Tweet Hints Of "Danger Ahead"
I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
Let me guess ... you sat behind the OP in detention, right?

I warned you it was contagious ---- neither one of you make any damn sense.
I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
Let me guess ... you sat behind the OP in detention, right?

I warned you it was contagious ---- neither one of you make any damn sense.
Sorry, I'm not the best writer in the world. Most folks don't have a problem taking my meaning. I suppose you might just be slow.
Personally, I think there is much more going on that nobody truly knows. For example...Putin and Trump. They are buds. "Gonna be all tough with ya Putin, but for now, pour me another vodka" and Putin responds "yeah, I know. And I'm gonna flex and poke ya back, buddy. Pass the salt, my venison is not seasoned enough" and they sit there and chuckle about their next chess moves and everyone else are the pawns.
I think China is at the next table playing as well, and all are just hanging out and plotting their next moves while the rest of the world scrambles as they chuckle over their drinks.

Concerning NK, I think fatty needs to think of his people who probably wish a bomb would drop on his fat head so they can eat again. Then again, maybe Fatty is sitting at the chess set in front of China that is conveniently within arms reach of Putin's vodka he is passing around.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.

As always you have so much wisdom to share.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.

Oh, and about those new sanctions? What have they done? They just give Fat Boy Kim more reason to keep doing missile and nuclear tests.

North Korea vows retaliation over new sanctions, says nuclear missile program non-negotiable - CBS News
I am very tired of this garbage. I say stop the sanctions and let the bombings begin.

So they can start bombing us as well? And bombing S.Korea and Japan?

Bombing us from across the Pacific? Multiple ICBM's raining down on us all over the continent from tiny N. Korea 6,500 miles away? Gee, we really HAVE waited too long to deal with this! Had we acted just ONE YEAR AGO under Obama, this would not be possible. Maybe we should send them a box of chocolates? Go to them with our tail between our legs asking them to please not bomb us? They are going to start bombing those other people anyway at the slightest provocation, wouldn't that be a great piece of propaganda for Kim to say to his people that he made the recalcitrant USA back down? If Kim does not listen to China and KNOCK IT OFF, it will come to war. This is a country no bigger than Florida. There will be casualties but not for very long; and you can hang your hat on those deaths from a passive, do-nothing Obama; N. Korea rose to being a global threat under HIS watch!

You want another World War?

Please be serious. With Kim Kong-Un aiming nuclear missiles at us threatening to devastate our country, do you really think the WORLD is going to go to war against us for not waiting for it to happen? WHICH COUNTRY will go to WAR with the United States attacking us first over North Korea???

End our provocation? HOW LONG have we been trying to talk diplomacy with him, directly and through others? What shall we end to have peace with Kim, stop defending S. Korea and Japan?

Not only are we contractually bound to protect them, but the moment we pulled totally out of those countries to acquiesce to his demands, there would be a military aggression launched against those countries to seize control of them.

China holds the cards; not only is having a nuclear Japan or S. Korea under our control right in their backyard the last thing China wants, but also to lose trade deals with the USA------ Chinese economy depends on heavy trade with the USA
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I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
Feeding his uncle to his dogs. Torturing to death thousands of people, some of whom simply for not crying enough when he shows up to parades. He's a tyrant. It's not propaganda.
The only thing we need to do is blow up every test missile BEFORE it ever gets off the launch pad. We've played nice with these idiots for decades.

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