Anyone Remember This Oprah Quote That old White People Have to Die?

Not sure what my lie is, please explain.
it's mamooth, I wouldnt sweat it.
Do you know what they're talking about, the lie?

When did you get interested in "lies"? When you dropped to your knees to suck off the one in the OP?
Oh my, you're very upset.

Perhaps you could point out my lie. If I said something wrong, I'd certainly want to correct.

If you can calm down a bit.
I dont think that Oprah will be defeated by fat jokes.
I am considering voting for her IF SHE BREAKS FROM THE DEMOCRATIC FAR LEFT.
She is a considerable candidate the GOP has to take seriously.

Well then the least you could do is apologize for your lie
FACT CHECK: Did Oprah Winfrey Say 'Old White People Have to Die'?

Nope, he won't. He'll sit here and fling ad hom turds, hoping to persuade ---- I'm not sure, somebody --- by relentlessly posting bullshit he's been busted on. He'll never cop to having posted revisionist history. I think in their tiny little cone-shaped minds they actually think fantasy is somehow more important than reality so that whether something is factually "true" matters less than "does it feel good".

Mac won't admit it either. He'll just veer off into the usual snowstorm about his "Regressives", utterly oblivious to the fact that he just came in here and fellow-travelled a blatant lie. Neither of them have a shred of honesty in their DNA.
I dont think that Oprah will be defeated by fat jokes.
I am considering voting for her IF SHE BREAKS FROM THE DEMOCRATIC FAR LEFT.
She is a considerable candidate the GOP has to take seriously.

Well then the least you could do is apologize for your lie
FACT CHECK: Did Oprah Winfrey Say 'Old White People Have to Die'?

Nope, he won't. He'll sit here and fling ad hom turds, hoping to persuade ---- I'm not sure, somebody --- by relentlessly posting bullshit he's been busted on. He'll never cop to having posted revisionist history. I think in their tiny little cone-shaped minds they actually think fantasy is somehow more important than reality so that whether something is factually "true" matters less than "does it feel good".

Mac won't admit it either. He'll just veer off into the usual snowstorm about his "Regressives", utterly oblivious to the fact that he just came in here and fellow-travelled a blatant lie. Neither of them have a shred of honesty in their DNA.
At some point, perhaps someone will tell me what I'm lying about.
I dont think that Oprah will be defeated by fat jokes.
I am considering voting for her IF SHE BREAKS FROM THE DEMOCRATIC FAR LEFT.
She is a considerable candidate the GOP has to take seriously.

Well then the least you could do is apologize for your lie
FACT CHECK: Did Oprah Winfrey Say 'Old White People Have to Die'?

Nope, he won't. He'll sit here and fling ad hom turds, hoping to persuade ---- I'm not sure, somebody --- by relentlessly posting bullshit he's been busted on. He'll never cop to having posted revisionist history. I think in their tiny little cone-shaped minds they actually think fantasy is somehow more important than reality so that whether something is factually "true" matters less than "does it feel good".

Mac won't admit it either. He'll just veer off into the usual snowstorm about his "Regressives", utterly oblivious to the fact that he just came in here and fellow-travelled a blatant lie. Neither of them have a shred of honesty in their DNA.
At some point, perhaps someone will tell me what I'm lying about.

It's SOP for leftists...I wouldn't worry about it..especially given it's Pogo
I dont think that Oprah will be defeated by fat jokes.
I am considering voting for her IF SHE BREAKS FROM THE DEMOCRATIC FAR LEFT.
She is a considerable candidate the GOP has to take seriously.

Well then the least you could do is apologize for your lie
FACT CHECK: Did Oprah Winfrey Say 'Old White People Have to Die'?

Nope, he won't. He'll sit here and fling ad hom turds, hoping to persuade ---- I'm not sure, somebody --- by relentlessly posting bullshit he's been busted on. He'll never cop to having posted revisionist history. I think in their tiny little cone-shaped minds they actually think fantasy is somehow more important than reality so that whether something is factually "true" matters less than "does it feel good".

Mac won't admit it either. He'll just veer off into the usual snowstorm about his "Regressives", utterly oblivious to the fact that he just came in here and fellow-travelled a blatant lie. Neither of them have a shred of honesty in their DNA.
At some point, perhaps someone will tell me what I'm lying about.

It's SOP for leftists...I wouldn't worry about it..especially given it's Pogo
WINFREY: I’m saying problem not solved. I’m saying that, you know, that’s the beauty of a film like The Butler, and it’s the beauty of a film like 12 Years a Slave, and it’s the beauty of what we’re seeing on stage with Scottsboro Boys … it allows people to see where the root of the problem started. It allows people to see, “Oh, that’s where it all started, this is how far we’ve come, and now this is how much farther we need to go.”

Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die. <<​

I'm pretty sure my control-F is working. It found the word "white" several times on this page. It did not find the word "white" in the quote above. At all.

Can anyone find the word "white" in there?

OP? Mac? Anybody?

She said what she said. It's pretty clear.

Sure is. Pretty inconvenient too.

But neither of you have the stones to admit it --- right?

Of course you don't. Because the OP has already admitted what all this is about:

What other off the cuff quips does she have out there that could be similarly clipped into outlandishness?

Et voilà. This isn't about reporting what somebody said --- it's about "clipping quips into outlandishness". Manipulating people's words to have them say shit they didn't say --- for no more lofty reason that base partisan hackitude. And this isn't even a politician. JimBowlful is here to vomit up bullshit, and Mac is here to demonstrate that when said bullshit is vomited it will have a buyer who's willing to lap it up on the basis of fucking Nosebook.
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She leaned forward and stared at the old white interviewer when she said it....I bet he won't forget that moment.
WINFREY: I’m saying problem not solved. I’m saying that, you know, that’s the beauty of a film like The Butler, and it’s the beauty of a film like 12 Years a Slave, and it’s the beauty of what we’re seeing on stage with Scottsboro Boys … it allows people to see where the root of the problem started. It allows people to see, “Oh, that’s where it all started, this is how far we’ve come, and now this is how much farther we need to go.”

Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die. <<​

I'm pretty sure my control-F is working. It found the word "white" several times on this page. It did not find the word "white" in the quote above. At all.

Can anyone find the word "white" in there?

OP? Mac? Anybody?

She said what she said. It's pretty clear.

Sure is. That's the exact quote, verbatim.

But neither of you have the stones to admit it --- right?
If you don't know who she was talking about, I sure do.

Or do you think she's saying black people were marinated in racism to hate whites, and they have to die off?
WINFREY: I’m saying problem not solved. I’m saying that, you know, that’s the beauty of a film like The Butler, and it’s the beauty of a film like 12 Years a Slave, and it’s the beauty of what we’re seeing on stage with Scottsboro Boys … it allows people to see where the root of the problem started. It allows people to see, “Oh, that’s where it all started, this is how far we’ve come, and now this is how much farther we need to go.”

Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die. <<​

I'm pretty sure my control-F is working. It found the word "white" several times on this page. It did not find the word "white" in the quote above. At all.

Can anyone find the word "white" in there?

OP? Mac? Anybody?

She said what she said. It's pretty clear.

Sure is. That's the exact quote, verbatim.

But neither of you have the stones to admit it --- right?
If you don't know who she was talking about, I sure do.

Or do you think she's saying black people were marinated in racism to hate whites, and they have to die off?

****DOES**** it say "white" or DOES IT NOT? Hm?

****DOES**** the title of this thread say "white" or does it not?

The full conversation was about the evolution of the social structure of racism over time, what shifts in attitudes have happened and what shifts still need to happen. Here the speaker is describing a pre-shift generational culture where everyone --- black and white --- inherited a different set of cultural values, whether that value meant any single person was the oppressor or the oppressed. This cherrypicked statement simply notes that, in order for that last shift to complete itself, that generation must pass away, IOW that set of values dies with them.

"Have to" means "what is necessary in order for X to happen". It's not any kind of wish or threat. The blatantly dishonest OP is portraying it that way with a fake Nosebook meme, and he got busted for it. And now he's run away because not only is he dishonest, he's a wimp.

Bottom line is still this --- the "Oprah quote" alluded to in the OP is FAKE. Period.
WINFREY: I’m saying problem not solved. I’m saying that, you know, that’s the beauty of a film like The Butler, and it’s the beauty of a film like 12 Years a Slave, and it’s the beauty of what we’re seeing on stage with Scottsboro Boys … it allows people to see where the root of the problem started. It allows people to see, “Oh, that’s where it all started, this is how far we’ve come, and now this is how much farther we need to go.”

Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die. <<​

I'm pretty sure my control-F is working. It found the word "white" several times on this page. It did not find the word "white" in the quote above. At all.

Can anyone find the word "white" in there?

OP? Mac? Anybody?

She said what she said. It's pretty clear.

Sure is. That's the exact quote, verbatim.

But neither of you have the stones to admit it --- right?
If you don't know who she was talking about, I sure do.

Or do you think she's saying black people were marinated in racism to hate whites, and they have to die off?
Perhaps he's pretending that she's talking about Koreans, Sri Lankans, or Martians.

This is one of the tactics they use, in addition to lying: Going obtuse.
WINFREY: I’m saying problem not solved. I’m saying that, you know, that’s the beauty of a film like The Butler, and it’s the beauty of a film like 12 Years a Slave, and it’s the beauty of what we’re seeing on stage with Scottsboro Boys … it allows people to see where the root of the problem started. It allows people to see, “Oh, that’s where it all started, this is how far we’ve come, and now this is how much farther we need to go.”

Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die. <<​

I'm pretty sure my control-F is working. It found the word "white" several times on this page. It did not find the word "white" in the quote above. At all.

Can anyone find the word "white" in there?

OP? Mac? Anybody?

She said what she said. It's pretty clear.

Sure is. That's the exact quote, verbatim.

But neither of you have the stones to admit it --- right?
If you don't know who she was talking about, I sure do.

Or do you think she's saying black people were marinated in racism to hate whites, and they have to die off?
Perhaps he's pretending that she's talking about Koreans, Sri Lankans, or Martians.

This is one of the tactics they use, in addition to lying: Going obtuse.

Perhaps third parties don't get to edit other people's words into what they wish she had said.

Dishonest HACK.
WINFREY: I’m saying problem not solved. I’m saying that, you know, that’s the beauty of a film like The Butler, and it’s the beauty of a film like 12 Years a Slave, and it’s the beauty of what we’re seeing on stage with Scottsboro Boys … it allows people to see where the root of the problem started. It allows people to see, “Oh, that’s where it all started, this is how far we’ve come, and now this is how much farther we need to go.”

Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die. <<​

I'm pretty sure my control-F is working. It found the word "white" several times on this page. It did not find the word "white" in the quote above. At all.

Can anyone find the word "white" in there?

OP? Mac? Anybody?

She said what she said. It's pretty clear.

Sure is. That's the exact quote, verbatim.

But neither of you have the stones to admit it --- right?
If you don't know who she was talking about, I sure do.

Or do you think she's saying black people were marinated in racism to hate whites, and they have to die off?
Perhaps he's pretending that she's talking about Koreans, Sri Lankans, or Martians.

This is one of the tactics they use, in addition to lying: Going obtuse.

Perhaps third parties don't get to edit other people's words into what they wish she had said.

Dishonest HACK.
Still waiting for my lie.

Are you going to point it out, or are you going to keep running?
WINFREY: I’m saying problem not solved. I’m saying that, you know, that’s the beauty of a film like The Butler, and it’s the beauty of a film like 12 Years a Slave, and it’s the beauty of what we’re seeing on stage with Scottsboro Boys … it allows people to see where the root of the problem started. It allows people to see, “Oh, that’s where it all started, this is how far we’ve come, and now this is how much farther we need to go.”

Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die. <<​

I'm pretty sure my control-F is working. It found the word "white" several times on this page. It did not find the word "white" in the quote above. At all.

Can anyone find the word "white" in there?

OP? Mac? Anybody?

She said what she said. It's pretty clear.

Sure is. That's the exact quote, verbatim.

But neither of you have the stones to admit it --- right?
If you don't know who she was talking about, I sure do.

Or do you think she's saying black people were marinated in racism to hate whites, and they have to die off?

****DOES**** it say "white" or DOES IT NOT? Hm?

****DOES**** the title of this thread say "white" or does it not?

The full conversation was about the evolution of the social structure of racism over time, what shifts in attitudes have happened and what shifts still need to happen. Here the speaker is describing a pre-shift generational culture where everyone --- black and white --- inherited a different set of cultural values, whether that value meant any single person was the oppressor or the oppressed. This cherrypicked statement simply notes that, in order for that last shift to complete itself, that generation must pass away, IOW that set of values dies with them.

"Have to" means "what is necessary in order for X to happen". It's not any kind of wish or threat. The blatantly dishonest OP is portraying it that way with a fake Nosebook meme, and he got busted for it. And now he's run away because not only is he dishonest, he's a wimp.

Bottom line is still this --- the "Oprah quote" alluded to in the OP is FAKE. Period.
Good lord. That's even more prescient and ridiculous. How's that racial unity she dreamed of working out, now that those marinated racists have died out?
no matter what she said or how she said it--did she ever bring up the real, bigger problems??
black graduation levels
black murder levels
always something about whitey--hardly ever about the critical, big problems
no matter what she said or how she said it--did she ever bring up the real, bigger problems??
black graduation levels
black murder levels
always something about whitey--hardly ever about the critical, big problems

Unknown. The cherrypicked part of the interview was specifically about the history of racism and its improvements.

None of which mentioned any "whitey". The OP pulled that out of his ass. A boundless repository I understand.
I had forgotten all about it til a friend posted it on FB.

What chance she would have in a campaign for POTUS I dont know since she would be spending half of her day every day of the campaign trying to explain away this stupid assertion of hers.

I remember the quote and you misrepresented what it was. It's not what she said.

But the fact that you think fucking Nosebook is a reliable source is itself quotable to say the least.

And the fact that you put up a video with a fake caption instead of her actual voice speaks volumes about your own dishonesty.

hahahah what hypocrites you people are
Trump can ask someone to pass the salt and it is RACIST
anything and everything he says is RACIST
you use some kind of idiotic logic-voodoo to conclude it is racist--when it is not even close to the definition !!
then when we call out Oprah--''o--no--that's not racist''
for Oprah/blacks, you move the goal posts--and change the idiotic logic to logic
I had forgotten all about it til a friend posted it on FB.

What chance she would have in a campaign for POTUS I dont know since she would be spending half of her day every day of the campaign trying to explain away this stupid assertion of hers.

I remember the quote and you misrepresented what it was. It's not what she said.

But the fact that you think fucking Nosebook is a reliable source is itself quotable to say the least.

And the fact that you put up a video with a fake caption instead of her actual voice speaks volumes about your own dishonesty.

hahahah what hypocrites you people are
Trump can ask someone to pass the salt and it is RACIST
anything and everything he says is RACIST
you use some kind of idiotic logic-voodoo to conclude it is racist--when it is not even close to the definition !!
then when we call out Oprah--''o--no--that's not racist''
for Oprah/blacks, you move the goal posts--and change the idiotic logic to logic

I've never described Rump as "racist", in upper case or lower. Prove me wrong.

You're deflecting in desperation but the fact remains there is no "whitey" or "white" in the Winfrey commentary at all.
I posted the interview passage verbatim and invited anybody to show where it is. Nobody can, because it isn't. Again, the OP pulled that out of his ass.
I had forgotten all about it til a friend posted it on FB.

What chance she would have in a campaign for POTUS I dont know since she would be spending half of her day every day of the campaign trying to explain away this stupid assertion of hers.

I remember the quote and you misrepresented what it was. It's not what she said.

But the fact that you think fucking Nosebook is a reliable source is itself quotable to say the least.

And the fact that you put up a video with a fake caption instead of her actual voice speaks volumes about your own dishonesty.

hahahah what hypocrites you people are
Trump can ask someone to pass the salt and it is RACIST
anything and everything he says is RACIST
you use some kind of idiotic logic-voodoo to conclude it is racist--when it is not even close to the definition !!
then when we call out Oprah--''o--no--that's not racist''
for Oprah/blacks, you move the goal posts--and change the idiotic logic to logic

I've never described Rump as "racist", in upper case or lower. Prove me wrong.

You're deflecting in desperation but the fact remains there is no "whitey" or "white" in the Winfrey commentary at all. I posted the interview passage verbatim and invited anybody to show where it is. Nobody can, because it isn't.

no--no one has called Trump a racist
point is the whole left is calling him that-
now-I ask you, do you defend Trump the same way as Oprah??

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