Anyone See 'The Ultimate Con?'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Pretty fascinating movie about 911. No narration,they just lay out all the information for you to digest. It was great. But the most disturbing part of the movie was when the retired Military & Intelligence gentleman said that there will be many more Terrorist attacks in our country. He said they were all being planned right now. Their goal is to have so many attacks that Americans will begin demanding their Government impose Martial Law out of fear. They will actually demand their Government take their rights away in the name of 'Safety.'

Man,his comments were absolutely chilling. Especially chilling when you consider we're already seeing many Americans demanding their rights be taken away in the name of 'Safety.' It's all fear. Americans better wake from their comas and begin to understand what kind of dark forces are running their country. They need to understand and accept this so they can begin to fight them. Time's running out.
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Pretty fascinating movie about 911. No narration,they just lay out all the information for you to digest. It was great. But the most disturbing part of the movie was when the retired Military & Intelligence gentleman said that there will be many more Terrorist attacks in our country. He said they were all being planned right now. Their goal is to have so many attacks that Americans will begin demanding their Government impose Martial Law out of fear. They will actually demand their Government take their rights away in the name of 'Safety.'

Man,his comments were absolutely chilling. Especially chilling when you consider we're already seeing many Americans demanding their rights be taken away in the name of 'Safety.' It's all fear. Americans better wake from their comas and begin to understand what kind of dark forces are running their country. They need to understand and accept this so they can begin to fight them. Time's running out.
why did'nt he give his name?
[ame=]Proof incredible top secret technology used on 911 twin towers - YouTube[/ame]
They say they are "patriotic".

They say they are for "human rights".

They say they are for the Middle Class.

They say "Trickle Down" works.

They say science is a faith.

They say evolution is a lie.

They say climate change is a conspiracy.

The ultimate "CONS".

Pretty fascinating movie about 911. No narration,they just lay out all the information for you to digest. It was great. But the most disturbing part of the movie was when the retired Military & Intelligence gentleman said that there will be many more Terrorist attacks in our country. He said they were all being planned right now. Their goal is to have so many attacks that Americans will begin demanding their Government impose Martial Law out of fear. They will actually demand their Government take their rights away in the name of 'Safety.'

Man,his comments were absolutely chilling. Especially chilling when you consider we're already seeing many Americans demanding their rights be taken away in the name of 'Safety.' It's all fear. Americans better wake from their comas and begin to understand what kind of dark forces are running their country. They need to understand and accept this so they can begin to fight them. Time's running out.
why did'nt he give his name?

I think he did. I just can't recall it. But i'll never forget the words he spoke.
Pretty fascinating movie about 911. No narration,they just lay out all the information for you to digest. It was great. But the most disturbing part of the movie was when the retired Military & Intelligence gentleman said that there will be many more Terrorist attacks in our country. He said they were all being planned right now. Their goal is to have so many attacks that Americans will begin demanding their Government impose Martial Law out of fear. They will actually demand their Government take their rights away in the name of 'Safety.'

Man,his comments were absolutely chilling. Especially chilling when you consider we're already seeing many Americans demanding their rights be taken away in the name of 'Safety.' It's all fear. Americans better wake from their comas and begin to understand what kind of dark forces are running their country. They need to understand and accept this so they can begin to fight them. Time's running out.
why did'nt he give his name?

I think he did. I just can't recall it. But i'll never forget the words he spoke.
no. doI need to?

haven't had a good laugh at the twoofers expense in a while.

Well you should see it. Even if it is just entertainment for you. But try and watch it with an open mind if you can. I'm a proud 'Twoofer' because there is no way in Hell our Government has told us the truth about 911. Their story is unbelievable fantasy. It's just not realistic. The 911 Commission really was a joke. Just check the movie out even if it is only for the laughs. You might be very surprised how you feel afterwards. Give it a shot.
I have especially become convinced that WTC 7 had to be brought down by a controlled demolition. Fire did not cause that perfectly symmetrical collapse. No way.
So many questions. But the most important question is why? Why has our Government lied to us? What are they hiding? Unfortunately,we'll probably never get that answer. And i guess most Americans like it that way. Ignorance is bliss for most.
Such a perfectly symmetrical collapse. There is no way all columns would collapse perfectly at the same time. That's just impossible. Those fires could not have caused that. It would have been an uneven collapse...

[ame=]WTC7 -- This is an Orange - YouTube[/ame]
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Pretty fascinating movie about 911. No narration,they just lay out all the information for you to digest. It was great. But the most disturbing part of the movie was when the retired Military & Intelligence gentleman said that there will be many more Terrorist attacks in our country. He said they were all being planned right now. Their goal is to have so many attacks that Americans will begin demanding their Government impose Martial Law out of fear. They will actually demand their Government take their rights away in the name of 'Safety.'

Man,his comments were absolutely chilling. Especially chilling when you consider we're already seeing many Americans demanding their rights be taken away in the name of 'Safety.' It's all fear. Americans better wake from their comas and begin to understand what kind of dark forces are running their country. They need to understand and accept this so they can begin to fight them. Time's running out.
why did'nt he give his name?

I think he did. I just can't recall it. But i'll never forget the words he spoke.
WOW!! WOW!! You can't recall his name but you'll NEVER FORGET the words he spoke?:lol::lol::lol::lol: Now that is some funny shit. You can't make this shit up. It just happens!!:D
Pretty fascinating movie about 911. No narration,they just lay out all the information for you to digest. It was great. But the most disturbing part of the movie was when the retired Military & Intelligence gentleman said that there will be many more Terrorist attacks in our country. He said they were all being planned right now. Their goal is to have so many attacks that Americans will begin demanding their Government impose Martial Law out of fear. They will actually demand their Government take their rights away in the name of 'Safety.'

Man,his comments were absolutely chilling. Especially chilling when you consider we're already seeing many Americans demanding their rights be taken away in the name of 'Safety.' It's all fear. Americans better wake from their comas and begin to understand what kind of dark forces are running their country. They need to understand and accept this so they can begin to fight them. Time's running out.

American sheeple are just as dumb as the German sheeple were just before WWII...
Everyone needs this constant personal entertainment. Liberal teachings say the individuality matters. The individual can keep the progress of an entire class behind b/c individuality matters. Expand this believe out to your everday life.....we have selfishness and contempt for teamplayers.

Lambs to slaughter.
You gentleman know who it is right? He gives the concrete evidence by leading demo experts that show beams melting which can only occur with the use of special materials. Jet fuel burns quick at low temperatures where as the beams require the very high temps to melt. One of the buildings was proven to be demolished that day. Not the world trades of course. This gentleman has more evidence against this government it will blow your mind.

I do not chose to endorse him as it will probably result in my getting kicked off this site. It happened to me once before. Free speech my ass. Are you referring to the gentleman who has the initials A.J ?

He is the best and he does his homework and has concrete evidence about a great deal of stuff that is considered theory. I know in my mind the towers were an inside job. Obama wants martial law. And dozens of other plans. So it is proven.

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