Anyone here take the SAT test lately?


You check a box to state your race.

All right - that's what i wanted to know. So it appears my hypothesis is correct and white people do falsely claim to be black to get a higher score than their performance merits. And that means the dismal scores of blacks are in fact OVERSTATED!!! The average black total is prolly 1100 and not the 1270 we are told.

You are a fucking retard, you have to show your ID when you take that test you dumb cocksucker.

He's been informed of this many times now, but he thinks he's hit on a real 'clever' idea and he doesn't want to let it go. In other words, he's not only an ignorant, racist bastard, but too shit-all stupid to learn.
All right - that's what i wanted to know. So it appears my hypothesis is correct and white people do falsely claim to be black to get a higher score than their performance merits. And that means the dismal scores of blacks are in fact OVERSTATED!!! The average black total is prolly 1100 and not the 1270 we are told.

You are a fucking retard, you have to show your ID when you take that test you dumb cocksucker.

He's been informed of this many times now, but he thinks he's hit on a real 'clever' idea and he doesn't want to let it go. In other words, he's not only an ignorant, racist bastard, but too shit-all stupid to learn.

So this retard is saying white people show up to take the test, show their ID and claim to be black?:cuckoo:
I'm not sure he's gotten it through his thick skull and down into his pea brain that such ID is required, or that the test results are sent to the schools being applied to, where any absurd 'race pretending' would become quite evident during the application process.

Bottom line: He's just a damn idiot.

You check a box to state your race. My white friend said he was a pacific islander. Because he was a huge pothead. Now he makes six figures.

I went to the same school as him. I checked Caribbean islander. Which is the truth. But I was also a huge pothead at the time. I make six figures too. Grow up you idiot.

American dream bay baaaaaaaaaaay

You make six figures doesn't mean you earn six figures. Counterfeiters also make a lot of money. I doubt if you have anything to be proud of. I doubt if anybody wants to be you.

After reading his biography, I definitely don't want to be Warren Buffett. When in high school, he made more money than his teachers but couldn't get a date. He was as much of a loser as a computer geek, only his escapist nerdiness was about collecting money. He would refuse to enjoy life by spending it because he believed that $100 spent today could have turned into $1,000 down the line. Even ignoring that nobody would want to be that, he did no more for the economy than a gambler does for the team he bets for or against on.

Buffett & Gates's useless charity is for worthless Third Worlders rather than for people with talent, who need to be financed instead of being asked to sacrifice.

You check a box to state your race.

All right - that's what i wanted to know. So it appears my hypothesis is correct and white people do falsely claim to be black to get a higher score than their performance merits. And that means the dismal scores of blacks are in fact OVERSTATED!!! The average black total is prolly 1100 and not the 1270 we are told.

Soul Man, with Rae Dawn Chong. The guy has to take pills to look Black, so maybe you'd have to do that if you faked your race to become one of the privileged groups.
The company that administers the SAT test gives out average scores for whites and for blacks and i'd like to know how they know the race of the test-taker. When you apply to take the test, is there simply a question as to your race.? If so, i bet lots of whites say they are black to get the benefit of affirmative action scoring. That means the black-white gap, huge as it is, is actually much larger.

there is no affirmative action scoring, although the writing section may have a small bias if the writer can convince the marker that she is black. the math and verbal portions are scored the same for everyone.

it is the race norming afterwards with the scores that upsets people. a black 1200(1800) will get you into elite schools that a white 1500(2250) wont. unfortunately those that get in under preferences often perform at the standard of their scores. which only serves to preserve the stereotype of black inferiority.

Hate Whitey professors give them high grades no matter how poorly they perform.
Buffett & Gates's useless charity is for worthless Third Worlders rather than for people with talent, who need to be financed instead of being asked to sacrifice.

Their politics aside, they have done more to help people than you ever will or ever would, even if you weren't such a miserable failure.
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there is no affirmative action scoring, although the writing section may have a small bias if the writer can convince the marker that she is black. the math and verbal portions are scored the same for everyone.

it is the race norming afterwards with the scores that upsets people. a black 1200(1800) will get you into elite schools that a white 1500(2250) wont. unfortunately those that get in under preferences often perform at the standard of their scores. which only serves to preserve the stereotype of black inferiority.

In the early 70s I taught at two private liberal arts colleges in Mississippi. One was historically black and the other had the only Phi Beta Kappa chapter in the state (a couple of years later Ole Miss got the Beta Chapter; you got know that stuck in their craw!).

Anyway a few of us taught classes at both (I got swapped out for an accounting prof, they were short a finite math instructor and statistician) and most had a few students from the other college from time to time from a cross-enrollment agreement. Consensus was that the black students were more intelligent, but had inferior backgrounds. It made sense, as a segregated educational system did a lousy job of preparing black students, and the black students that made it to college had to have compensated for the inferior education, and they sure didn't do it by having rich parents.

Needless to say, the white students had far better SAT scores, but the black students had better GRE scores. People who think that SATs say something about intelligence by race need to explain the GRE scores.
there is no affirmative action scoring, although the writing section may have a small bias if the writer can convince the marker that she is black. the math and verbal portions are scored the same for everyone.


No AA scoring because you say so?? HAHAHA It's there all right but the point is, people think it's there and so claim they are black to get the special treatment and that makes the black-white gap smaller than it really is. THINK

there is no affirmative action scoring, although the writing section may have a small bias if the writer can convince the marker that she is black. the math and verbal portions are scored the same for everyone.


No AA scoring because you say so?? HAHAHA It's there all right but the point is, people think it's there and so claim they are black to get the special treatment and that makes the black-white gap smaller than it really is. THINK
You are a fucking retard, you have to show your ID when you take that test you dumb cocksucker.

Other people here say you don't. Make up you [sic] mind, you idiot !!!

No one here has said you don't, moron. The FACT is that you DO. Damn, you're fucking stupid.

The follwing link from the USA today states that it became mandatory nationwide in the fall of 2012 to produce a valid photo ID in order to take the SAT and ACT tests.

Photo ID to be required for fall SAT, ACT exams
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Other people here say you don't. Make up you [sic] mind, you idiot !!!

No one here has said you don't, moron. The FACT is that you DO. Damn, you're fucking stupid.

The follwing link from the USA today states that it became mandatory nationwide in the fall of 2012 to produce a valid photo ID in order to take the SAT and ACT tests.

Photo ID to be required for fall SAT, ACT exams

No need for USA Today. I've been telling the damn fool for days.
No one here has said you don't, moron. The FACT is that you DO. Damn, you're fucking stupid.

The follwing link from the USA today states that it became mandatory nationwide in the fall of 2012 to produce a valid photo ID in order to take the SAT and ACT tests.

Photo ID to be required for fall SAT, ACT exams

No need for USA Today. I've been telling the damn fool for days.

Gentlemen, Ignorance can be cured, but Dumb is forever!
there is no affirmative action scoring, although the writing section may have a small bias if the writer can convince the marker that she is black. the math and verbal portions are scored the same for everyone.

it is the race norming afterwards with the scores that upsets people. a black 1200(1800) will get you into elite schools that a white 1500(2250) wont. unfortunately those that get in under preferences often perform at the standard of their scores. which only serves to preserve the stereotype of black inferiority.

In the early 70s I taught at two private liberal arts colleges in Mississippi. One was historically black and the other had the only Phi Beta Kappa chapter in the state (a couple of years later Ole Miss got the Beta Chapter; you got know that stuck in their craw!).

Anyway a few of us taught classes at both (I got swapped out for an accounting prof, they were short a finite math instructor and statistician) and most had a few students from the other college from time to time from a cross-enrollment agreement. Consensus was that the black students were more intelligent, but had inferior backgrounds. It made sense, as a segregated educational system did a lousy job of preparing black students, and the black students that made it to college had to have compensated for the inferior education, and they sure didn't do it by having rich parents.

Needless to say, the white students had far better SAT scores, but the black students had better GRE scores. People who think that SATs say something about intelligence by race need to explain the GRE scores.

I am confused. the B/W gap is still the proverbial one std dev for the GRE as it is for the SAT, as it is for IQ tests. which is certainly circumstantial evidence of large racial preference, considering the restriction of range.

is there a time limit to 'inferior backgrounds and educations'? surely by the time an individual has earned a degree they should be able to take a test.
No one here has said you don't, moron. The FACT is that you DO. Damn, you're fucking stupid.

The follwing link from the USA today states that it became mandatory nationwide in the fall of 2012 to produce a valid photo ID in order to take the SAT and ACT tests.

Photo ID to be required for fall SAT, ACT exams

No need for USA Today. I've been telling the damn fool for days.

Indeed you have. I guess I was hoping that if he saw a link, he would shut up and go away.

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