Anyone Watching Hannity Right Now?

As I predicted last week Hannity is presenting his a face to face interview with the Wikileaks dude. Sorry Crooked Hillary folks, Russia dindu nuttin!

If it turns out Russia had nothing to do with it, I guess those sanctions were misguided.

What about the supposed 17 intelligence agencies?
The Donald will straighten it out (drain the swamp) in a few weeks.

Some great news. MayGayn "Great To See You" Kelly is moving to NBC or something and will no longer broadcast on FOX!
Eh, the Russian's and Chinese should release Hillary's private server e-mails so America can absorb what a treasonist administration Obama was running...
What about the supposed 17 intelligence agencies?

The same intelligence agencies that assured us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? The same group that missed 9/11?

Wait, are they as smart as all the pollsters that told us Trump could not win?

If so, I'm certainly sold...:uhh:
Eh, the Russian's and Chinese should release Hillary's private server e-mails so America can absorb what a treasonist administration Obama was running...

That you believe .

Why would Russia directly give anything to blabbermouth wiki. ? They'd obviously would use proxys .
As I predicted last week Hannity is presenting his a face to face interview with the Wikileaks dude. Sorry Crooked Hillary folks, Russia dindu nuttin!

So Assange is under oath or merely being interviewed by Trump's ButtBoy?
Who did Assange say gave them to him to dump? Why did he hold on to them for months before leaking them....? Was someone guiding him to strategically release them to hurt the Democratic Party and Candidate the most? Why did Assange not just release the emails to show us all the truth without advertising them coming and holding on to the Podesta emails until early October, the same day the Access Hollywood tape of Donald came out?

Was this political?
Eh, the Russian's and Chinese should release Hillary's private server e-mails so America can absorb what a treasonist administration Obama was running...

That you believe .

Why would Russia directly give anything to blabbermouth wiki. ? They'd obviously would use proxys .
Is this the same rationale ya used over at the ethics thread.
Crimine give it up.
What about the supposed 17 intelligence agencies?

The same intelligence agencies that assured us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? The same group that missed 9/11?

Wait, are they as smart as all the pollsters that told us Trump could not win?

If so, I'm certainly sold...:uhh:

Liberals and the media that misinforms them like to forget this Bill Clinton speech on WMD .. nuclear weapons.. and Iraq...

just sayin... :popcorn:


One of Trump's Top Aids said he thinks Russia was part of it... and Trump is supposed to get an intelligence briefing on the details later this week.
As I predicted last week Hannity is presenting his a face to face interview with the Wikileaks dude. Sorry Crooked Hillary folks, Russia dindu nuttin!

Oh wow now that he said it in interview everything is different. He is now totally credible and has no overt agendas.
What about the supposed 17 intelligence agencies?

The same intelligence agencies that assured us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? The same group that missed 9/11?

Wait, are they as smart as all the pollsters that told us Trump could not win?

If so, I'm certainly sold...:uhh:

Liberals and the media that misinforms them like to forget this Bill Clinton speech on WMD .. nuclear weapons.. and Iraq...

just sayin... :popcorn:


No No No, that was all Bush lies so that Cheney and Halliburton could fleece the American Treasury.

Anything that any Democrat ever said about WMDs being in Iraq never happened.

Eh, John Podesta and the DNC were hacked because of their stupidity .. the RNC was not .. yet Democrats have full trust and hope in their old crony leadership and the left wing media liars hype .. :lmao:
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No I really don't care for partisan talking heads from either party as for Assange I find it amusing how the views of him from both the right and left have reversed when he was releasing stuff about the Bush administration he was a hero to the left and public enemy number one to the right now it's the exact opposite.
Odd how liberals don't want to address the content of the emails but only who could have given the emails to Assange.

The only real surprise in the emails was that Hillary couldn't give a rats ass about Chelsea but instead wanted to keep appearing with Katie Perry. Sad. Pathetic actually.

All the rest of the emails only contained information that validated and confirmed our opinions that the media was in the tank for Hillary and that the DNC were bound and determined to nuke Bernie Sanders.

Pffft. And that's not news to any conservative.
Odd how liberals don't want to address the content of the emails but only who could have given the emails to Assange.

The only real surprise in the emails was that Hillary couldn't give a rats ass about Chelsea but instead wanted to keep appearing with Katie Perry. Sad. Pathetic actually.

All the rest of the emails only contained information that validated and confirmed our opinions that the media was in the tank for Hillary and that the DNC were bound and determined to nuke Bernie Sanders.

Pffft. And that's not news to any conservative.

Election is over, what the fuck is the content relevance at this point?

Still butthurt over Hillary?

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