Anyone Else Getting Tired of Hearing About More Sanctions Against North Korea?

Sanctions are an act of war.

Sanctions do not hurt the Governments or Rulers of the countries they are sanctioning, they only hurt the citizens.
I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
Feeding his uncle to his dogs. Torturing to death thousands of people, some of whom simply for not crying enough when he shows up to parades. He's a tyrant. It's not propaganda.
Like I said, folks in the west want to believe the propaganda because it makes the evil and immoral policies of the BIS and their overlords easier to swallow.

Does that mean the corrupt and dysfunctional regime of N. Korea isn't sick? Absolutely not. But it does mean that war certainly isn't the answer. It would only make matters much worse, both for N. Korea, and for all who participate in said war.

It Turns Out Kim Jong-un's Uncle Was Not Fed To A Pack Of Wild Dogs
It Turns Out Kim Jong-un's Uncle Was Not Fed To A Pack Of Wild Dogs
In a rare interview with Sky News, North Korea's ambassador to the U.K. Hyun Hak-bong said that Jang was put on trial and confessed to what he did wrong.

"According to the laws by the criminal court he was sentenced to death. Well he was shot to death," Hyun said.

Hyun added that the country had "pardoned him on several occasions when he made wrongdoings in the past." Jang reportedly "abused his power" by spending too much money and hindering the national economy.

Hyun also said a report by South Korea's state news agency alleging that Kim ordered the execution of his uncle's entire family was "political propaganda by our enemies" and that it was fabricated. The news agency, Yonhap, is known for its anti-North Korean bias.

True or False: Crazy Stories About North Korea and Kim Jong-un

True or False: Crazy Stories About North Korea and Kim Jong-un

When Kim Jong-il died, North Koreans were punished if they did not cry hard enough in public.


Image via BBC
True or False?: False

It was a bizarre, surreal sight. Kim Jong-il had just died, and thousands of North Koreans were out in public, wailing and crying hysterically. Some got down on their knees and pounded the ground. Soon, the rumor spread that these people were being paid in food to mourn, or that they were threatened with imprisonment or death if they didn't cry hard enough.

But beyond gossip, nothing concrete has emerged to corroborate that claim. Public, demonstrative grief is actually a traditional aspect of many Asian cultures. And besides, most of the grief was probably real. Even if he was an awful man, it's a prime example of learning to love your abuser—he's the only "Dear Leader" that many of these people knew.

I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
Feeding his uncle to his dogs. Torturing to death thousands of people, some of whom simply for not crying enough when he shows up to parades. He's a tyrant. It's not propaganda.
Like I said, folks in the west want to believe the propaganda because it makes the evil and immoral policies of the BIS and their overlords easier to swallow.

Does that mean the corrupt and dysfunctional regime of N. Korea isn't sick? Absolutely not. But it does mean that war certainly isn't the answer. It would only make matters much worse, both for N. Korea, and for all who participate in said war.

It Turns Out Kim Jong-un's Uncle Was Not Fed To A Pack Of Wild Dogs
It Turns Out Kim Jong-un's Uncle Was Not Fed To A Pack Of Wild Dogs
In a rare interview with Sky News, North Korea's ambassador to the U.K. Hyun Hak-bong said that Jang was put on trial and confessed to what he did wrong.

"According to the laws by the criminal court he was sentenced to death. Well he was shot to death," Hyun said.

Hyun added that the country had "pardoned him on several occasions when he made wrongdoings in the past." Jang reportedly "abused his power" by spending too much money and hindering the national economy.

Hyun also said a report by South Korea's state news agency alleging that Kim ordered the execution of his uncle's entire family was "political propaganda by our enemies" and that it was fabricated. The news agency, Yonhap, is known for its anti-North Korean bias.

True or False: Crazy Stories About North Korea and Kim Jong-un

True or False: Crazy Stories About North Korea and Kim Jong-un

When Kim Jong-il died, North Koreans were punished if they did not cry hard enough in public.


Image via BBC
True or False?: False

It was a bizarre, surreal sight. Kim Jong-il had just died, and thousands of North Koreans were out in public, wailing and crying hysterically. Some got down on their knees and pounded the ground. Soon, the rumor spread that these people were being paid in food to mourn, or that they were threatened with imprisonment or death if they didn't cry hard enough.

But beyond gossip, nothing concrete has emerged to corroborate that claim. Public, demonstrative grief is actually a traditional aspect of many Asian cultures. And besides, most of the grief was probably real. Even if he was an awful man, it's a prime example of learning to love your abuser—he's the only "Dear Leader" that many of these people knew.

Yes we should believe him... I mean did you expect him to admit in an interview they fed him to dogs? :lmao:

What about shooting people with airplane machine guns?
Sanctions are an act of war.

Sanctions do not hurt the Governments or Rulers of the countries they are sanctioning, they only hurt the citizens.

That's on the government and/or rulers.

Yes, the governments that order economic sanctions are responsible for more human suffering.

We need to stay out of the affairs of other nations unless we have a compelling national interest.
I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
Feeding his uncle to his dogs. Torturing to death thousands of people, some of whom simply for not crying enough when he shows up to parades. He's a tyrant. It's not propaganda.
Like I said, folks in the west want to believe the propaganda because it makes the evil and immoral policies of the BIS and their overlords easier to swallow.

Does that mean the corrupt and dysfunctional regime of N. Korea isn't sick? Absolutely not. But it does mean that war certainly isn't the answer. It would only make matters much worse, both for N. Korea, and for all who participate in said war.

It Turns Out Kim Jong-un's Uncle Was Not Fed To A Pack Of Wild Dogs
It Turns Out Kim Jong-un's Uncle Was Not Fed To A Pack Of Wild Dogs
In a rare interview with Sky News, North Korea's ambassador to the U.K. Hyun Hak-bong said that Jang was put on trial and confessed to what he did wrong.

"According to the laws by the criminal court he was sentenced to death. Well he was shot to death," Hyun said.

Hyun added that the country had "pardoned him on several occasions when he made wrongdoings in the past." Jang reportedly "abused his power" by spending too much money and hindering the national economy.

Hyun also said a report by South Korea's state news agency alleging that Kim ordered the execution of his uncle's entire family was "political propaganda by our enemies" and that it was fabricated. The news agency, Yonhap, is known for its anti-North Korean bias.

True or False: Crazy Stories About North Korea and Kim Jong-un

True or False: Crazy Stories About North Korea and Kim Jong-un

When Kim Jong-il died, North Koreans were punished if they did not cry hard enough in public.


Image via BBC
True or False?: False

It was a bizarre, surreal sight. Kim Jong-il had just died, and thousands of North Koreans were out in public, wailing and crying hysterically. Some got down on their knees and pounded the ground. Soon, the rumor spread that these people were being paid in food to mourn, or that they were threatened with imprisonment or death if they didn't cry hard enough.

But beyond gossip, nothing concrete has emerged to corroborate that claim. Public, demonstrative grief is actually a traditional aspect of many Asian cultures. And besides, most of the grief was probably real. Even if he was an awful man, it's a prime example of learning to love your abuser—he's the only "Dear Leader" that many of these people knew.

Yes we should believe him... I mean did you expect him to admit in an interview they fed him to dogs? :lmao:

What about shooting people with airplane machine guns?

IOW, you will believe any war propaganda lies made up by your overlords w/o proof? Is that what you are saying?

Come on, wise up already.

I looked for evidence of these claims, and could find none. Sorry.
I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
Let me guess ... you sat behind the OP in detention, right?

I warned you it was contagious ---- neither one of you make any damn sense.
Sorry, I'm not the best writer in the world. Most folks don't have a problem taking my meaning. I suppose you might just be slow.
Oh, I understood .... it was your inane stupidity that boggles the mind.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.

As always you have so much wisdom to share.
As always you are dumber than a box of rocks.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.

Your naivete is only exceeded by your apparent lack of understanding of political and economic reality.
I don't want a war with them...but that fat asshole needs a dose of what he has been dishing. What that could be, I have no clue.
Most of our visceral hatred toward the dictator of N. Korea is American propaganda. It is the same for most Americans hatred toward Hillary, Trump, Putin, etc.

In order to be on board for a war, the elite media first needs to make you hate the person in charge of the nation, and the regime in charge.

Gracie, if it weren't for the fact that you are a decent and loving person that knows in the soul of her being that there is absolutely no excuse for war, you would be sold on the idea by now after decades of propaganda. The truth is, you have no idea what the US has done to North Korea to make them that twisted. . . . just like an abused, neglected and raped child turned out dysfunctional, so to, do nations result the same way. Study the history of Cuba, I mean, really study it, then look at it today. Then ask yourself if the reason it is dysfunctional is entirely the government and people of Cuba, or a circumstance of history? After we are introspective about that, will war really solve anything, or just make matters worse for humankind?

When in doubt, nuke China
A situation in which the US military feels 'unhampered' has precedent – and, as General MacArthur's endeavors in Korea prove, it's something to be afraid of
When in doubt, nuke China
Truman had already made up his mind. MacArthur was replaced by Lt. Gen. Ridgway. But the war folly still raged, hostage to the Sino-Soviet “threat” of “communist world domination”. Over two million North Korean civilians were killed. And what General Curtis LeMay – a real- life Dr. Strangelove – later said about bombing Vietnam “back to the stone age” actually was inflicted by the US on North Korea.

The North’s industry and infrastructure was totally destroyed. It’s impossible to understand the actions of the leadership in Pyongyang over these past decades without considering how this human and physical destruction is still very much alive in their minds.

So what Admiral Swift actually said, in code, is, if a civilian order comes, the US military will start WWIII (or WWIV, if one counts the Cold War), duly applying the Pentagon’s first-strike doctrine. What Swift did not say is that President Trump also has the power to pull a Truman and fire any run-amok, aspiring MacArthur clone.
Feeding his uncle to his dogs. Torturing to death thousands of people, some of whom simply for not crying enough when he shows up to parades. He's a tyrant. It's not propaganda.
Like I said, folks in the west want to believe the propaganda because it makes the evil and immoral policies of the BIS and their overlords easier to swallow.

Does that mean the corrupt and dysfunctional regime of N. Korea isn't sick? Absolutely not. But it does mean that war certainly isn't the answer. It would only make matters much worse, both for N. Korea, and for all who participate in said war.

It Turns Out Kim Jong-un's Uncle Was Not Fed To A Pack Of Wild Dogs
It Turns Out Kim Jong-un's Uncle Was Not Fed To A Pack Of Wild Dogs
In a rare interview with Sky News, North Korea's ambassador to the U.K. Hyun Hak-bong said that Jang was put on trial and confessed to what he did wrong.

"According to the laws by the criminal court he was sentenced to death. Well he was shot to death," Hyun said.

Hyun added that the country had "pardoned him on several occasions when he made wrongdoings in the past." Jang reportedly "abused his power" by spending too much money and hindering the national economy.

Hyun also said a report by South Korea's state news agency alleging that Kim ordered the execution of his uncle's entire family was "political propaganda by our enemies" and that it was fabricated. The news agency, Yonhap, is known for its anti-North Korean bias.

True or False: Crazy Stories About North Korea and Kim Jong-un

True or False: Crazy Stories About North Korea and Kim Jong-un

When Kim Jong-il died, North Koreans were punished if they did not cry hard enough in public.


Image via BBC
True or False?: False

It was a bizarre, surreal sight. Kim Jong-il had just died, and thousands of North Koreans were out in public, wailing and crying hysterically. Some got down on their knees and pounded the ground. Soon, the rumor spread that these people were being paid in food to mourn, or that they were threatened with imprisonment or death if they didn't cry hard enough.

But beyond gossip, nothing concrete has emerged to corroborate that claim. Public, demonstrative grief is actually a traditional aspect of many Asian cultures. And besides, most of the grief was probably real. Even if he was an awful man, it's a prime example of learning to love your abuser—he's the only "Dear Leader" that many of these people knew.

Yes we should believe him... I mean did you expect him to admit in an interview they fed him to dogs? :lmao:

What about shooting people with airplane machine guns?

IOW, you will believe any war propaganda lies made up by your overlords w/o proof? Is that what you are saying?

Come on, wise up already.

I looked for evidence of these claims, and could find none. Sorry.

I suggest you take a trip to Panmunjon, Korea and then get back to us.
Sanctions are an act of war.

Sanctions do not hurt the Governments or Rulers of the countries they are sanctioning, they only hurt the citizens.
... and when the people hurt enough, when they get hungry, they remove their leadership.

Pardon the expression, but it ain't rocket science.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.

As always you have so much wisdom to share.
As always you are dumber than a box of rocks.

Awww look it is so cute when it tries to make insults.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.

Your naivete is only exceeded by your apparent lack of understanding of political and economic reality.

And your lack of ability to form a proper post on a massage board is pitiful.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.

As always you have so much wisdom to share.
As always you are dumber than a box of rocks.

Awww look it is so cute when it tries to make insults.
Oh no ... I can DO insults. I simply choose not to ... I merely make substantive assessments of your intellectual level. The truth is NEVER an insult.
All we keep hearing is about the U.S. putting more sanctions on North Korea, or the U.S. working with other countries to place more sanctions on them. Is anyone else getting tired of this garbage? The sanctions are absolutely useless when Russia, Iran, and China aren't part of it and they give Fat Boy whatever he wants. All the sanctions are doing is putting more money in the pockets of countries that are also being sanctioned by the U.S. and other countries.

South Korea, U.S. agree on pressure for North Korea, China media warns on sanctions
Damn --- I didn't realize ignorance was THAT rampant.

Your naivete is only exceeded by your apparent lack of understanding of political and economic reality.

And your lack of ability to form a proper post on a massage board is pitiful.

LOL --- can't say I've ever been on a "massage board" ... but, apparently, you seem quite well versed in them.
Sanctions are an act of war.

Sanctions do not hurt the Governments or Rulers of the countries they are sanctioning, they only hurt the citizens.
... and when the people hurt enough, when they get hungry, they remove their leadership.

Pardon the expression, but it ain't rocket science.

Please give me the names of some countries where this theory has worked.

Surely you must have dozens, I'll take just one.

Thanks in advance.
Sanctions are an act of war.

Sanctions do not hurt the Governments or Rulers of the countries they are sanctioning, they only hurt the citizens.
... and when the people hurt enough, when they get hungry, they remove their leadership.

Pardon the expression, but it ain't rocket science.

Please give me the names of some countries where this theory has worked.

Surely you must have dozens, I'll take just one.

Thanks in advance.

He won't give you a straight answer, but I'm sure he will attempt to insult you. Sanctions don't work, especially when the country being sanctioned has 3 countries, two of which have large economies that do not follow the sanctions. As long as Russia and China continue to buy and sell goods with North Korea the sanctions will do absolutely nothing, other than give Fat Boy Kim more motivation to speed up their development of ICBMs and nuclear testing.
Even after North Korea holding Americans hostage, Americans are still legally able to travel to that vacation wonderland of North Korea. So that might tell you something about the restrictions.
Concessions work better.....

We need to appease North Korea til they like us ...

Send them money even........ lmfao
Sanctions are an act of war.

Sanctions do not hurt the Governments or Rulers of the countries they are sanctioning, they only hurt the citizens.
... and when the people hurt enough, when they get hungry, they remove their leadership.

Pardon the expression, but it ain't rocket science.

Please give me the names of some countries where this theory has worked.

Surely you must have dozens, I'll take just one.

Thanks in advance.

He was probably thinking of the French Revolution.

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