Anyone heard how that adulterating prick Strzok did today

The hill stated that Strzok said the Russian investigation was more important than the Clinton email investigation
That shows a clear bias
Ask the pussy grabber....prostitute called president....
i haven’t seen anything in print

Doesn't seem to be any useful info around the web. I wish his testimony had been public, the American people deserved to hear it. Personally, I think the substance and tone of his texts was highly biased against the President and grounds for dismissal from the FBI as soon as they were discovered. Seems no one has held this guy to even basic professional standards. How could he serve the pursuit of justice with that kind of axe to grind?
You mean the agent that wrote the letter that reopened the investigation into Hillary's emails that gave the election to trump...the carnival barking charlatan?

You mean that agent?

CNN: FBI agent Strzok helped write letter reopening Clinton probe
No, the FBI agent that who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division. That also changed Comey's earlier draft language describing Clinton's actions as "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless....dumbass.

FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey description of Clinton - CNNPolitics
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Strzok called his treasonous conversation with his mistress just an 'intimate conversation'.

Ummm, NO! Stating the FBI does not want Trump as President and ' We will stop him' is a crime.

Mentioning the 'Secret Society' that met to collude and conspire to prevent Trump from winning and to conduct a political coup should he win is evidence of Conspiracy.

This ass should have been PERP-WALKED out of Congress.
I heard basically 2 things:

1. His lawyer told him not to answer several questions, so he didn't

2. According to some, his answers about those "questionable" emails were not believable

Sounds like a big waste of time to me. I never expected to get anything of value from him anyway.
So the man had a personal opinion. So does Trump. So what? He still did his job. If anything - he helped screw Hillary.
I heard basically 2 things:

1. His lawyer told him not to answer several questions, so he didn't

2. According to some, his answers about those "questionable" emails were not believable

Sounds like a big waste of time to me. I never expected to get anything of value from him anyway.

You mean...
He lied almost as much as trump?
D A M N !
I heard basically 2 things:

1. His lawyer told him not to answer several questions, so he didn't

2. According to some, his answers about those "questionable" emails were not believable

Sounds like a big waste of time to me. I never expected to get anything of value from him anyway.

Ok much for an attempt to clear his name.
I heard basically 2 things:

1. His lawyer told him not to answer several questions, so he didn't

2. According to some, his answers about those "questionable" emails were not believable

Sounds like a big waste of time to me. I never expected to get anything of value from him anyway.

You mean...
He lied almost as much as trump?
D A M N !

Not nearly as much as Hillary though, but then that's a pretty high bar.

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