Anyone heard about a Biden announcement on gun control tomorrow (4/11/22)?

Illegals shouldn't even be in the country.
True. I do not know anybody that is against immigration. But, I do not know anybody that is in favor of illegal immigration, flaunting the laws of our country on their way in, and expecting to stay, as if we owed them something. It may not be a felony, but it should be, and an automatic disqualified for any kind of government assistance or acceptance.
Quote my post where I've said that.

If someone wants a gun because they're willing to shoot someone in the guise of 'self defence', then they're a pending criminal and not someone that should be owning a gun.

As for the rest of your tripe in your post, grow up you silly little boy, USMB is for adults.
Self defense isn't a "guise"

That you think a person doesn't have the right to defend his own life with the very best tool for the job is proof that you don;t think people have rights not granted by the government.

And you keep flaunting your ignorance about the US and its people.

There are less than 300 instances annually of a person killing in self defense in the US. This actually illustrates the incredible restraint that law abiding gun owners exhibit. And you also are too fucking stupid to understand that a defensive gun use doesn't necessarily anyone is killed or even shot.

Most criminal pieces of shit will turn tail and run if a person pulls a gun and no shots need to be fired

So take the hint that Americans don;t give a rat's ass about what you idiot Brits or anyone else for that matter think.

Anyone who still accepots a monarch doesn't know shit about this country
Correct, hence the high gun incidents and deaths.

It's been explained to you where most murders in this country occur and that they aren't committed by people who legallt own guns.

Just one more thing you're too fucking stupid to understand.

And FYI Suicide is a choice not a crime and people have the absolute right to decide if they live or die
Sorry but this is all I got, I can't find anything else:


Maybe the announcement of the new ATF rulings on braces?
The tweet speaks about gun violence. NOT gun control so settle down rambo. That will come later.
Self defense isn't a "guise"

That you think a person doesn't have the right to defend his own life with the very best tool for the job is proof that you don;t think people have rights not granted by the government.

And you keep flaunting your ignorance about the US and its people.

There are less than 300 instances annually of a person killing in self defense in the US. This actually illustrates the incredible restraint that law abiding gun owners exhibit. And you also are too fucking stupid to understand that a defensive gun use doesn't necessarily anyone is killed or even shot.

Most criminal pieces of shit will turn tail and run if a person pulls a gun and no shots need to be fired

So take the hint that Americans don;t give a rat's ass about what you idiot Brits or anyone else for that matter think.

Anyone who still accepots a monarch doesn't know shit about this country
Yes, you have the right to self defence in the UK too -

There's a thread on it in the clean debate zone. The gun nuts never posted on it because it highlights their ignorance and lies.

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Self defense isn't a "guise"

That you think a person doesn't have the right to defend his own life with the very best tool for the job is proof that you don;t think people have rights not granted by the government.

And you keep flaunting your ignorance about the US and its people.

There are less than 300 instances annually of a person killing in self defense in the US. This actually illustrates the incredible restraint that law abiding gun owners exhibit. And you also are too fucking stupid to understand that a defensive gun use doesn't necessarily anyone is killed or even shot.

Most criminal pieces of shit will turn tail and run if a person pulls a gun and no shots need to be fired

So take the hint that Americans don;t give a rat's ass about what you idiot Brits or anyone else for that matter think.

Anyone who still accepots a monarch doesn't know shit about this country

Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019​

  1. Brazil (49436)
  2. United States (37038)
  3. Venezuela (28515)
  4. Mexico (22116)
  5. India (14710)
  6. Colombia (13169)
  7. Philippines (9267)
  8. Guatemala (5980)

Every time you guys open your mouths, it paves the way on why they should be regulated like many other countries. Won't apply to all suicides, but anyone displaying suicidal tendencies who owns a gun, doctor and/or family members could raise the concern to the police to have his/her guns removed until they're mentally fit to have them back.
Yes, you have the right to self defence in the UK too -

There's a thread on it in the clean debate zone. The gun nuts never posted on it because it highlights their ignorance and lies.

It is reasonable to use deadly force.

Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019​

  1. Brazil (49436)
  2. United States (37038)
  3. Venezuela (28515)
  4. Mexico (22116)
  5. India (14710)
  6. Colombia (13169)
  7. Philippines (9267)
  8. Guatemala (5980)

The fact is most ( approx 70%) "gun deaths" in the US are suicide and a person has the absolute right to decide if he lives or dies

The fact is most ( approx 70%) "gun deaths" in the US are suicide and a person has the absolute right to decide if he lives or dies
If you did give a fuck, at least you would learn something about other countries instead of spouting crap about them.
The two examples in the CDZ thread I did covers that. First example was deadly force used but the circumstances were not reasonable. The second example deadly force was used and the circumstances were reasonable.
If it is found in a court that the use of deadly force was unreasonable then it is not self defense and the person will be charged with manslaughter at the minimum or murder to one degree or another.

You are operating under the delusion that all a person in the US has to do is claim self defense and he gets a pass on any charges.
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If you did give a fuck, at least you would learn something about other countries instead of spouting crap about them.
I don;t care what you people do in your little kingdom on your little island

The question is why do you care what Americans do in their own country when it's none of your fucking business
If it is found in a court that the use of deadly force was unreasonable then it is not self defense and the person will be charged with manslaughter at the minimum or murder to one degree or another.

You are operating under the delusion that all a person in the US has to do is claim self defense and he gets a pass on any charges.
If the burglar is running away a d you shoot at him/her, is it reasonable force?

If a burglar confronts you with a screwdriver and starts fighting you, and the screwdriver ends up stabbing the burglar and he/she dies, was that reasonable?

No to the first, yes to the second.
I don;t care what you people do in your little kingdom on your little island

The question is why do you care what Americans do in their own country when it's none of your fucking business
If you don't care, then shut your face about the UK because you're coming across as an utter little prick.
The problem is that the idiot left believes that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will have a measurable impact on gun crime. It won't. Why won't it? Because we're law abiding, that's why.

When was the last time a liberal proposed legislation that targeted criminals?
If the burglar is running away a d you shoot at him/her, is it reasonable force?

If a burglar confronts you with a screwdriver and starts fighting you, and the screwdriver ends up stabbing the burglar and he/she dies, was that reasonable?

No to the first, yes to the second.
Yes. It's also reasonable if I shoot the guy with the screwdriver because it is a deadly weapon. FYI it's also reasonable to shoot an unarmed person in some situations. If person is attacked by a larger stronger person for example or if a person is attacked by more than one unarmed persons

These are the laws in the US which you obviously know nothing about
If you don't care, then shut your face about the UK because you're coming across as an utter little prick.
Says the WANKER that spends his time on a US message board complaining about the US. Tell you what you mind your own fucking business and mow your own fucking lawn.

You won't see me on some UK board whining about the laws in your little kingdom

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