anyone like role playing games?

I haven't played those in years, is the second one exodus?

Ultima goes back to the early 80s, one of the first PC games ever made.
The secret to that was do the dungeons while level five bcause the monsters get too strong.

Only level up when going to fight the final boss.
I used to play RPG games back in the old days

Original Final Fantasy for Nintendo and then Sega Genesis I loved the Shining Force Games
If you;re going to role play, make sure you have a "Safety word"

[ame=]YouTube - Famliy Guy Safe word is banana[/ame]
shining force was bad ass. so was Shining in the darkness. Ever play the old fantasy star series? killer. Warriors of the Eternal Sun? hehehe.
I like roll-playing games. Like tonight for instance. I will be the mean, nasty college professor and Mrs. BBD will be the shy, timid, easily controlled co-ed. After the game we'll have a bowl of ice cream and go to sleep! That is, if Mrs. BBD doesn't have another one of her untimely headaches!:eek:
shining force was bad ass. so was Shining in the darkness. Ever play the old fantasy star series? killer. Warriors of the Eternal Sun? hehehe.

hells yeah

Phantasy Star games were bad ass!

I loved how you could choose different paths to go down depending who you marry and each hero had a different story line and ending.

Great games...Shining in the darkness was also very awesome

Shining Force 1 to me still has one of the best endings i've seen in games.

Makes me want to download an emulator and play lol
today you should try playing the role of:
"guy who gets off of his fat ass and goes outside into the real world before his waistline expands any further"
yea.. the thing is with emulators... who the hell wants to put that kind of time into an 8 bit game anymore? I bought the ole ps1 final fantasy cd and... yea.. it was cool.. yea.. it was nostalgic.. but, I wasn't about to drop as much time playing on it as I did the original as a kid. But yea, fantasy star generational character options were pretty cool for the time. I even had the first fantasy star on the sega master system. Which, might I add, really was a better system than the NES.
Did anyone play a game called "Bards Tale" back in the day. My older brother used to play that game like a mad man on our old school Commodore 64 lol
today you should try playing the role of:
"guy who gets off of his fat ass and goes outside into the real world before his waistline expands any further"

who the fuck are you to take jabs, noobsauce? Maybe you can play the part of "Little noobtoast bastard who discovers how deep Shogun's mudhole stomping leg can reach" today.
Did anyone play a game called "Bards Tale" back in the day. My older brother used to play that game like a mad man on our old school Commodore 64 lol

i think they had bards tale for ps2. Liked the comedy but wasn't otherwise a fan.
I agree that Sega topped nintendo once they got into gear.

Genesis and Saturn were fun systems

Saturn had some bad ass games on it
noobsauce? stinger.

i beg your pardon. please do not call down your minions upon me! I greatly fear your spells and incantations. And with your strength of virginity i would surely be no match...
now, which way to the beginners guild my leige?

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