Anyone here take the SAT test lately?


Needless to say, the white students had far better SAT scores, but the black students had better GRE scores. People who think that SATs say something about intelligence by race need to explain the GRE scores.

Hey stupid. The SAT is given to HS seniors. The GRE to college seniors.!!! You don't even know that much so your cred is gone.

The follwing link from the USA today states that it became mandatory nationwide in the fall of 2012 to produce a valid photo ID in order to take the SAT and ACT tests.

Photo ID to be required for fall SAT, ACT exams

That's interesting but it doesn't prove a thing. The ID is just to verify who you are not your race. The white kids are still claiming blackness and the SAT administers have been told to look the other way.

The follwing link from the USA today states that it became mandatory nationwide in the fall of 2012 to produce a valid photo ID in order to take the SAT and ACT tests.

Photo ID to be required for fall SAT, ACT exams

That's interesting but it doesn't prove a thing. The ID is just to verify who you are not your race. The white kids are still claiming blackness and the SAT administers have been told to look the other way.

No, they are not. This has all been explained to you many times now, moron. Your imbecilic imaginings have no bearing on reality.
Kids are just finishing up taking the SAT right at this moment, in fact. And they are not pretending to be a different 'race.' Of all the stupid little fantasies that shitshispeedos has dreamed up to justify his cowardice, this has to be one of the most idiotic.

You check a box to state your race.

All right - that's what i wanted to know. So it appears my hypothesis is correct and white people do falsely claim to be black to get a higher score than their performance merits. And that means the dismal scores of blacks are in fact OVERSTATED!!! The average black total is prolly 1100 and not the 1270 we are told.

You are a fucking retard, you have to show your ID when you take that test you dumb cocksucker.

Are you sure about that ID thing? Where in the hell is the ACLU and Eric Holder when you need them. Show an ID to take a test, but not to vote. Who wudda thunk that. Sounds unconstitutional or racial discrimination at the very least.

Are you sure about that ID thing? Where in the hell is the ACLU and Eric Holder when you need them. Show an ID to take a test, but not to vote. Who wudda thunk that. Sounds unconstitutional or racial discrimination at the very least.

Hell - even a sewer like mexico has photo ID to vote. In fact does any country besides america not have it???

America - where 15% of the residents are illegal invaders and our president says photo ID to vote is a terrible idea!!
Address the issue i raised or stay off my thread.

You internet wannabee punk. Answer the question.

this from the buffoon who always runs away from the tough questions and then has the gall to pronounce you actually answered the questions. :lol: you are bad liar jake.

This from the wing nut far right reactionary who gets roundly handled when he acts up then runs and cries.

Answer the question, punk.

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