Anyone seen an autopsy report on Officer Brian Sicknik?

I looked for one...unable to find it.
Its Q time the end of the week and you heard it hear first....not only is the guy still alive ........ Mitch and the senate GOP are hiding him as a surprise witness at Trump's impeachment trials.

If it weren't for Democrats wanting to blame the riot for his death, he would have been listed as another Covid victim.

Do you support the attempted overthrow of the US Congress on Jan 6th,2021? Sure does sound like it. Careful how you answer this one.

Do you support the attempted overthrow of the US Congress on Jan 6th,2021?
Never have.

Sure does sound like it.

Get your ears checked.

you're hearing things

It's not my ears. It's what my eyes are seeing you post.
I looked for one...unable to find it.
Its Q time the end of the week and you heard it hear first....not only is the guy still alive ........ Mitch and the senate GOP are hiding him as a surprise witness at Trump's impeachment trials.

If it weren't for Democrats wanting to blame the riot for his death, he would have been listed as another Covid victim.

Do you support the attempted overthrow of the US Congress on Jan 6th,2021? Sure does sound like it. Careful how you answer this one.

Do you support the attempted overthrow of the US Congress on Jan 6th,2021?
Never have.

Sure does sound like it.

Get your ears checked.

you're hearing things

It's not my ears. It's what my eyes are seeing you post.

I looked for one...unable to find it.
Its Q time the end of the week and you heard it hear first....not only is the guy still alive ........ Mitch and the senate GOP are hiding him as a surprise witness at Trump's impeachment trials.

If it weren't for Democrats wanting to blame the riot for his death, he would have been listed as another Covid victim.

Do you support the attempted overthrow of the US Congress on Jan 6th,2021? Sure does sound like it. Careful how you answer this one.
If I had my way, 40 thousand rednecks on that day would have been NUKED.....ROASTED DOWN TO THE WHITE MEAT WITH A POWDERY GLOW LINGERING IN THE AIR, WHERE THEY ONCE that careful enough for ya?View attachment 452706

One thing we don't need is the preponderance of Violence in here. Most of the ones there were peaceful (Okay,loud,really loud) but peaceful. Most were there because the were duped by the Criminal in Charge of the Circus. Such a severe death should NEVER be wished on anyone. I spent 8 years in SAC and am about the biggest dove on Nuclear War like MOST of us were. I'll bet you have no idea what I am talking about on that one and how SAC could operate like the well oiled (and strange) thing it was. Wishing that someone get nuked is right up there with wishing Cancer on someone else.
I looked for one...unable to find it.
Its Q time the end of the week and you heard it hear first....not only is the guy still alive ........ Mitch and the senate GOP are hiding him as a surprise witness at Trump's impeachment trials.

If it weren't for Democrats wanting to blame the riot for his death, he would have been listed as another Covid victim.

Do you support the attempted overthrow of the US Congress on Jan 6th,2021? Sure does sound like it. Careful how you answer this one.

Do you support the attempted overthrow of the US Congress on Jan 6th,2021?
Never have.

Sure does sound like it.

Get your ears checked.

you're hearing things

It's not my ears. It's what my eyes are seeing you post.

View attachment 452709
In spite of the lies put forward by the left that he had been hit on the head with a fire extinguisher.

Investigators are struggling to build a federal murder case regarding fallen US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, vexed by a lack of evidence that could prove someone caused his death as he defended the Capitol during last month's insurrection.


According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.

One possibility being considered by investigators is that Sicknick became ill after interacting with a chemical irritant like pepper spray or bear spray that was deployed in the crowd. But investigators reviewing video of the officer's time around the Capitol haven't been able to confirm that in tape that has been recovered so far, the official said.

The case could also be complicated if Sicknick had a preexisting medical condition. It could not be learned if he did.

Done already. I showed you his father said he was hit in the head. I showed you his father and a brother said he had a blood clot on his brain. I showed you reports that he died from a stroke caused by a blood clot and I showed you where Capitol Police said he died from his injuries.

All lies. CNN says they are lies. You were quoting from stories made up by fake news and Democrat lying politicians. Even CNN won't go there now.

According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.

Odd, just saw on CNN, after Biden paid his respects, blonde anchor said doctors are saying there was no sign of blunt force trauma.
So? Sicknick's father said he was hit in the head and had a blood clot on the brain.
Sicknick's family said he only reported being pepper sprayed and that he felt fine.

What kind of spray was the gubmint using?

The consensus seems to be the government and the msm are lying regarding officer sicknik and what caused his death.

The consensus seems to be that the results of the autopsy are being covered up to try and promote a fallacious and malicious lie that officer siknik was kill by protestors.

The reality is that this protest was outrageously compared to 9/11.

The truth is the great majority of protestors were there just to protest the obvious theft of an election by leftwing operatives.

True revolutionaries would not have left their weapons behind....none of these protestors were armed.

The lady protestor shot down in cold blood by an alledged capitol police officer in plain clothes was unarmed and posed no threat to anyone.

The cop or whoever he was(his identity remains a mystery)that shot the lady dead used unreasonable force.

The lady was not even in the same room as the cop...he shot her through a window even though she was surrounded by other armed police.

This killer cop needs to be identified and charged with murder....this lady was the only person killed that day.

The five other deaths were of natural causes and one committed suicide and one shot himself in the groin with his taser and died of a heart attack.

Also there is evidence antifa infiltrated the protestors and may have been the ones responsible for the incursion into the capitol bldg.

In a nutshell this whole thing was overblown so that the leftwing could bring in the military, lock down washington and acclimate the citzenzry to the idea the democrats need martial law to control the country.

The question now is....will joe biden citing phoney reasons ....declare martial law and perhaps confiscate all private firearms.

For now all citizens and militias should stand down and stand by but organize to resist any attempt by the leftwingers to institute totalitarian government.

They think they have the military on their side but if they start indiscriminately shooting people, confiscating private firearms, locking up large groups of patriots...I do not think the military will go along with that.
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I looked for one...unable to find it.
Its Q time the end of the week and you heard it hear first....not only is the guy still alive ........ Mitch and the senate GOP are hiding him as a surprise witness at Trump's impeachment trials.

If it weren't for Democrats wanting to blame the riot for his death, he would have been listed as another Covid victim.
Tell that to his people no matter how hard it is to do, you have got to find a heart under all that white meat and test it for functioning properly. I've never seen such cold ignorant mf's in my life.

Yet you blacks cry to whites for help when one of your thugs is shot down by a cop doing his duty...protecting his community....yet even all these black thugs that get killed by a policeman doing his duty ---have long rap sheets in every try and claim they are saints....and even the black president sided with the black wanna be other president in our history got into the middle of a criminal prosecution and tried to sway the state to indict when there was no reason to indict....we all saw cannot deny it.
I looked for one...unable to find it.
Its Q time the end of the week and you heard it hear first....not only is the guy still alive ........ Mitch and the senate GOP are hiding him as a surprise witness at Trump's impeachment trials.

If it weren't for Democrats wanting to blame the riot for his death, he would have been listed as another Covid victim.

Do you support the attempted overthrow of the US Congress on Jan 6th,2021? Sure does sound like it. Careful how you answer this one.

Hillarious...a handfull of unarmed Americans wanted to overthrow the stupidly outrageous of you to claim that.

It was a peaceful protest for the most got a little out of hand when the capitol poleece started clubbing innocent protesters exercising their constitutional rights.

A couple of windows broken...and some minor injuries because the cops got violent.

But all in all a very minor clash and it was no big deal in truth.

Most of the riots a few months back caused much more damage and injured hundreds more people etc.
Sicknick’s family is asking others to stop making his death a political issue. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening.

In a statement released by the family, they say that “many details regarding Wednesday’s events and the direct causes of Brian’s injuries remain unknown and our family asks the public and the press to respect our wishes in not making Brian’s passing a political issue.”

Capitol Police say that Sicknick did respond to Wednesday’s riots outside the Capitol but had returned to his office before collapsing.

He was taken to a hospital, where he died at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, police said.

Sources familiar with the incident believe that Sicknick’s death was driven by a medical condition.

If you watch the video presented that allegedley is the basis for the claim officer Sicknick was hit with a fire do see a helmeted officer struck with the fire extinguisher.

It is is unclear if the officer who was struck by the fire extinguisher was Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 42, who died after reportedly being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the riot, two law enforcement sources told the Associated Press.

Link is in the last paragraph ...
Tell that to his people no matter how hard it is to do, you have got to find a heart under all that white meat and test it for functioning properly. I've never seen such cold ignorant mf's in my life.

And you make it a race issue!

A week after the tragic death of Capital Hill Police Officer Brian Sicknick, Law Officer pointed out the inconsistencies in the media reports—and the warnings from his own family that others should stop making his death “political.” Unfortunately, few listened to us.

Media outlets, politicians, spin artists, and many others keep telling the story that “terrorist Trump supporters” beat Officer Sicknick to death with a fire extinguisher.


Some even went further and wanted others to believe that President Trump himself was part of the beating. After our initial reports on Sicknick’s tragic death, we were flooded with hatred against law enforcement and against President Trump. Which evidences that despite the family’s request, many could not resist making this tragedy a matter of politics.

If Donald Trump hadn’t lied about a “stolen” election, Brian Sicknick would still be alive.

— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) February 3, 2021

And on top of it all, and again, despite the family’s request, one group in particular exploited Officer Sicknick’s death as a rally cry against the murder of law enforcement—and of course the proverbial “white supremacist violence” that caused it.

The Democratic Party.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that “the perpetrators of Officer Sicknick’s death must be brought to justice” and that “the sacrifice of Officer Sicknick reminds us of our obligation to those we serve: to protect our country from all threats foreign and domestic.”

That said, we can’t recall Pelosi ever making that kind of statement over the course of thousands of police officer deaths since she took office 34 years ago. But, we are glad she finally noticed.
It’s about time Pelosi and other Democrat politicians recognize the ultimate sacrifice that law enforcement officers make. But one has to wonder, why so many other fallen officers have been ignored in the past by this same group.

Officer Brian Sicknick was not beaten by a fire extinguisher

Law Officer is the only major law enforcement publication and website owned and operated by law enforcement. This unique facet makes Law Officer much more than just a publishing company but is a true advocate for the profession.
Even if Sicknick died from a heart attack it`s a heart attack he likely wouldn`t have had if trump hadn`t invited his goons to town for a riot.
I looked for one...unable to find it.
Would have to be released by the family according to DC law and many other parts of the country, also. Your best shot is if it is introduced in evidence by prosecutors against someone charged in his death. Anybody charged yet?

Sicknick’s family is asking others to stop making his death a political issue. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening.

In a statement released by the family, they say that “many details regarding Wednesday’s events and the direct causes of Brian’s injuries remain unknown and our family asks the public and the press to respect our wishes in not making Brian’s passing a political issue.”

Capitol Police say that Sicknick did respond to Wednesday’s riots outside the Capitol but had returned to his office before collapsing.

He was taken to a hospital, where he died at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, police said.

Sources familiar with the incident believe that Sicknick’s death was driven by a medical condition.

If you watch the video presented that allegedley is the basis for the claim officer Sicknick was hit with a fire do see a helmeted officer struck with the fire extinguisher.

It is is unclear if the officer who was struck by the fire extinguisher was Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 42, who died after reportedly being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the riot, two law enforcement sources told the Associated Press.
His death is the epitomy of political....the Right murdered him.

The only person 'murdered' was the female veteran.

Exactly....yet the entire media keeps claiming officer brian selnick was killed by the protestors with absolutely no proof to back up their claim

As previously mentioned the investigation is still going on.
And killed by Antifa thugs disguised as T voters
I looked for one...unable to find it.
Would have to be released by the family according to DC law and many other parts of the country, also. Your best shot is if it is introduced in evidence by prosecutors against someone charged in his death. Anybody charged yet?

Sicknick’s family is asking others to stop making his death a political issue. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening.

In a statement released by the family, they say that “many details regarding Wednesday’s events and the direct causes of Brian’s injuries remain unknown and our family asks the public and the press to respect our wishes in not making Brian’s passing a political issue.”

Capitol Police say that Sicknick did respond to Wednesday’s riots outside the Capitol but had returned to his office before collapsing.

He was taken to a hospital, where he died at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, police said.

Sources familiar with the incident believe that Sicknick’s death was driven by a medical condition.

If you watch the video presented that allegedley is the basis for the claim officer Sicknick was hit with a fire do see a helmeted officer struck with the fire extinguisher.

It is is unclear if the officer who was struck by the fire extinguisher was Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 42, who died after reportedly being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher during the riot, two law enforcement sources told the Associated Press.
His death is the epitomy of political....the Right murdered him.

The only person 'murdered' was the female veteran.

Exactly....yet the entire media keeps claiming officer brian selnick was killed by the protestors with absolutely no proof to back up their claim

As previously mentioned the investigation is still going on.
And killed by Antifa thugs disguised as T voters
Look, Q. We've saw it live in many cases. We saw the stop the steal rally before the assault. We, seen interviews with may of the people their. stating they were supporting the president while wearing maga gear and carrying trump flags. This wasn't Antifa. It was rabid trump fans that lost touch with reality in the frenzy and attacked the capital. No matter how much it sucks, reality is real. Trump started a stampe among the herd he intentionally assembled, pointed toward the capital sent them on their way instead of safeguarding the United States, as he pledged to do when he took the oath.
Look, Q. We've saw it live in many cases. We saw the stop the steal rally before the assault. We, seen interviews with may of the people their. stating they were supporting the president while wearing maga gear and carrying trump flags. This wasn't Antifa. It was rabid trump fans that lost touch with reality in the frenzy and attacked the capital. No matter how much it sucks, reality is real. Trump started a stampe among the herd he intentionally assembled, pointed toward the capital sent them on their way instead of safeguarding the United States, as he pledged to do when he took the oath.
Your version of reality is quaint and speculative but bears no relation to the actual truth.
Go ahead and quote Trump telling his supporters to go assault the capitol.
His remarks were all very public and easy to find. What are you waiting for?
Even if Sicknick died from a heart attack it`s a heart attack he likely wouldn`t have had if trump hadn`t invited his goons to town for a riot.
Same challenge for fools like you.
Go ahead and quote Donald Trump telling his assembled followers to invade and assault the Capitol itself.

Such lies are not only clearly false but dangerous and inflammatory in themselves, ironically.

Grow up, children.

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