Anyone ever had appendicitis?

Dayum in all the old war movies a medic or cook on a sub could do an appendectomy with a couple of sharpened spoons while submerged at 2 or 3 hundred feet and under a depth charge attack. Has the Navy gone wussy on us?

Those are also the sort of movies where they shoot the appendix out of the torpedo tube and sink the sub ferrying hitler to Argentina.

The difference between a fairy tale and a sea story is simple. A fairy tale begins with, "Once upon a time". A sea story begins with, "This is no horseshit".
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
Been there done that in 70's. No CAT scan necessary…..aint modern medicine grand.
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
I had mine out when I was a teenager, was scheduled for surgery the next morning but the doctor determined that it was "hot" and took it out that took two weeks to completely heal [sharp pinching sensation]..get it done and you will never have to worry about it again, good luck to you and just enjoy the down time.
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).

Tell your nurse you appreciate what she has done to help you. She rarely hears that, and it will make her day. After that, she'll probably make sure you get fresh coffee, and the pudding won't be that left over crap from yesterday that has skin on top of it.
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
/——/ Get better man.
I was at sea when a member of the crew got peritonitis from a ruptured appendix. It took two weeks to get from our patrol station to a place where they could take him off the boat to get him to a hospital.

Our doc couldn't do the surgery, but was able to keep him alive by draining puss and saline drip. He went from 190 pounds to 95 in that time. He was black, but the day they took him off, his skin was white. He was as close to death as a person could get without coins on his eyes.

He was flown to a hospital in Spain and survived. Spent nearly a year in rehab rebuilding muscle tissue.

I feel much better now [emoji1781].

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The moral of the story ... have the surgery.

Agreed. You don’t get a choice with that.

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Even though I think you're a parasite that should have been aborted....

It's a routine surgery, it's not that bad. My father in law had it done at 70 and was back on his feet quickly.

He lives in the Philippines too, so I'd be confident even if you're in a hospital in NYC or Taxachusettes.

Hope you get well quick so I can continue to mock you dipshit.



You ARE human!?!? :eek: (OH MY!!!) You can empathize! And a great sense of humor!


Who would have thunk it? :D

Best good chuckle I've had all month! Thanks!
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
Been there done that in 70's. No CAT scan necessary…..aint modern medicine grand.
At least three thousand an image..
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
Been there done that in 70's. No CAT scan necessary…..aint modern medicine grand.
At least three thousand an image..
$475 here.
$600 for an open MRI with contrast
$50 for a doppler ultrasound
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
Been there done that in 70's. No CAT scan necessary…..aint modern medicine grand.
At least three thousand an image..
$475 here.
$600 for an open MRI with contrast
$50 for a doppler ultrasound
Back alley medical center?
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
Been there done that in 70's. No CAT scan necessary…..aint modern medicine grand.
At least three thousand an image..
$475 here.
$600 for an open MRI with contrast
$50 for a doppler ultrasound
Back alley medical center?

Noop state of the art and less than 5-8 years old. 5 minutes to a Hilton and the intnl airport.
No Jews in site.......Hence the prices.
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
Been there done that in 70's. No CAT scan necessary…..aint modern medicine grand.
At least three thousand an image..
$475 here.
$600 for an open MRI with contrast
$50 for a doppler ultrasound
Back alley medical center?

Noop state of the art and less than 5-8 years old. 5 minutes to a Hilton and the intnl airport.
No Jews in site.......Hence the prices.
Have you heard about direct pricing in OKC? No insurance needed prices are advertised and are way lower than traditional hospital bills...
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
That is how I got the news after reporting to the hospital and to rush them along I told them I had chest pain..really gets you in there post haste..They went through the belly button so get ready to have a "freak" navel...
The "freak" navel thing is weird, but that's just cosmetic. What you failed to tell him is that the human soul resides in the appendix.
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
That is how I got the news after reporting to the hospital and to rush them along I told them I had chest pain..really gets you in there post haste..They went through the belly button so get ready to have a "freak" navel...
That was really smart of you with the chest pain thing.
Yeah, that’s the one I wanted because apparently you recover from it faster. But this hospital is out in the boonies and the doctor did not have the experience with it - so they just cut me open. Drag.
Next time, I’ll just drive to the city hospital for surgery.
Did they give you a CT scan to confirm what it was?
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I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).

I had mine 40 years ago, you will be very sore afterwards, but it is a routine easy surgery that doctors do. I stayed in the Hospital for three days after the surgery.

If it ruptured is would be far worse...……………….


Stay away from the colored Jello!!!
Yeah, apparently they got it out before it ruptured. They say I should be able to go home tomorrow. I hope so...I HATE hospitals.
I am in a room now for the night and I am alone...fantastic. No snoring neighbours. And the hospital has wi-fi...thank goodness.
I'd fly to the Philippines.
In TGS you might wind up as Mrs. Rocket if the paper work get's messed up. The pre-op shave is the same.
Nah. It's probably laparoscopic these years. Should be a piece of cake.
Thanks - but the doc I had was not trained on it - I’m kinda out in the boonies. I should have gone to the city for it...but I assumed I was fine and I just went to the hospital just in case.
Don't worry about it. They do that kind of stuff all the time, and they know what they are doing. It's not like they will wake you up half way through to help them. You'll go to sleep and wake up after it's done.
Thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate it.
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I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
I had mine out when I was a teenager, was scheduled for surgery the next morning but the doctor determined that it was "hot" and took it out that took two weeks to completely heal [sharp pinching sensation]..get it done and you will never have to worry about it again, good luck to you and just enjoy the down time.
Thanks for the kind words. I am visiting here so I know absolutely no one so I appreciate the re-assurance.
Yeah, it’s out now and the say there was no problem and I should be out by tomorrow.
I am in a hosptial and they jus did a CAT scan and told me I have it.
They want to rip it out as soon as the surgeon arrives (bit of a rural hospital)...a few hours. I thought for certain I was just being a baby - that there was no way it was my appendix. But no - that’s what it is.

Anyone had the surgery before? I am not overly worried about it - frankly, I just want it done so I can go home (I hate hospitals).
/——/ Get better man.
Thanks appreciate it.

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