Anyone Support Roger Stone going to prison for 10 years?

I do view him as a complete sleezeball and for good reason.

typical attack dog liberal has no compassion for the down and out. Stone is socially retarded with Aspergers or something. He was totally harmless but to FBI the criminal they had to create because there were none in reality! Very pathetic!
Basically. . .

. . . at this point. If Trump is going to pardon or doing anything at all about Stone's conviction and sentencing, he will have to intervene in the Assange debacle.

THAT will piss a lot of powerful Deep State folks off, and not just OUR Deep State folks, but international forces of Doom.
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Put Hillary Clinton in prison.

If you want Justice that's Justice!
Well then forcing him to actually work, something foreign to him, would be enough.

You can't force folks to do shit they don't want to do.

If you know who Stone is, he could write another book in six months and make another quarter million off this experience.
Well then forcing him to actually work, something foreign to him, would be enough.
i thought liberals want to put more and more folks on welfare? Next thing you'll go into the liberal ghettos all over America and tell people to get jobs. What is the world coming to when liberals want people to work rather than collect?.
It's a matter of public record. Is you choose to be uneducated who am I to change it?

ever see a conservative afraid to debate?? What does that teach you??
Conservitards don't debate, they screech talking points like demented harpies.

I've told you kids I'm not playing the "water is wet" game with you. It's a matter of public record, the facts are not in dispute. If you aren't familiar with them after all the times this has been in the news you have no one to blame but yourself.
Send Andrew McCabe to jail.

That's Justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 thousand dollars in restitution for all the pain and suffering the FBI and federal government have caused Mr. Stone?

My, you are a generous person Candy.

How nice of you. :beer:

Thanks. There should be consequences to lying to Congress.

Let me get this straight.

You think there should be consequences to lying to liars? :auiqs.jpg:

Fuck that. When Congress starts telling the truth about Assange, maybe Stone would feel safe about telling the truth about his relationship to him.

We all remember McCarthyism. That is what it was like after Hillary lost. Every Deep Stater in D.C. looking for a scalp and an excuse to pin on the fact that that stupid bitch didn't even bother to hit a few rust belt states enough, and had no calculus for the electoral college. How pathetic.

Assange a Russian agent? Please. Try a Limited Hang Out gone rogue.

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