Anyone seen an autopsy report on Officer Brian Sicknik?

Look, Q. We've saw it live in many cases. We saw the stop the steal rally before the assault. We, seen interviews with may of the people their. stating they were supporting the president while wearing maga gear and carrying trump flags. This wasn't Antifa. It was rabid trump fans that lost touch with reality in the frenzy and attacked the capital. No matter how much it sucks, reality is real. Trump started a stampe among the herd he intentionally assembled, pointed toward the capital sent them on their way instead of safeguarding the United States, as he pledged to do when he took the oath.
Your version of reality is quaint and speculative but bears no relation to the actual truth.
Go ahead and quote Trump telling his supporters to go assault the capitol.
His remarks were all very public and easy to find. What are you waiting for?
Don't be dull. His responsibility did not begin on that morning. He latched on the the election steal myth within 24 hours of the election, after predicting it would be attempted stolen before the election as if his loss war proof of the charge and his minions bought it. He is responsible hand should go down. The American people have already decided his guilt and that of his radical supporters in the party and the party will pay for this outrage against the country for a generation or more.
I looked for one...unable to find it.
Word is he died of a stroke....But that doesn't fit the narrative of the Current Year™.

You'll find his autopsy buried in the same file as the one of George Floyd, where it was determined that he OD-ed on Fentanyl
Yep Fentynyl made his mind slip into thinking that counterfeit money he used would never be found out. :rolleyes-41:
Laws of mercy.
Don't be dull. His responsibility did not begin on that morning. He latched on the the election steal myth within 24 hours of the election, after predicting it would be attempted stolen before the election as if his loss war proof of the charge and his minions bought it. He is responsible hand should go down. The American people have already decided his guilt and that of his radical supporters in the party and the party will pay for this outrage against the country for a generation or more.
What myth? Trump said the left would try to steal the election and he was 100% correct!
Be honest for a change. See how that feels.

You cannot provide any proof whatsoever that Trump ordered
his followers to storm the Capitol building. You just can't! It does not exist.

Don't pretend you speak for the "American people". There is another Big Lie.
30% of democrats think the election was stolen. Grow up.
Don't be dull. His responsibility did not begin on that morning. He latched on the the election steal myth within 24 hours of the election, after predicting it would be attempted stolen before the election as if his loss war proof of the charge and his minions bought it. He is responsible hand should go down. The American people have already decided his guilt and that of his radical supporters in the party and the party will pay for this outrage against the country for a generation or more.
What myth? Trump said the left would try to steal the election and he was 100% correct!
Be honest for a change. See how that feels.

You cannot provide any proof whatsoever that Trump ordered
his followers to storm the Capitol building. You just can't! It does not exist.

Don't pretend you speak for the "American people". There is another Big Lie.
30% of democrats think the election was stolen. Grow up.
He never proved it was stolen. The fact that he lost does not prove it stolen. It only proves the country did not want him to be president, if we had a better alternative. Joe Biden is a better alternative. You need to grow up and accept that he lost. Your reality gap is showing.
He never proved it was stolen. The fact that he lost does not prove it stolen. It only proves the country did not want him to be president, if we had a better alternative. Joe Biden is a better alternative. You need to grow up and accept that he lost. Your reality gap is showing.
And a declared loss does not "prove" that Trump gained less votes than Corrupt Joe Biden.
The judges stonewalled all of Trump's many lawsuits on procedural grounds and never ever ruled on
the merits of Trump's pleadings.
I have yet to get one single leftist to explain what was seen on video tape from Fulton County State
Farm Arena Dec. 3rd.
You won't be able to account for it either given your stances.
He never proved it was stolen. The fact that he lost does not prove it stolen. It only proves the country did not want him to be president, if we had a better alternative. Joe Biden is a better alternative. You need to grow up and accept that he lost. Your reality gap is showing.
And a declared loss does not "prove" that Trump gained less votes than Corrupt Joe Biden.
The judges stonewalled all of Trump's many lawsuits on procedural grounds and never ever ruled on
the merits of Trump's pleadings.
I have yet to get one single leftist to explain what was seen on video tape from Fulton County State
Farm Arena Dec. 3rd.
You won't be able to account for it either given your stances.
Pretty good indication since all votes were ratified by the election commissions, legislatures, and governors (republican as well as democrat) of all the states as well as in the courts. I'm satisfied.
Don't be dull. His responsibility did not begin on that morning. He latched on the the election steal myth within 24 hours of the election, after predicting it would be attempted stolen before the election as if his loss war proof of the charge and his minions bought it. He is responsible hand should go down. The American people have already decided his guilt and that of his radical supporters in the party and the party will pay for this outrage against the country for a generation or more.
What myth? Trump said the left would try to steal the election and he was 100% correct!
Be honest for a change. See how that feels.

You cannot provide any proof whatsoever that Trump ordered
his followers to storm the Capitol building. You just can't! It does not exist.

Don't pretend you speak for the "American people". There is another Big Lie.
30% of democrats think the election was stolen. Grow up.
He never proved it was stolen. The fact that he lost does not prove it stolen. It only proves the country did not want him to be president, if we had a better alternative. Joe Biden is a better alternative. You need to grow up and accept that he lost. Your reality gap is showing.
His reality gap is showing? That`s a little bit too PC for my taste. He`s a fucking idiot!
Pretty good indication since all votes were ratified by the election commissions, legislatures, and governors (republican as well as democrat) of all the states as well as in the courts. I'm satisfied.
Of course you are. You got your way. Explain what happened in the Fulton County State Farm Arena
as documented by security videos on Dec. 3rd.
Pure election theft.
I looked for one...unable to find it.
Would have to be released by the family according to DC law and many other parts of the country, also. Your best shot is if it is introduced in evidence by prosecutors against someone charged in his death. Anybody charged yet?

Sicknick’s family is asking others to stop making his death a political issue. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening.

In a statement released by the family, they say that “many details regarding Wednesday’s events and the direct causes of Brian’s injuries remain unknown and our family asks the public and the press to respect our wishes in not making Brian’s passing a political issue.”

Capitol Police say that Sicknick did respond to Wednesday’s riots outside the Capitol but had returned to his office before collapsing.

He was taken to a hospital, where he died at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, police said.

Sources familiar with the incident believe that Sicknick’s death was driven by a medical condition.

If you watch the video presented that allegedley is the basis for the claim officer Sicknick was hit with a fire do see a helmeted officer struck with the fire extinguisher.

It is is unclear if the officer who was struck by the fire extinguisher was Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 42, who died after reportedly being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the riot, two law enforcement sources told the Associated Press.
"Sicknick’s family is asking others to stop making his death a political issue. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening."

Including you.
No, thats you.
Yes, it is you too. You're lying about what happened because you have some bizarre need to protect the murderous traitors who attacked our government.
Murderous? Where is your proof of that?
He died as a result of injuries sustained while trying to fend off an insurrection.
There is no evidence of this currently..........

No autopsy......conflicting reports-------and HOLES in the story which always means that the lib propagandist media is LYING and attempting to manipulate again.
Pretty good indication since all votes were ratified by the election commissions, legislatures, and governors (republican as well as democrat) of all the states as well as in the courts. I'm satisfied.
Of course you are. You got your way. Explain what happened in the Fulton County State Farm Arena
as documented by security videos on Dec. 3rd.
Pure election theft.
The republican election commission, the court, the legislature and the republican governor did not agree.
The republican election commission, the court, the legislature and the republican governor did not agree.
Certain republicans have opposed Trump vehemently over the last four years.
Your arguments are more weak than Ruth Bader Ginsberg's workout video.

You refuse to comment on the fraud in Fulton County arena, don't you.
The republican election commission, the court, the legislature and the republican governor did not agree.
Certain republicans have opposed Trump vehemently over the last four years.
Your arguments are more weak than Ruth Bader Ginsberg's workout video.

You refuse to comment on the fraud in Fulton County arena, don't you.
Right. Figured that out, did you?
Don't be dull. His responsibility did not begin on that morning. He latched on the the election steal myth within 24 hours of the election, after predicting it would be attempted stolen before the election as if his loss war proof of the charge and his minions bought it. He is responsible hand should go down. The American people have already decided his guilt and that of his radical supporters in the party and the party will pay for this outrage against the country for a generation or more.
What myth? Trump said the left would try to steal the election and he was 100% correct!
Be honest for a change. See how that feels.

You cannot provide any proof whatsoever that Trump ordered
his followers to storm the Capitol building. You just can't! It does not exist.

Don't pretend you speak for the "American people". There is another Big Lie.
30% of democrats think the election was stolen. Grow up.

Exactly......they keep repeating foolish statements that amount to....if the sun had not come up that morning none of this would have happened...aka trying to blame Trump for something he did not cause....Trump invited the protestors to march down Pennsylvania avenue.....which was their constitutional right.

The democrats on here want to convince everyone that only left wingers have the right to protest.

Yes...the election was stolen...and we all have a constitutional right to point that out.

The stolen election was what angered the protestors not President Trump....thus the democratic party bears the ultimate responsibility for what followed.
Pretty good indication since all votes were ratified by the election commissions, legislatures, and governors (republican as well as democrat) of all the states as well as in the courts. I'm satisfied.
Of course you are. You got your way. Explain what happened in the Fulton County State Farm Arena
as documented by security videos on Dec. 3rd.
Pure election theft.
The republican election commission, the court, the legislature and the republican governor did not agree.

A real investigation was what was needed to reveal the truth about the election....the Supreme Court is ultimately responsible for that not happening.

The people deserve the truth but the powers that be do not want the people to know the truth because if they did heads would roll...thus the powers that be conspire to keep the truth from the people.
I looked for one...unable to find it.
Would have to be released by the family according to DC law and many other parts of the country, also. Your best shot is if it is introduced in evidence by prosecutors against someone charged in his death. Anybody charged yet?

Sicknick’s family is asking others to stop making his death a political issue. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening.

In a statement released by the family, they say that “many details regarding Wednesday’s events and the direct causes of Brian’s injuries remain unknown and our family asks the public and the press to respect our wishes in not making Brian’s passing a political issue.”

Capitol Police say that Sicknick did respond to Wednesday’s riots outside the Capitol but had returned to his office before collapsing.

He was taken to a hospital, where he died at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, police said.

Sources familiar with the incident believe that Sicknick’s death was driven by a medical condition.

If you watch the video presented that allegedley is the basis for the claim officer Sicknick was hit with a fire do see a helmeted officer struck with the fire extinguisher.

It is is unclear if the officer who was struck by the fire extinguisher was Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 42, who died after reportedly being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the riot, two law enforcement sources told the Associated Press.
"Sicknick’s family is asking others to stop making his death a political issue. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening."

Including you.
No, thats you.
Yes, it is you too. You're lying about what happened because you have some bizarre need to protect the murderous traitors who attacked our government.
Murderous? Where is your proof of that?
He died as a result of injuries sustained while trying to fend off an insurrection.
There is no evidence of this currently..........

No autopsy......conflicting reports-------and HOLES in the story which always means that the lib propagandist media is LYING and attempting to manipulate again.

Pretty good indication since all votes were ratified by the election commissions, legislatures, and governors (republican as well as democrat) of all the states as well as in the courts. I'm satisfied.
Of course you are. You got your way. Explain what happened in the Fulton County State Farm Arena
as documented by security videos on Dec. 3rd.
Pure election theft.
The republican election commission, the court, the legislature and the republican governor did not agree.

A real investigation was what was needed to reveal the truth about the election....the Supreme Court is ultimately responsible for that not happening.

The people deserve the truth but the powers that be do not want the people to know the truth because if they did heads would roll...thus the powers that be conspire to keep the truth from the people.
There is a logic to that, at least the second paragraph if one accepts there was a conspiracy to conceal. I do not, at this point. Supreme Court is not an investigative body and never was. I read what Texas filed, but it proved nothing. So far that has been the extent of legal assertions. Trump lawyers either did not have the goods or were too afraid of losing their careers to actually state their real damning charges in open court and defend or make their case in front of a judge. I have no explanation for their refusals. I do know that the supreme court is not the place for new discovery. We will read about this for years. Unless the trumpists can find the smoking gun that will prove a crime and be willing to bring it in front of a judge, it will just be another conspiracy theory, like a puff of smoke from a grassy knoll.
There is a logic to that, at least the second paragraph if one accepts there was a conspiracy to conceal. I do not, at this point. Supreme Court is not an investigative body and never was. I read what Texas filed, but it proved nothing. So far that has been the extent of legal assertions. Trump lawyers either did not have the goods or were too afraid of losing their careers to actually state their real damning charges in open court in front of a judge. I have no explanation for their refusals. I do know that the supreme court is not the place for new discovery. We will read about this for years. Unless the trumpists can find the smoking gun that will prove a crime and be willing to bring it in front of a judge, it will just be another conspiracy theory, like a puff of smoke from a grassy knoll.
In actuality we'll never know if Trump lawyers had a real case to end the election fraud or not because
of all the lawsuits filed by Trump lawyers NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS RULED ON BASED ON ACTUAL FACTS

Every judge threw the cases out based on procedural grounds. Not one case was dismissed on the actual
facts alleged and presented. Isn't that interesting.

It's almost as if the crooks in robes didn't dare open that can of worms.
There is a logic to that, at least the second paragraph if one accepts there was a conspiracy to conceal. I do not, at this point. Supreme Court is not an investigative body and never was. I read what Texas filed, but it proved nothing. So far that has been the extent of legal assertions. Trump lawyers either did not have the goods or were too afraid of losing their careers to actually state their real damning charges in open court in front of a judge. I have no explanation for their refusals. I do know that the supreme court is not the place for new discovery. We will read about this for years. Unless the trumpists can find the smoking gun that will prove a crime and be willing to bring it in front of a judge, it will just be another conspiracy theory, like a puff of smoke from a grassy knoll.
In actuality we'll never know if Trump lawyers had a real case to end the election fraud or not because
of all the lawsuits filed by Trump lawyers NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS RULED ON BASED ON ACTUAL FACTS

Every judge threw the cases out based on procedural grounds. Not one case was dismissed on the actual
facts alleged and presented. Isn't that interesting.

It's almost as if the crooks in robes didn't dare open that can of worms.
Procedure will be adhered to, no matter what the competency of the counsel. Those lawyers knew this. They were not 1st year associates, straight out of college. By ignoring, they muddied their own case, not just at that moment but to a degree for all future cases.
The one above does not show the fire extinguisher being thrown.

let me try this one.......

The only bizarre unanswered question is, why conservatives, republicans, and overall trump supporters would storm the washington capital in a attempt to overthrow democracy. The fact that ppl were killed is not the bizarre unanswered question.

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