Anyone ever observe this out in public?

I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.

It's more then just what you eat and how much. The activity even means very little without the right activity. If she hasn't already, I would suggest a dietitian and a trainner at the Gym. Being obese can't be looked at like a weight problem, it needs to be like looked at as a life style problem and we all know how tough this can be to deal with.
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the tolerant left strikes again

hatred for fat people

who dont you guys hate
SYTFE is not voicing a Leftist attitude. I don't blame all conservatives for your dumb shit. Don't be blaming us for SYTFE's.

the tolerant left strikes again

hatred for fat people

who dont you guys hate
SYTFE is not voicing a Leftist attitude. I don't blame all conservatives for your dumb shit. Don't be blaming us for SYTFE's.

It's just odd hearing it from anleftards mouth. It's refreshing to see they are human and honestly I have to give it to dude for being honest. It's commendable.
Oh, and at my old job they can fire you for being fat and smoking cigarettes to. I'm thinking they just bumped turnover another 168%.
I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.
I suppose she has been checked for conditions like hypothyroidism and metabolic/hormonal conditions?
SadLy a lot of people shame the overweight without giving any thought to the fact that many have underlying conditions/contributing factors and don't necessarily overeat. In the UK the threshold for diagnosing someone with hypothyroidism, for example, is set quite high, so if they lived in another part of the world they'd get treatment sooner and not continue piling on the weight until they reach the higher levels of TSH before being given treatment. IDK if that is an issue in the US too.
I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.

Bullshit. It is 100% their fault every time. Don't make any excuses for these sidewalk clogging stay puft marshmallow men.
I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.
I suppose she has been checked for conditions like hypothyroidism and metabolic/hormonal conditions?
SadLy a lot of people shame the overweight without giving any thought to the fact that many have underlying conditions/contributing factors and don't necessarily overeat. In the UK the threshold for diagnosing someone with hypothyroidism, for example, is set quite high, so if they lived in another part of the world they'd get treatment sooner and not continue piling on the weight until they reach the higher levels of TSH before being given treatment. IDK if that is an issue in the US too.

Underlying conditions? Give me a break, Tilly. Honestly. Being FAT is what is causing their metabolic/hormonal conditions. Here's the cause of being overweight -- Taking in more carbohydrates and total calories than the body is expending. Excess fuel (in the form of carbohydrates) are stored as fat. That's how the body works. That's how we're designed.
I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.
I suppose she has been checked for conditions like hypothyroidism and metabolic/hormonal conditions?
SadLy a lot of people shame the overweight without giving any thought to the fact that many have underlying conditions/contributing factors and don't necessarily overeat. In the UK the threshold for diagnosing someone with hypothyroidism, for example, is set quite high, so if they lived in another part of the world they'd get treatment sooner and not continue piling on the weight until they reach the higher levels of TSH before being given treatment. IDK if that is an issue in the US too.

Underlying conditions? Give me a break, Tilly. Honestly. Being FAT is what is causing their metabolic/hormonal conditions. Here's the cause of being overweight -- Taking in more carbohydrates and total calories than the body is expending. Excess fuel (in the form of carbohydrates) are stored as fat. That's how the body works. That's how we're designed.
You really are being silly. There are a great many conditions that cause weight gain that aren't themselves caused by excessive eating or weight gain itself. Just remember when you are feeling all that hatred for the next fat person you see, they may have any of a number of conditions you are unaware of.
Even insomnia (a very common affliction) over time, can and does cause obesity because it interferes with the regulation of hormones related to metabolism. People with hypothyroidism usually gain weight and find it very difficult to lose even on the optimum dose of medication.
People with silent, often undiagnosed, pituitary conditions and adenomas gain weight because of its effect on several hormones including growth hormone, and on cortisol, for example. Medications for the treatment of many conditions can also result in people piling on the pounds.
Over eating and not exercising is not the only cause of obesity, and when you are berating the overweight, unless you have access to their medical records, you are just being ignorant and cruel, imho.
Has anyone ever noticed an interesting phenomenon in public places...that being fat, grotesque people deliberately taking up incredible amounts of space in a very inconsiderate way? I seem to be seeing this a lot at various places, grocery stores, etc.

Fat, disgusting, obese people taking up the ENTIRE space in check out aisles, or blocking the pathway in the food aisles as they stare at the incredible selection of man-made foods to stuff their fat fucking faces with, oblivious that anyone else might want to pass their fat asses that extend for a mile while a tiny piece of drool drips down their chin....there's a total lack of consideration for others. Where does this ego come from?

This seems to happen a lot on sidewalks as well. Fat, enormous fucking wildebeasts walking in tandem or in groups, taking up the ENTIRE sidewalk, casually strolling at about .1 mile per hour as if they're the only people there in the world...anyone ever see this?

And before some tard shows up to say I'm "fat shaming" -- here's a pre-emtive shut the fuck up. I am a firm believer in fat shaming. But it's more than just weighing a metric ton, it's the combination of having a total lack of consideration for others when out in public.

Get the fuck out of my way, assholes.

Won't it be ironically funny if someday you develop a hormonal disorder or an orthopedic disability that causes you to be inactive or gain lots of weight, and YOU end up being the 500 pound horse you've despised all your life!!!

I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.
I suppose she has been checked for conditions like hypothyroidism and metabolic/hormonal conditions?
SadLy a lot of people shame the overweight without giving any thought to the fact that many have underlying conditions/contributing factors and don't necessarily overeat. In the UK the threshold for diagnosing someone with hypothyroidism, for example, is set quite high, so if they lived in another part of the world they'd get treatment sooner and not continue piling on the weight until they reach the higher levels of TSH before being given treatment. IDK if that is an issue in the US too.

Underlying conditions? Give me a break, Tilly. Honestly. Being FAT is what is causing their metabolic/hormonal conditions. Here's the cause of being overweight -- Taking in more carbohydrates and total calories than the body is expending. Excess fuel (in the form of carbohydrates) are stored as fat. That's how the body works. That's how we're designed.
You really are being silly. There are a great many conditions that cause weight gain that aren't themselves caused by excessive eating or weight gain itself. Just remember when you are feeling all that hatred for the next fat person you see, they may have any of a number of conditions you are unaware of.
Even insomnia (a very common affliction) over time, can and does cause obesity because it interferes with the regulation of hormones related to metabolism. People with hypothyroidism usually gain weight and find it very difficult to lose even on the optimum dose of medication.
People with silent, often undiagnosed, pituitary conditions and adenomas gain weight because of its effect on several hormones including growth hormone, and on cortisol, for example. Medications for the treatment of many conditions can also result in people piling on the pounds.
Over eating and not exercising is not the only cause of obesity, and when you are berating the overweight, unless you have access to their medical records, you are just being ignorant and cruel, imho.

Again -- bullshit. Insomnia??? What kind of sham, snake oil organization are you working for anyway? lol, I have insomnia, really bad. I still have managed to lose weight after being diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder.

Growth hormone problems? Give me a break. I can increase my own growth hormone levels just from a 24 hour water only fast. Sure as hell doesn't make me fatter, but it does help build muscle. Cortisol is an essential hormone, and is often cited as being a cause of fat, but there just isn't much evidence there. The only evidence found is dietary.

And it's not so much overeating that causes weight gain, it's the overeating of carbohydrates that really does it. Specifically the kinds of processed carbohydrates found in the western diet.
Has anyone ever noticed an interesting phenomenon in public places...that being fat, grotesque people deliberately taking up incredible amounts of space in a very inconsiderate way? I seem to be seeing this a lot at various places, grocery stores, etc.

Fat, disgusting, obese people taking up the ENTIRE space in check out aisles, or blocking the pathway in the food aisles as they stare at the incredible selection of man-made foods to stuff their fat fucking faces with, oblivious that anyone else might want to pass their fat asses that extend for a mile while a tiny piece of drool drips down their chin....there's a total lack of consideration for others. Where does this ego come from?

This seems to happen a lot on sidewalks as well. Fat, enormous fucking wildebeasts walking in tandem or in groups, taking up the ENTIRE sidewalk, casually strolling at about .1 mile per hour as if they're the only people there in the world...anyone ever see this?

And before some tard shows up to say I'm "fat shaming" -- here's a pre-emtive shut the fuck up. I am a firm believer in fat shaming. But it's more than just weighing a metric ton, it's the combination of having a total lack of consideration for others when out in public.

Get the fuck out of my way, assholes.

Won't it be ironically funny if someday you develop a hormonal disorder or an orthopedic disability that causes you to be inactive or gain lots of weight, and YOU end up being the 500 pound horse you've despised all your life!!!


Yeah, I guess that would be "funny" to a fat, twinkie stuffing Fox news watching cretin such as yourself, but as a guy who has been both overweight and lean, I've now got the diet thing handled to the point to where even if I did develop an orthopedic disability, I'd still be able to stay lean because I understand food on a much deeper level -- even with minimal exercise.
Has anyone ever noticed an interesting phenomenon in public places...that being fat, grotesque people deliberately taking up incredible amounts of space in a very inconsiderate way? I seem to be seeing this a lot at various places, grocery stores, etc.

Fat, disgusting, obese people taking up the ENTIRE space in check out aisles, or blocking the pathway in the food aisles as they stare at the incredible selection of man-made foods to stuff their fat fucking faces with, oblivious that anyone else might want to pass their fat asses that extend for a mile while a tiny piece of drool drips down their chin....there's a total lack of consideration for others. Where does this ego come from?

This seems to happen a lot on sidewalks as well. Fat, enormous fucking wildebeasts walking in tandem or in groups, taking up the ENTIRE sidewalk, casually strolling at about .1 mile per hour as if they're the only people there in the world...anyone ever see this?

And before some tard shows up to say I'm "fat shaming" -- here's a pre-emtive shut the fuck up. I am a firm believer in fat shaming. But it's more than just weighing a metric ton, it's the combination of having a total lack of consideration for others when out in public.

Get the fuck out of my way, assholes.

First trip to the South, eh?
I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.
I suppose she has been checked for conditions like hypothyroidism and metabolic/hormonal conditions?
SadLy a lot of people shame the overweight without giving any thought to the fact that many have underlying conditions/contributing factors and don't necessarily overeat. In the UK the threshold for diagnosing someone with hypothyroidism, for example, is set quite high, so if they lived in another part of the world they'd get treatment sooner and not continue piling on the weight until they reach the higher levels of TSH before being given treatment. IDK if that is an issue in the US too.

Underlying conditions? Give me a break, Tilly. Honestly. Being FAT is what is causing their metabolic/hormonal conditions. Here's the cause of being overweight -- Taking in more carbohydrates and total calories than the body is expending. Excess fuel (in the form of carbohydrates) are stored as fat. That's how the body works. That's how we're designed.
You really are being silly. There are a great many conditions that cause weight gain that aren't themselves caused by excessive eating or weight gain itself. Just remember when you are feeling all that hatred for the next fat person you see, they may have any of a number of conditions you are unaware of.
Even insomnia (a very common affliction) over time, can and does cause obesity because it interferes with the regulation of hormones related to metabolism. People with hypothyroidism usually gain weight and find it very difficult to lose even on the optimum dose of medication.
People with silent, often undiagnosed, pituitary conditions and adenomas gain weight because of its effect on several hormones including growth hormone, and on cortisol, for example. Medications for the treatment of many conditions can also result in people piling on the pounds.
Over eating and not exercising is not the only cause of obesity, and when you are berating the overweight, unless you have access to their medical records, you are just being ignorant and cruel, imho.

Again -- bullshit. Insomnia??? What kind of sham, snake oil organization are you working for anyway? lol, I have insomnia, really bad. I still have managed to lose weight after being diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder.

Growth hormone problems? Give me a break. I can increase my own growth hormone levels just from a 24 hour water only fast. Sure as hell doesn't make me fatter, but it does help build muscle. Cortisol is an essential hormone, and is often cited as being a cause of fat, but there just isn't much evidence there. The only evidence found is dietary.

And it's not so much overeating that causes weight gain, it's the overeating of carbohydrates that really does it. Specifically the kinds of processed carbohydrates found in the western diet.
You really don't know what you are talking about :rolleyes: For example, you can fast as much as you like but if your pituitary gland isn't working correctly you will not get a rise in GH.
Now, as you cannot discuss this like a grown up, and cant refrain from hurling insults, I'm spending no more of my time on this. You carry on being an ignorant hater.
I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.
I suppose she has been checked for conditions like hypothyroidism and metabolic/hormonal conditions?
SadLy a lot of people shame the overweight without giving any thought to the fact that many have underlying conditions/contributing factors and don't necessarily overeat. In the UK the threshold for diagnosing someone with hypothyroidism, for example, is set quite high, so if they lived in another part of the world they'd get treatment sooner and not continue piling on the weight until they reach the higher levels of TSH before being given treatment. IDK if that is an issue in the US too.

Underlying conditions? Give me a break, Tilly. Honestly. Being FAT is what is causing their metabolic/hormonal conditions. Here's the cause of being overweight -- Taking in more carbohydrates and total calories than the body is expending. Excess fuel (in the form of carbohydrates) are stored as fat. That's how the body works. That's how we're designed.
You really are being silly. There are a great many conditions that cause weight gain that aren't themselves caused by excessive eating or weight gain itself. Just remember when you are feeling all that hatred for the next fat person you see, they may have any of a number of conditions you are unaware of.
Even insomnia (a very common affliction) over time, can and does cause obesity because it interferes with the regulation of hormones related to metabolism. People with hypothyroidism usually gain weight and find it very difficult to lose even on the optimum dose of medication.
People with silent, often undiagnosed, pituitary conditions and adenomas gain weight because of its effect on several hormones including growth hormone, and on cortisol, for example. Medications for the treatment of many conditions can also result in people piling on the pounds.
Over eating and not exercising is not the only cause of obesity, and when you are berating the overweight, unless you have access to their medical records, you are just being ignorant and cruel, imho.

Again -- bullshit. Insomnia??? What kind of sham, snake oil organization are you working for anyway? lol, I have insomnia, really bad. I still have managed to lose weight after being diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder.

Growth hormone problems? Give me a break. I can increase my own growth hormone levels just from a 24 hour water only fast. Sure as hell doesn't make me fatter, but it does help build muscle. Cortisol is an essential hormone, and is often cited as being a cause of fat, but there just isn't much evidence there. The only evidence found is dietary.

And it's not so much overeating that causes weight gain, it's the overeating of carbohydrates that really does it. Specifically the kinds of processed carbohydrates found in the western diet.
You really don't know what you are talking about :rolleyes: For example, you can fast as much as you like but if your pituitary gland isn't working correctly you will not get a rise in GH.
Now, as you cannot discuss this like a grown up, and cant refrain from hurling insults, I'm spending no more of my time on this. You carry on being an ignorant hater.

Tilly, no offense sweetheart but uh, I can talk circles around you on this topic. I've read more and experimented more with different approaches than most people. I'm big into fitness.

You're talking about a pituitary gland not working properly? How is that even relevant? We're talking less than 1% of the population.

You really are doing your "clients" a disservice by not telling them the truth. Shame on you.
This woman's gunt is hanging out.

I have a cousin who is unhealthily obese. Her grandfather and uncle were, as well. One branch of her family were all really big people and they didn't seem to eat any more than anyone else. Neither does my cousin. She just needs to look at a wrap and gain two pounds. It's sad. The heavier she gets, the harder it is for her to exercise. She's got trouble with her knees and needs one of those machines at night for sleep apnea. I worry for her. But I swear, I could eat the same stuff she does and not be tipping the scales at 300. It's not completely always their fault.
I suppose she has been checked for conditions like hypothyroidism and metabolic/hormonal conditions?
SadLy a lot of people shame the overweight without giving any thought to the fact that many have underlying conditions/contributing factors and don't necessarily overeat. In the UK the threshold for diagnosing someone with hypothyroidism, for example, is set quite high, so if they lived in another part of the world they'd get treatment sooner and not continue piling on the weight until they reach the higher levels of TSH before being given treatment. IDK if that is an issue in the US too.
She has always had pretty good healthcare, and I imagine if hypothyroidism was the issue, it would have been addressed. I know a lot of people who take meds for that quite young. Whatever causes some families to grow really big people, it has to be at least partly genetic and I don't think it's entirely been figured out. Her mom and dad weren't big people and her mom was very careful what she fed them all because her father had a heart condition. But she took after the G------ side, got those genes.
In our country, a lot of overweight people get the stomach staple procedure, but a lot of times there are complications.
as a guy who has been both overweight and lean, I've now got the diet thing handled to the point to where even if I did develop an orthopedic disability, I'd still be able to stay lean.

Sure you do, cupcake, sure you do. Sanctimonious blowhards like you always think such things. I can tell you that life has a very rude awakening waiting for you later in life. Can't think of a more deserving fella.

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