Anyone remeber Chamberlain and Hitler proclaiming Peace in our time?

We shall see, meanwhile Russia has massed a large force on the Ukrainian border. One wonders why?

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it sad but often true.

And we must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent or omniscient - that we are only six percent of the world's population - that we cannot impose our will upon the other ninety-four percent of mankind - that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity - and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.”
President John F. Kennedy

"We've got this thing that so many military believe that Republican administrations are good for the military. That is rarely the case. And, we have to get a message through to every soldier, every family member, every friend of soldiers that the Republican party, the Republican dominated Congress has absolutely been the worst thing that's happened to the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps."
Major General Paul D. Eaton
There was no vote for the U.S. led coup against the elected government.

It wasn't US lead you dumb ass. It was Ukrainian. And they are holding an election which was interrupted by an armed invasion and the threat of another one.

Was it?
Then why do your politicians discuss who will be in the new government?
Of course it was the U.S. that started this off.
Once again, they removed a democratically elected leader (Who I dislike) and popped their own people in.

Election - bullshit - have a recording of Americans deciding who'll be in power.

[ame=]Leaked - US Assistant Secretary of State Ukraine Call - YouTube[/ame]

We shall see, meanwhile Russia has massed a large force on the Ukrainian border. One wonders why?

Well, DUH, Gunny. What do you think? Putin has his boot marks all over Obama's ass. Russia will invade the Ukraine and there will be minimal to light resistance. I believe Putin has his eyes on most of western Europe, sort of like Hitler did in the late 30s and early 40s. Putin already knows Obama is a weak and indecisive leader that is very naive. The EU is spineless and they have no guts or stomach for direct combat with the Russians, It will be a cake walk for Putin and he already knows this, just like it originally was for Hitler.
Russia will invade the Ukraine as well as Poland, ect. Putin has his eye on ALL of Europe. This is the Soviet dream - to rule the world - but first? First Russia must defeat the USA and put us out of the way. They cannot proceed in Middle East with America still standing. After that its on to Europe where Putin will make war against the Muslims and become the hero that saved all of Europe. Mr. Gog has big plans!
Russia has no right to Ukraine but I believe it does have right to Crimea.

Apparently the people in Crimea agree.
I agree that Russia has no right to the Ukraine. That won't stop Putin from taking it by force though.

We shall see, meanwhile Russia has massed a large force on the Ukrainian border. One wonders why?

Well, most of you remember Munich wrongly.

What most sensible people remember is that the United Kingdom lost millions of men in WOrld War I and weren't keen on having a World War II.

Certainly not over Czechoslovakia.

YOu see, here's the thing. The people of the Sudetenland were Germans,and didn't want to be Czechs. Just like the folks in the Crimea are Russian and don't want to be Ukranian.

SO really, Chamberlain didn't have a leg to stand on in Munich and he knew it.

We shall see, meanwhile Russia has massed a large force on the Ukrainian border. One wonders why?
NATO's "endless eastward expansion" since 1990 seems one likely reason:

"There is widespread agreement among all political parties in Moscow, from the Patriots of Russia to the Communists to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's United Russia party, that the West broke its word and short-changed Russia when it was weak.

"In an interview with SPIEGEL at his residence outside Moscow in early November, President Dmitry Medvedev complained that when the Berlin Wall came down, it had 'not been possible to redefine Russia's place in Europe.'

"What did Russia get? 'None of the things that we were assured, namely that NATO would not expand endlessly eastwards and our interests would be continuously taken into consideration,' Medvedev said."

NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Possibly a US "missile shield' based in Poland to protect Europe from non-existent Iranian nukes makes Putin wonder what the US has in mind?
I agree that Russia has no right to the Ukraine. That won't stop Putin from taking it by force though.

I don't think RUssia has a right to the Ukraine.

However, the people of Crimea have a right to choose whether they want to be Russians or Ukrainians, and they've chosen to be Russians.

Really, there aren't any winners here. WIthout the Russians in Crimea, a pro-Russian government will never come to power again in Kiev. Russia will have to invest billions into the Crimea... just building a bridge that will connect Crimea to Russia will cost 3 billion - and in turn, they will lose billions in European investment and trade.
I agree that Russia has no right to the Ukraine. That won't stop Putin from taking it by force though.

The rest of the area has shown no interest in joining Russia, and Russia is aware of the likely problems.

I wonder if anyone will comment on my video, proving the U.S. helped the coup and went on to decide who would be in the new Ukrainian government.

I don't think they will as it proves the U.S. removed an elected government in favour of their own puppets.
All this talk of Russia being evil but not a mention as to why the people VOTED to get rid of the American led coup against the elected government.
I agree that Russia has no right to the Ukraine. That won't stop Putin from taking it by force though.

The rest of the area has shown no interest in joining Russia, and Russia is aware of the likely problems.

I wonder if anyone will comment on my video, proving the U.S. helped the coup and went on to decide who would be in the new Ukrainian government.

I don't think they will as it proves the U.S. removed an elected government in favour of their own puppets.
All this talk of Russia being evil but not a mention as to why the people VOTED to get rid of the American led coup against the elected government.
Not to mention the fact that any US aid to an illegitimate government violates US laws

"Washington’s decision to provide financial aid to the coup-appointed government of Ukraine goes against the US laws, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, urging American politicians to think about the consequences of supporting the radicals in Kiev.

"Ukraine’s ousted president, Viktor Yanukovich, said on Tuesday that the US plans to loan $1 billion to the country’s new authorities are illegal."

By the time neo-Nazi radicals in western Ukraine begin blowing up Russian pipelines, American politicians will blame Stalin or Hitler, but they will never blame those getting richer from eternal war and endless debt.

US to violate own laws by financially aiding Ukraine?s coup-installed govt ? Moscow ? RT News
Not to mention the fact that any US aid to an illegitimate government violates US laws

"Washington’s decision to provide financial aid to the coup-appointed government of Ukraine goes against the US laws, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, urging American politicians to think about the consequences of supporting the radicals in Kiev.

"Ukraine’s ousted president, Viktor Yanukovich, said on Tuesday that the US plans to loan $1 billion to the country’s new authorities are illegal."

It is, as was the aid to Egypt after their coup.
U.S. Congress Republicans want small arms sent to help Ukraine | Reuters

Oh dear, the arms manufacturers' pet puppy dogs in the republican party are trying to squeeze a few sales out of this.
Not to mention the fact that any US aid to an illegitimate government violates US laws

"Washington’s decision to provide financial aid to the coup-appointed government of Ukraine goes against the US laws, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, urging American politicians to think about the consequences of supporting the radicals in Kiev.

"Ukraine’s ousted president, Viktor Yanukovich, said on Tuesday that the US plans to loan $1 billion to the country’s new authorities are illegal."

It is, as was the aid to Egypt after their coup.
U.S. Congress Republicans want small arms sent to help Ukraine | Reuters

Oh dear, the arms manufacturers' pet puppy dogs in the republican party are trying to squeeze a few sales out of this.
Never pass up a crisis.
Not to mention the fact that any US aid to an illegitimate government violates US laws

"Washington’s decision to provide financial aid to the coup-appointed government of Ukraine goes against the US laws, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, urging American politicians to think about the consequences of supporting the radicals in Kiev.

"Ukraine’s ousted president, Viktor Yanukovich, said on Tuesday that the US plans to loan $1 billion to the country’s new authorities are illegal."

It is, as was the aid to Egypt after their coup.
U.S. Congress Republicans want small arms sent to help Ukraine | Reuters

Oh dear, the arms manufacturers' pet puppy dogs in the republican party are trying to squeeze a few sales out of this.
"Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte, who is in Ukraine, noted in an interview with 'Face the Nation' that Ukraine has asked NATO for small arms. She said the United States also should send communications equipment and technical assistance, while further squeezing Russia with additional economic sanctions.

"The New Hampshire senator, who is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said of Putin: 'He's a bully. And bullies only understand when we punch them in the nose, but we need to do that economically. That is our strongest move at this point.'"

Kelly should probably visit the neo-Nazis who've been looting thousands of weapons from Western Ukrainian armories, ask them politely to return the pilfered AKs, and then see how she feels about punches to her big no$e

U.S. Congress Republicans want small arms sent to help Ukraine | Reuters

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