Anyone heard about a Biden announcement on gun control tomorrow (4/11/22)?

I might have got it wrong. I saw the April 8 and 9 dates on these articles about his executive orders, but now that I'm looking at them again, they are April 8 and 9 from a year ago.

But anyway, these are where I got it from:
I might have got it wrong. I saw the April 8 and 9 dates on these articles about his executive orders, but now that I'm looking at them again, they are April 8 and 9 from a year ago.

But anyway, these are where I got it from:
I don't know, the big hue and cry on the different gun boards I belong to is about the ruling yesterday on 80% receivers and pistol kits.

I've not heard anything about recent "rulings" on braces yet but I'm sure that will be the next shoe to drop.
You're all subjects, not citizens. There are no laws protecting you from the power of the government.
That's fascinating. But in the mean time, could you supply me a list of what you believe why you are free and no one else is. Do you think you could do that?
Only a person with serious intellectual deficiencies would think that.

And yes I mean YOU
You guys, especially the cops, follow what I've just said. The number of times in the news where people are running away and get shot at n the back.
That's fascinating. But in the mean time, could you supply me a list of what you believe why you are free and no one else is. Do you think you could do that?
Just read our Constitution. It's all there. In your country, the government confiscates your private property at will. Hell, the government tells you when you can and can't seek medical treatment for your kids. You call that freedom?
Just read our Constitution. It's all there. In your country, the government confiscates your private property at will. Hell, the government tells you when you can and can't seek medical treatment for your kids. You call that freedom?
Fascinating again. Ok, do you a link where there's a UK law that confiscates people's properties? Also, do you have a link where the government chooses medical treatment for our kids? You've got me intrigued on where your fucktardy has come from. I've never heard such retardism in my life, so I look forward to this.

Question - have you ever been outside the borders of the US? You are some clusterfuck.
Fascinating again. Ok, do you a link where there's a UK law that confiscates people's properties? Also, do you have a link where the government chooses medical treatment for our kids? You've got me intrigued on where your fucktardy has come from. I've never heard such retardism in my life, so I look forward to this.

Question - have you ever been outside the borders of the US? You are some clusterfuck.
This is your

"Ghost guns"? Is the Biden administration considering a ban on any hunk of metal that resembles a handgun or a part of a handgun?
If someone wants a gun because they're willing to shoot someone in the guise of 'self defence', then they're a pending criminal and not someone that should be owning a gun.
That is incorrect. Self defense is not a crime.

Correct, but not a suitable character to do so.
Nonsense. There is nothing wrong with being willing to defend yourself.

If someone applies for a gun here in the UK and states the purpose was for self defence, denied, not a suitable character.
That's because the UK is not free.

That reduces gun incidents, hence the problem you guys experience.
We are not experiencing any problems.

The chances of violent crime is miniscule;
People have the right to defend themselves regardless.

claiming criminals is just a wash, rinse, repeat deflection crap tactic.
Not at all. Free people have the right to have guns to protect themselves.

Correct, hence the high gun incidents
So what? The victims would be just as dead if they were killed with a different kind of weapon.

and deaths.
Not at all. Gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

There's a thread on it in the clean debate zone. The gun nuts never posted on it because it highlights their ignorance and lies.
It does no such thing. We don't post on the thread because it doesn't say anything objectionable. It just talks about a couple of shooting cases in the UK.

What is it about Freedom Haters that they always resort to name-calling?

Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019​

  1. Brazil (49436)
  2. United States (37038)
  3. Venezuela (28515)
  4. Mexico (22116)
  5. India (14710)
  6. Colombia (13169)
  7. Philippines (9267)
  8. Guatemala (5980)
So what? They'd be just as dead if they were killed with some other kind of weapon.

Every time you guys open your mouths, it paves the way on why they should be regulated like many other countries.
No. There is never a good reason to abolish freedom.

Won't apply to all suicides, but anyone displaying suicidal tendencies who owns a gun, doctor and/or family members could raise the concern to the police to have his/her guns removed until they're mentally fit to have them back.
That policy would ensure that suicidal people would start avoiding visits to doctors who could help them.

Progressives always make everything worse.

If the burglar is running away a d you shoot at him/her, is it reasonable force?
It is in Texas.

Can you supply me a list of what makes Americans free but not Brits, New Zealanders, and Aussies.
Free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

People who do not have the right to keep and bear arms, are not free.

But in the mean time, could you supply me a list of what you believe why you are free and no one else is. Do you think you could do that?
America is free because Americans have the right to keep and bear arms.

It appears that the Czech Republic and the Baltics are free too. Good for them.

No one else is free, because no one else has the right to keep and bear arms.

Ok, do you a link where there's a UK law that confiscates people's properties?
He was referring to your restrictive gun laws taking people's guns away from them.
Constitutional carry laws either stipulate that a person must be legally able to own a gun for them to carry one concealed on their person, or fall back on a state's prohibition against possession of a firearm by prohibited persons.
Thus, your statement:
If it wasn't for the Republicans passing measures so every idiot with the price of a pistol could pack heat on the street with no permit.... ...describes laws that do not exist.
And is thus a lie.
That is bullshit. Are you looking for laws the let violent felons legally carry guns as tools of their trade? You are on the wrong message board if that is the case. Just not enough hardened criminals here to support your point of view. It doesn't mean I lied. It means you have unrealistic goals, nobody will support.

You guys, especially the cops, follow what I've just said. The number of times in the news where people are running away and get shot at n the back.

And how many times is that?

Like I said you don;t know JACK SHIT about this country and what happens here
Seriously, take it to the bank, your IQ ain't in double digits, far from it. Your spiel on guns is embarrassing.
What spiel?

I rellay don't give a fuck what you or any other idiot on the little island of yours thinks because like I said anyone in this day and age that will allow themselves to be ruled by any so called royal family is so mentally impaired as to make anything they say meaningless
That is bullshit. Are you looking for laws the let violent felons legally carry guns as tools of their trade?
None of the constitutional carry laws do this.

Thus, your statement...
If it wasn't for the Republicans passing measures so every idiot with the price of a pistol could pack heat on the street with no permit.
...describes laws that do not exist.
And is therefore a lie.
Last edited:
None of the constitutional carry laws do this.

Thus, your statement...

...describes laws that do not exist.
And is therefore a lie.
Don't be an idiot. You are makine a fool of yourself, not recognizing constructional carry laws pass in many states, allowing state citizen over 18 that has not committed a disqualifying crime to legally carry a weapon in public. They are real. get a life.
Don't be an idiot. You are makine a fool of yourself, not recognizing constructional carry laws pass in many states, allowing state citizen over 18 that has not committed a disqualifying crime to legally carry a weapon in public.
Which no way, means "every idiot with the price of a pistol could pack heat on the street with no permit."
And thus, your claim to that effect is a lie.
Which no way, means "every idiot with the price of a pistol could pack heat on the street with no permit."
And thus, your claim to that effect is a lie.
It includes a whole lot of idiots. You split hairs, just to call people liars as you think it means something, from somebody like you. I think I can do without you for a while. IGNORE.

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