Anyone ever had appendicitis?

Come on dude!!!!
Dont be a pussy!!! I had mine done when I was eleven or twelve back in 76 or 77 and recovered just fine.
This shit ain't heart surgery.

Sooo...trying to inform others of what could happen (just for the heck of it) is 'being a pussy'?

And where exactly did I say that people don't recover from it or that it is IN ANY WAY serious?

You're overreacting.
An appendectomy is as exciting as getting a tooth pulled.
I've had an appendectomy,back surgery,hip replacement and cancer surgery. Not to mention major oral surgery,and arm surgery.
I know it ain't no fun but it's a cake walk compared.

Where did I say it was a big deal? I once had over 100 tiny holes in my head. That WAS a big deal.

Of course it is not a big deal (unless the appendix bursts - then it IS a big deal).

So tell us oh Doctor...exactly how serious does a medical procedure have to be before you no longer consider simply posting, medical procedure information/advice to be acting like a 'pussy'?

Did you go hunting with Dick Cheney?
Where the fuck did I complain about oh poor me...the pain'?

What the fuck is your problem you low life - who only appears to have subservient quadruped's for friends?

So answer me you piece of shit - what is wrong with sharing my experiences and information to try and help others in the future?

There is a surprisingly small amount of data on this subject.

I was awake when I had my pacemaker put in (right in my heart) and I served in the don't fucking call me a pussy, dickhead unless you have fucking proof you gutterlustbunny.

So again....what the FUCK is wrong with sharing my experiences to try and help others?

Huh...lowlife dickhead?

And here's the crying.....
An appendectomy is nothing. I as a twelve year old found the process to be a bit painful but easy to endure.
Give it a rest.
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Come on dude!!!!
Dont be a pussy!!! I had mine done when I was eleven or twelve back in 76 or 77 and recovered just fine.
This shit ain't heart surgery.

Sooo...trying to inform others of what could happen (just for the heck of it) is 'being a pussy'?

And where exactly did I say that people don't recover from it or that it is IN ANY WAY serious?

You're overreacting.
An appendectomy is as exciting as getting a tooth pulled.
I've had an appendectomy,back surgery,hip replacement and cancer surgery. Not to mention major oral surgery,and arm surgery.
I know it ain't no fun but it's a cake walk compared.

Where did I say it was a big deal? I once had over 100 tiny holes in my head. That WAS a big deal.

Of course it is not a big deal (unless the appendix bursts - then it IS a big deal).

So tell us oh Doctor...exactly how serious does a medical procedure have to be before you no longer consider simply posting, medical procedure information/advice to be acting like a 'pussy'?

Did you go hunting with Dick Cheney?

Nice flippant remark to try and duck from the fact you have no answer.

So, once again,

So tell us oh Doctor...exactly how serious does a medical procedure have to be before you no longer consider simply posting, medical procedure information/advice to be acting like a 'pussy'?
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).

Aw man. I hope you recover well. I don't care for hospitals either. I just got out this morning myself. I flatlined three times Friday. My thyroid is the culprit. They knocked me out and shocked me but it still stayed 230 beats per minute. I left on my own this morning about 3 am or so. I'm a badass mofo, lemme tell ya.

Never had appendicitis. I heard that it hurts a good bit, though. My mom had hers removed. She said it hurt pretty bad when it burst.
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).

Aw man. I hope you recover well. I don't care for hospitals either. I just got out this morning myself. I flatlined three times Friday. My thyroid is the culprit. They knocked me out and shocked me but it still stayed 230 beats per minute. I left on my own this morning about 3 am or so. I'm a badass mofo, lemme tell ya.

Never had appendicitis. I heard that it hurts a good bit, though. My mom had hers removed. Sh said it hurt pretty bad when it burst.

Thanks man...nice of you. But I am fine now.

Flat lined 3 times...HOLY SHIT!!!

Are you alright?

Is this a normal occurrence for you (if you don't mind the question)?

Surely there must be something they can do? How about a pacemaker to stop the heart from going wacko?
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).

Aw man. I hope you recover well. I don't care for hospitals either. I just got out this morning myself. I flatlined three times Friday. My thyroid is the culprit. They knocked me out and shocked me but it still stayed 230 beats per minute. I left on my own this morning about 3 am or so. I'm a badass mofo, lemme tell ya.

Never had appendicitis. I heard that it hurts a good bit, though. My mom had hers removed. She said it hurt pretty bad when it burst.

It's an easy deal.
Thanks man...nice of you. But I am fine now.

Flat lined 3 times...HOLY SHIT.

Are you alright?

Is this a normal occurrence for you (if you don't mind the question)?

Surely there must be something they can do? How about a pacemaker to stop the heart from going wacko?

Oh good. Yeah, I've had hyperthyroidism for about twenty years, but it never got that bad. Reason I could survive 230 beats is because my body is used to higher beats.

They got it down to 130 that night but I couldn't sleep for three days, though. The beds were horrible. That's why I checked out. My doctor will just refill the same two meds. Eventually they're gonna remove my thyroid or kill it with radiation, I just haven't agreed to it, the meds work well and keep it from pumping out so many hormones.

Worst part was they poked me with two big needles in my stomach every day with blood thinner. It hurt bad.

Anyway. Glad you're okay, man.
Thanks man...nice of you. But I am fine now.

Flat lined 3 times...HOLY SHIT.

Are you alright?

Is this a normal occurrence for you (if you don't mind the question)?

Surely there must be something they can do? How about a pacemaker to stop the heart from going wacko?

Oh good. Yeah, I've had hyperthyroidism for about twenty years, but it never got that bad. Reason I could survive 230 beats is because my body is used to higher beats.

They got it down to 130 that night but I couldn't sleep for three days, though. The beds were horrible. That's why I checked out. My doctor will just refill the same two meds. Evwntually they're gona remove my thyroid or kill it with radiation, I just haven't agreed to it, the meds work well and keep it from pumping out so many hormones.

Worst part was they poked me with two big needles in my stomach every day with blood thinner. It hurt bad.

Anyway. Glad you're okay, man.

Jeez man...that is TERRIBLE.

All from a thyroid? Jeez.

And yeah, don't those beds suck? How can something that looks so comfortable (i.e. adjustable) be so uncomfortable?

You had guts to check yourself

I am VERY sorry things are going so badly for you in that area man...seriously.
I left on my own this morning about 3 am or so.

I done the very same thing about 20 years ago... Got sick on the road taking my mother to Mississippi to her winter house from Indiana... It was only 800 miles and we usually drove straight through... Had to pull over and get a room just south of Memphis... Sick as a dog I was... My mother was unable to drive as she had her own issues... Made to Gulfport the next day and I slept for about 18 hours and did not feel any better...

I flew back to Indy the following day and my wife took me to emergency room... Severely dehydrated so they plugged me into some liquid banana's and after about 8 to 10 hours I felt like I could whoop the world and I was hungry as phuck… They caught me smoking in my bathroom and that pissed them off... They would't give me anything except jello… Phuck that... It took me about an hour and a half but after I said I was going to raise hell and put a brick under it if something didn't change... At 0300 they called my Doc and woke him up and pissed him off... He said let him go... I called my son and he came and got me and I smoked and eat 2 hamburgers and went to sleep... Haven't had a bad day since... :21:
Eventually they're gonna remove my thyroid or kill it with radiation, I just haven't agreed to it, the meds work well and keep it from pumping out so many hormones.

They radiated my ex-wife's thyroid probably close to 20 years ago and she hasn't had a problem since... She glowed in the dark for a couple of days, but that went away to...:ack-1:
Jeez man...that is TERRIBLE.

All from a thyroid? Jeez.

And yeah, don't those beds suck? How can something that looks so comfortable (i.e. adjustable) be so uncomfortable?

You had guts to check yourself

I am VERY sorry things are going so badly for you in that area man...seriously.

Thanks. The thyroid is the main gland, it controls pretty much every organ in your body. Worst part about the beds is they're alarmed. So if you get out of bed the whole floor hears it. So, you're stuck in that thing. It only acts up about once a year, though. Never that bad, so probaly gonna have to have it removed and be on thyroid meds the rest of my life. That was too close of a call, hard to describe it, it feels like a bad heart attack and you can;t breath that well while it's going on. Plus my son was in there watching, he's the one who called the ambulance then he followed it over. So, he saw the whole thing when they turned me upside down, put me under and shocked me. That's when they lost my heart beat. I'm not gonna subject him to that again.

Apparently it's a rather common thing with people, except mainly women.

Anyway. Looks like we both had a rough one, huh? And Buttercup, lolol, you know she's a full scale vegan, or maybe you donlt, but her cure for everything is fruit and water, lol. She called the cardiac unit to see how to get a big basket of fruit in there for me in that area, but she ended up calling my room instead, it was funny. I guess it was supposed to be a surprise. I said hello and she was like shit there went the surprise.

Ah well. Sorry, I think I jacked your thread. You just reminded me of it when you said you hated hospitals. Three hours is long time to wait for the doctor with appendicitis. Gosh. Good thing it dodnlt rupture or else you'd have been in a world of hurt.
Jeez man...that is TERRIBLE.

All from a thyroid? Jeez.

And yeah, don't those beds suck? How can something that looks so comfortable (i.e. adjustable) be so uncomfortable?

You had guts to check yourself

I am VERY sorry things are going so badly for you in that area man...seriously.

Thanks. The thyroid is the main gland, it controls pretty much every organ in your body. Worst part about the beds is they're alarmed. So if you get out of bed the whole floor hears it. So, you're stuck in that thing. It only acts up about once a year, though. Never that bad, so probaly gonna have to have it removed and be on thyroid meds the rest of my life. That was too close of a call, hard to describe it, it feels like a bad heart attack and you can;t breath that well while it's going on. Plus my son was in there watching, he's the one who called the ambulance then he followed it over. So, he saw the whole thing when they turned me upside down, put me under and shocked me. That's when they lost my heart beat. I'm not gonna subject him to that again.

Apparently it's a rather common thing with people, except mainly women.

Anyway. Looks like we both had a rough one, huh? And Buttercup, lolol, you know she's a full scale vegan, or maybe you donlt, but her cure for everything is fruit and water, lol. She called the cardiac unit to see how to get a big basket of fruit in there for me in that area, but she ended up calling my room instead, it was funny. I guess it was supposed to be a surprise. I said hello and she was like shit there went the surprise.

Ah well. Sorry, I think I jacked your thread. You just reminded me of it when you said you hated hospitals. Three hours is long time to wait for the doctor with appendicitis. Gosh. Good thing it dodnlt rupture or else you'd have been in a world of hurt.

No man...I feel bad for even starting the thread now considering what you went through. Jeez.

I was just by myself in the hospital and I wanted to talk to some people online while I waited.

Yeah...I have had MORE then my fair share of vegan's in my life. People who think if put herbs on your feet you are cured, etc. They mean well.

I am glad you have people to share that with (though I realize that is a double-edged sword).

So, if you don't mind the question, what happens if they take out your thyroid? Will that limit you at all? Or can meds take care of most of the limits?
So, if you don't mind the question, what happens if they take out your thyroid? Will that limit you at all? Or can meds take care of most of the limits?

The pills just do the job of the thyroid. Just have to take em the rest of your life is all. But even if you donlt get it taken out you still have to take em the rest of your life once it gets that bad.

Looks like Ridgerunner been through it too with his wife. Like I said, it's a rather common thing. Mostly women, though.
They radiated my ex-wife's thyroid probably close to 20 years ago and she hasn't had a problem since... She glowed in the dark for a couple of days, but that went away to...:ack-1:

That's probably the best route rather than removal. It sounded like it anyway when the doctor was talking. That's good, I'm glad to read she's doing alright with it. Well, I gess she is, I did a double take and saw you said ex-wife.
I left on my own this morning about 3 am or so.

I done the very same thing about 20 years ago... Got sick on the road taking my mother to Mississippi to her winter house from Indiana... It was only 800 miles and we usually drove straight through... Had to pull over and get a room just south of Memphis... Sick as a dog I was... My mother was unable to drive as she had her own issues... Made to Gulfport the next day and I slept for about 18 hours and did not feel any better...

I flew back to Indy the following day and my wife took me to emergency room... Severely dehydrated so they plugged me into some liquid banana's and after about 8 to 10 hours I felt like I could whoop the world and I was hungry as phuck… They caught me smoking in my bathroom and that pissed them off... They would't give me anything except jello… Phuck that... It took me about an hour and a half but after I said I was going to raise hell and put a brick under it if something didn't change... At 0300 they called my Doc and woke him up and pissed him off... He said let him go... I called my son and he came and got me and I smoked and eat 2 hamburgers and went to sleep... Haven't had a bad day since... :21:


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