Anyone heard about a Biden announcement on gun control tomorrow (4/11/22)?


You guys, especially the cops, follow what I've just said. The number of times in the news where people are running away and get shot at n the back.

Please, name them.......

I believe there were less than 20, maybe 14? And of those, that doesn't mean they weren't actively fighting against the police, since most were.........
That is bullshit. Are you looking for laws the let violent felons legally carry guns as tools of their trade? You are on the wrong message board if that is the case. Just not enough hardened criminals here to support your point of view. It doesn't mean I lied. It means you have unrealistic goals, nobody will support.

Yeah......that is a dumb post....Constitutional carry does not allow convicted felons to carry a moron......even trying to say this is just stupid.
Yeah......that is a dumb post....Constitutional carry does not allow convicted felons to carry a moron......even trying to say this is just stupid.
He actually got a little better, mainly just still wanting to be argumentative. He first said there were no laws letting people without permit carry.
You have me convinced. While I prefer everybody trained, licensed and background checked, I agree with you. Many states use that beneficial process to the detriment of their citizens and as a money making time-consuming boondoggle to both profiteer and prevent law-abiding citizens from taking advantage of the 2nd amendment rights. If having to choose, I side with the republican legislatures supporting constitutional carry. Doesn't effect me, as I am trained and licensed. Probably doesn't effect you, unless you are one of the Illinois guys that brought me to this point of view. It actually only effect police, and that is a shame, but at least the police are on an even footing with the criminals that were never going to pay attention to gun laws anyway, and help put more honest law abiding citizens on a more equal footing with some of the criminal bastards, they might cross paths with.

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