Anyone else think this looks like a funeral procession?

Man....I need to see if I can take vacation next week...and buy lots of popcorn....
Holding back tears, the solemn procession commences from the House Chamber into Statuary Hall, as silent and stone-faced as their hosts.

They continue through the Rotunda and with an awkward forced stoicism they shamelessly, slowly and apprehensively make their way north with their precious cargo to the gates of it's final destination.

The Impeachment Cemetery. (AKA Senate Chamber)
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Actually, it's a white woman with blonde hair at the back of the line.
No lie is too big you white libs eh?...there is picture proof of your lie this time.

I know you'd prefer her barefoot and in the kitchen, but...
what a surprise, a finger pointing white liberal when caught in the act...and "but" what?

And at the front of the line, it is a black woman leading the way, and I know that scares you to death.
Not what I see, I see a white liberal at the front of the line while "his girl" does all the work.
You are an uneducated, ignorant moron who struggles mightily with the English language.

Are you a trump university graduate, or high school dropout?
the economy is booming, wages are rising, crime is falling, and America is the envy of the world

and this is what the Dems do? shows how much they hate America!

How long will your senses remain about you? Hope for awhile! ;)

It shouldn't take more than a few minutes. That's because he's constantly in troll mode lol. But if you pay close attention you can pick up on Basque's real political predictions.

It has to be the funniest thing on C-Span..............ONA gives the best pictures of this whole charade....So solemn in their walk with a Nothing Burger on a silver platter....Look at Schifty..............LOL. Half of us are going to need Depends in 2020. Such uncontrollable straight from the belly laughter. Hysterical long laughing that would test any bladder.
Anyone else think this looks like a funeral procession?

For Trump*? Sort of...
Are you really stupid enough to think those clowns will get Trump removed from office?
She certainly is. Stupid enough to believe that the Democrats would win a majority in the House and the Senate in 2016. Stupid enough to believe that Crooked Hillary would defeat Trump in a landslide.

Never underestimate Lakhota's stupidity.

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