Anyone heard about a Biden announcement on gun control tomorrow (4/11/22)?

This is a lie. No such laws have been passed.
We have what is call constitutional carry. Not really surprising for Tennessee, where you can take classes for the permit, be checked by the state, trained backgrounded by TBI, FBI and DHS and be out less than a $100 Bucks. My carry permit costs $68.00 for 8 years. Other states, they have tried to make guns for personal defense a money making boondoggle. Boondoggle once in place is a moneymaker, to still there, but some states like Illinois (a money making boondoggle weapon state), also passed Constitutional carry. That means most citizens can carry most places in the state, that a permit holder can. They just cannot take the weapon out of state, as they have to be permitted in other states. As a permit holder, I am good for about 32 states, under reciprocal agreements and recognition of the state training and Federal background check.
Bottom line is YES. These laws are being passed by Republican state legislature, several a year for the past several years. You need to do a Google search for constitutional carry and your state's name, to see what is being done in your state. If you are in a Democratic controlled state and especially if they have made it a state moneymaking boondoggle with hoops to jump through and big money to lay down with short durations, stipulations, re qualifications, ad infinitum, you are probably already screwed.
That said, I am more in favor of the permit system if done fairly and inexpensively, which it can be. But, many states did not go that way, and everybody deserves the right to self-protection, even when they are not home, unless they have been found guilty of offenses that would preclude them from owning or possessing weapons. I have not heard of any Democratic Party controlled states that give a damn about their people enough to let their law-abiding normal people exercise their constitutional right to carry for person protection.
Try not to call people liars at the drop of a hat, just because you are too lazy or stupid to look something up. THE INTERNET!! IT IS NOT JUST FOR MESSAGE BOARDS AND PORN ANYMORE.;)
We have what is call constitutional carry. Not really surprising for Tennessee, where you can take classes for the permit, be checked by the state, trained backgrounded by TBI, FBI and DHS and be out less than a $100 Bucks. My carry permit costs $68.00 for 8 years. Other states, they have tried to make guns for personal defense a money making boondoggle. Boondoggle once in place is a moneymaker, to still there, but some states like Illinois (a money making boondoggle weapon state), also passed Constitutional carry. That means most citizens can carry most places in the state, that a permit holder can. They just cannot take the weapon out of state, as they have to be permitted in other states. As a permit holder, I am good for about 32 states, under reciprocal agreements and recognition of the state training and Federal background check.
Bottom line is YES. These laws are being passed by Republican state legislature, several a year for the past several years. You need to do a Google search for constitutional carry and your state's name, to see what is being done in your state. If you are in a Democratic controlled state and especially if they have made it a state moneymaking boondoggle with hoops to jump through and big money to lay down with short durations, stipulations, re qualifications, ad infinitum, you are probably already screwed.
That said, I am more in favor of the permit system if done fairly and inexpensively, which it can be. But, many states did not go that way, and everybody deserves the right to self-protection, even when they are not home, unless they have been found guilty of offenses that would preclude them from owning or possessing weapons. I have not heard of any Democratic Party controlled states that give a damn about their people enough to let their law-abiding normal people exercise their constitutional right to carry for person protection.
That's not Constitutional Carry
If they can pass a background check to buy a gun, they shouldn't need a carry permit.
I would agree, except for having seen untrained people with guns. Heck, my neighbor was a permit holder, qualifying using a revolver. He changed to an automatic, as his carry weapon. I had to go with him armed to check out the house across the street from us. He had now weapons control training or practice. He crossed me with his tube, weapon on fire multiple times, even after being warned by me. I finally had to get 15 feet away to his left to avoid a problem of accidentally getting shot in the back. When we returned to his living room, his weapon was still on fire, instead of safe and he asked me to clear the weapon for him as he was afraid he might shoot through his floor. The stuff I have seen on civilian outdoor and even indoor firing ranges would curl your hair. Many people just have no business having a weapon off their own property, but come on down to TN, we got them, and they are packing.
I would agree, except for having seen untrained people with guns. Heck, my neighbor was a permit holder, qualifying using a revolver. He changed to an automatic, as his carry weapon. I had to go with him armed to check out the house across the street from us. He had now weapons control training or practice. He crossed me with his tube, weapon on fire multiple times, even after being warned by me. I finally had to get 15 feet away to his left to avoid a problem of accidentally getting shot in the back. When we returned to his living room, his weapon was still on fire, instead of safe and he asked me to clear the weapon for him as he was afraid he might shoot through his floor. The stuff I have seen on civilian outdoor and even indoor firing ranges would curl your hair. Many people just have no business having a weapon off their own property, but come on down to TN, we got them, and they are packing.
The permitting systems were abused. They were too expensive and too inhibitive. They should have been free and the permits issued the same day as the class. Had that happened, we wouldn't be here and everybody would win. But no, the state governments turned it into a shit show.
Potato will implement some "feel good" nonsense that does absolutely NOTHING to stop gun crime.
You want to do something meaningful, ENFORCE THE DAMN LAWS we already have on the books.
Required education might at least avoid people leaving loaded, fire-ready weapons in the car alone with children.
Required education might at least avoid people leaving loaded, fire-ready weapons in the car alone with children.
if you are stupid enough to do that there is no amt. of required education that will help you.

might as well pass legislation not allowing stupid people to have children in the first place.

is there already a law on the books stating you can't leave children below a certain age alone in a car? serious question?
if you are stupid enough to do that there is no amt. of required education that will help you.

might as well pass legislation not allowing stupid people to have children in the first place.

is there already a law on the books stating you can't leave children below a certain age alone in a car? serious question?
This observation, with which we can only agree, begs many questions that may not be uncomfortable for extremists.
And that's the stupid part highlighted in bold.
Yes that's right because you don't believe people have rights.

That's what happens when you submit to rule by an inbred family of monarchs. YOU need someone to take care of you because you're too stupid to do it yourself and you give up freedom for safety.

So go masturbate to your picture of your horse faced jug eared future king and thank him for the privileges you are allowed
The permitting systems were abused. They were too expensive and too inhibitive. They should have been free and the permits issued the same day as the class. Had that happened, we wouldn't be here and everybody would win. But no, the state governments turned it into a shit show.
The permitting systems were abused. TRUE
They were too expensive and too inhibition. Mostly True. Not in my state, but in many others. It may have been you that brought Illinois to my attention, a state that did exactly as you describe and there are undoubtably others.
I can see, fees that cover the actual costs of the program, but not what some of these Democrat, jack leg, never saw a tax or fee they didn't like, until they destroyed the utility and benefit of the program states.
I am in Tennessee. I don't even get my drivers license the same day. I get a temp and the real one comes days or a week later. It bothers me not.
Not destroyed by government per se, but individual state governments. I differentiate and put blame where it belongs.
Had it happened (correctly) we would not be here and everybody could win. TRUE
Funny thing though. In States that did and will go Constitutional in-state carry, you did not see the republican legislatures fix the system, so they might have the benefits of the system. They only sidestep the benefits along with the drawbacks. That is dumb.
I bigger issue for me, is expanding the number of states that recognize my training. No state is dumb enough to allow anybody from any state to freely pack heat on the street and constitutionally carry for citizens of other states. I think there should be universal state reciprocity of the certifications and licensing from other states, as described in the constitution, just as drivers licenses are. If you have passed all the tests, certifications, etc in your state and been background checked by national authority, all states should recognize and reciprocally recognize the actions of the other states as valid in their state.
Yes that's right because you don't believe people have rights.
Quote my post where I've said that.

If someone wants a gun because they're willing to shoot someone in the guise of 'self defence', then they're a pending criminal and not someone that should be owning a gun.

As for the rest of your tripe in your post, grow up you silly little boy, USMB is for adults.
They can have my ghost gun when they pry it from my cold dead hands...........


Granted they'll probably use it on me afterwards..............
They can have my ghost gun when they pry it from my cold dead hands...........


Granted they'll probably use it on me afterwards..............
What is that thing?
Serialization of Parts ( And DROs/BGC needed) including ( Parts of Receivers , Hammers / Triggers/Firecontrol Groups , Barrels , Stocks/Grips , Handguards , Bolt Groups / Carriers , Slides , ...
Quote my post where I've said that.

If someone wants a gun because they're willing to shoot someone in the guise of 'self defence', then they're a pending criminal and not someone that should be owning a gun.

As for the rest of your tripe in your post, grow up you silly little boy, USMB is for adults.
Until that person commits a crime, he has a right to own a gun.
Until that person commits a crime, he has a right to own a gun.
Correct, but not a suitable character to do so. If someone applies for a gun here in the UK and states the purpose was for self defence, denied, not a suitable character. That reduces gun incidents, hence the problem you guys experience. It's a vicious circle, wrong people owning guns, shooting people, so people shoot more people and are deemed heroes. It's pretty screwed it.

The chances of violent crime is miniscule; claiming criminals is just a wash, rinse, repeat deflection crap tactic.
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Correct, but not a suitable character to do so. If someone applies for a gun here in the UK and states the purpose was for self defence, denied, not a suitable character. That reduces gun incidents, hence the problem you guys experience. It's a vicious circle, wrong people owning guns, shooting people, so people shoot more people and are deemed heroes. It's pretty screwed it.

The chances of violent crime is miniscule; claiming criminals is just a wash, rinse, repeat deflection crap tactic.
"Not a suitable character" isn't a legal standard to deny someone of his rights in The United States.

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