Anyone Remember This Oprah Quote That old White People Have to Die?

You should see what Asians and Latinos think of blacks!
You should see how they treat each other.

The only way Dems have been able to get the infighting among minorities to stop has been to focus so much hatred and bile at whites.

Still in the end we will all be one nation. We just have to get rid of the race baiting frauds first to do it.
She leaned forward and stared at the old white interviewer when she said it....I bet he won't forget that moment.
lol, me neither
Pogo: When did you get interested in "lies"? When you dropped to your knees to suck off the one in the OP?

Oh my, you're very upset.
Perhaps you could point out my lie. If I said something wrong, I'd certainly want to correct.
If you can calm down a bit.


Pogo, calm down?

I remember I thought Oprah called racism when she and another black was locked out of a store or something
I'm not talking about the Swiss incident
supposedly the shop had been robbed by blacks before

fine fine--yes there is racism--but not nearly as much that is claimed--that's why we don't even care when we hear it
The only way Dems have been able to get the infighting among minorities to stop has been to focus so much hatred and bile at whites.
Still in the end we will all be one nation.

You're an idiot. America can't survive if half the country is non-white.
fine fine--yes there is racism--but not nearly as much that is claimed--that's why we don't even care when we hear it

You're wrong there. America is drowning in the racism of affirmative action. America has never been more racist than it is now. THINK.
You should see what Asians and Latinos think of blacks!
You should see how they treat each other.

The only way Dems have been able to get the infighting among minorities to stop has been to focus so much hatred and bile at whites.

Still in the end we will all be one nation. We just have to get rid of the race baiting frauds first to do it.
I don't know the solution but whatever they've been doing sure isn't working. They are a cruel, bullying, intimidating, feminine-dominated culture. Full of grudge and rage, which they take out on each other. It's a brutal world they live in. Very oppressive.
I had forgotten all about it til a friend posted it on FB.

What chance she would have in a campaign for POTUS I dont know since she would be spending half of her day every day of the campaign trying to explain away this stupid assertion of hers.

I remember the quote and you misrepresented what it was. It's not what she said.

But the fact that you think fucking Nosebook is a reliable source is itself quotable to say the least.

And the fact that you put up a video with a fake caption instead of her actual voice speaks volumes about your own dishonesty.

hahahah what hypocrites you people are
Trump can ask someone to pass the salt and it is RACIST
anything and everything he says is RACIST
you use some kind of idiotic logic-voodoo to conclude it is racist--when it is not even close to the definition !!
then when we call out Oprah--''o--no--that's not racist''
for Oprah/blacks, you move the goal posts--and change the idiotic logic to logic

I've never described Rump as "racist", in upper case or lower. Prove me wrong.

You're deflecting in desperation but the fact remains there is no "whitey" or "white" in the Winfrey commentary at all. I posted the interview passage verbatim and invited anybody to show where it is. Nobody can, because it isn't.

no--no one has called Trump a racist
point is the whole left is calling him that-
now-I ask you, do you defend Trump the same way as Oprah??

Don't you EVER try to put words in my mouth, lying fucktard. Understand me?

My actual words are sitting right above and they clearly say "I've never described Rump as "racist", in upper case or lower. Prove me wrong."

Which you CAN'T do, fucking lying HACK. Because they don't exist.

There is no "the whole left". There is no "the whole" anything. And a pointless chump like you does NOT get to attribute en masse just because you can't handle the fucking point. If your intellect is so shallow you can't waddle out of a moron concept like that, that's on *YOU* Blinky.
I dont think that Oprah will be defeated by fat jokes.
I am considering voting for her IF SHE BREAKS FROM THE DEMOCRATIC FAR LEFT.
She is a considerable candidate the GOP has to take seriously.

Well then the least you could do is apologize for your lie
FACT CHECK: Did Oprah Winfrey Say 'Old White People Have to Die'?

Nope, he won't. He'll sit here and fling ad hom turds, hoping to persuade ---- I'm not sure, somebody --- by relentlessly posting bullshit he's been busted on. He'll never cop to having posted revisionist history. I think in their tiny little cone-shaped minds they actually think fantasy is somehow more important than reality so that whether something is factually "true" matters less than "does it feel good".

Mac won't admit it either. He'll just veer off into the usual snowstorm about his "Regressives", utterly oblivious to the fact that he just came in here and fellow-travelled a blatant lie. Neither of them have a shred of honesty in their DNA.
At some point, perhaps someone will tell me what I'm lying about.

It's SOP for leftists...I wouldn't worry about it..especially given it's Pogo

It's not my claim, don't ask me. My claim is that the OP lied, which he did, which I proved, and he still can't bring himself to take responsibility. Because again as already noted, these pesky "facts" don't matter. What matters is "what feels good". As Rump Fraud University put it, "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell feelings". And up lined Slowie to buy some, from Nosebook of all places. He ain't too bright.
I had forgotten all about it til a friend posted it on FB.

What chance she would have in a campaign for POTUS I dont know since she would be spending half of her day every day of the campaign trying to explain away this stupid assertion of hers.

Liberal Black women have a permanent "You get a pass" card for any stupid thing they ever say or do.
You should see what Asians and Latinos think of blacks!
You should see how they treat each other.

The only way Dems have been able to get the infighting among minorities to stop has been to focus so much hatred and bile at whites.

Still in the end we will all be one nation. We just have to get rid of the race baiting frauds first to do it.

Then you should be the first to go considering this fake thread you made up.
fine fine--yes there is racism--but not nearly as much that is claimed--that's why we don't even care when we hear it

You're wrong there. America is drowning in the racism of affirmative action. America has never been more racist than it is now. THINK.

Actually it's been way worse. Turn of the (19th/20th) century. Rampant lynchings, baseball's "gentlemen's agreement", Jim Crow, "Birth of a Nation", race riot after race riot including Tulsa including the infamous "Red Summer", the re-formation of the Klan. WAY worse.
I had forgotten all about it til a friend posted it on FB.

What chance she would have in a campaign for POTUS I dont know since she would be spending half of her day every day of the campaign trying to explain away this stupid assertion of hers.

Just looking at Congress. A bunch of old white men.
I had forgotten all about it til a friend posted it on FB.

What chance she would have in a campaign for POTUS I dont know since she would be spending half of her day every day of the campaign trying to explain away this stupid assertion of hers.

Liberal Black women have a permanent "You get a pass" card for any stupid thing they ever say or do.

Know what else they have? Quotes. Transcripts of what they actually said. Everybody does including the post you just made. And the transcript of this one shows that the OP is a liar.
I had forgotten all about it til a friend posted it on FB.

What chance she would have in a campaign for POTUS I dont know since she would be spending half of her day every day of the campaign trying to explain away this stupid assertion of hers.

I remember the quote and you misrepresented what it was. It's not what she said.

But the fact that you think fucking Nosebook is a reliable source is itself quotable to say the least.

And the fact that you put up a video with a fake caption instead of her actual voice speaks volumes about your own dishonesty.

hahahah what hypocrites you people are
Trump can ask someone to pass the salt and it is RACIST
anything and everything he says is RACIST
you use some kind of idiotic logic-voodoo to conclude it is racist--when it is not even close to the definition !!
then when we call out Oprah--''o--no--that's not racist''
for Oprah/blacks, you move the goal posts--and change the idiotic logic to logic

I've never described Rump as "racist", in upper case or lower. Prove me wrong.

You're deflecting in desperation but the fact remains there is no "whitey" or "white" in the Winfrey commentary at all. I posted the interview passage verbatim and invited anybody to show where it is. Nobody can, because it isn't.

no--no one has called Trump a racist
point is the whole left is calling him that-
now-I ask you, do you defend Trump the same way as Oprah??

Don't you EVER try to put words in my mouth, lying fucktard. Understand me?

My actual words are sitting right above and they clearly say "I've never described Rump as "racist", in upper case or lower. Prove me wrong."

Which you CAN'T do, fucking lying HACK. Because they don't exist.

There is no "the whole left". There is no "the whole" anything. And a pointless chump like you does NOT get to attribute en masse just because you can't handle the fucking point. If your intellect is so shallow you can't waddle out of a moron concept like that, that's on *YOU* Blinky.

you did --it's right THERE!!!!!
and by defending Oprah--that confirms it hahahahhahahahh
I remember the quote and you misrepresented what it was. It's not what she said.

But the fact that you think fucking Nosebook is a reliable source is itself quotable to say the least.

And the fact that you put up a video with a fake caption instead of her actual voice speaks volumes about your own dishonesty.
hahahah what hypocrites you people are
Trump can ask someone to pass the salt and it is RACIST
anything and everything he says is RACIST
you use some kind of idiotic logic-voodoo to conclude it is racist--when it is not even close to the definition !!
then when we call out Oprah--''o--no--that's not racist''
for Oprah/blacks, you move the goal posts--and change the idiotic logic to logic

I've never described Rump as "racist", in upper case or lower. Prove me wrong.

You're deflecting in desperation but the fact remains there is no "whitey" or "white" in the Winfrey commentary at all. I posted the interview passage verbatim and invited anybody to show where it is. Nobody can, because it isn't.
no--no one has called Trump a racist
point is the whole left is calling him that-
now-I ask you, do you defend Trump the same way as Oprah??

Don't you EVER try to put words in my mouth, lying fucktard. Understand me?

My actual words are sitting right above and they clearly say "I've never described Rump as "racist", in upper case or lower. Prove me wrong."

Which you CAN'T do, fucking lying HACK. Because they don't exist.

There is no "the whole left". There is no "the whole" anything. And a pointless chump like you does NOT get to attribute en masse just because you can't handle the fucking point. If your intellect is so shallow you can't waddle out of a moron concept like that, that's on *YOU* Blinky.
you did --it's right THERE!!!!!
and by defending Oprah--that confirms it hahahahhahahahh

There ain't nothing to "defend" here, Zippy. I'm on offense here. I came to attack. As soon as I saw the title because I already knew it was bullshit. And I proved it. And there ain't a damn thing you and your hissyfit revisionistas can do about that.

You LOST, Loser. Get it?

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