Anyone Watching Hannity Right Now?

Eh, John Podesta and the DNC were hacked because of their stupidity .. the RNC was not .. yet Democrats have full trust and hope in their old crony leadership and the left wing media liars hype .. :lmao:

Who said the rnc was not hacked ?
Eh, John Podesta and the DNC were hacked because of their stupidity .. the RNC was not .. yet Democrats have full trust and hope in their old crony leadership and the left wing media liars hype .. :lmao:

Who said the rnc was not hacked ?

Do you have proof that they were successfully hacked, I don't.

Quit wasting my time Timmy, at least be entertaining..
That was the most fascinating interview I've seen in a long time.
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As I predicted last week Hannity is presenting his a face to face interview with the Wikileaks dude. Sorry Crooked Hillary folks, Russia dindu nuttin!

So Assange is under oath or merely being interviewed by Trump's ButtBoy?
Yep, the same Halliburton that goood ole Bill Clinton gave no bid contracts to. The reason being Halliburton did work no one else is qualified to do, but when Bush took office, suddenly it was devious, according to the left, even though it was similar work.
What about the supposed 17 intelligence agencies?

The same intelligence agencies that assured us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? The same group that missed 9/11?

Wait, are they as smart as all the pollsters that told us Trump could not win?

If so, I'm certainly sold...:uhh:

Liberals and the media that misinforms them like to forget this Bill Clinton speech on WMD .. nuclear weapons.. and Iraq...

just sayin... :popcorn:


No No No, that was all Bush lies so that Cheney and Halliburton could fleece the American Treasury.

Anything that any Democrat ever said about WMDs being in Iraq never happened.

How would you know when he received them? And it sure was coincidental timing of the Podesta email password fiasco, the ending date of the emails received, and the Sanders campaign data breach into the dnc/Hillary files which resulted in 3 staffers being fired. Waaayyyy too many coincidences for my book.
Who did Assange say gave them to him to dump? Why did he hold on to them for months before leaking them....? Was someone guiding him to strategically release them to hurt the Democratic Party and Candidate the most? Why did Assange not just release the emails to show us all the truth without advertising them coming and holding on to the Podesta emails until early October, the same day the Access Hollywood tape of Donald came out?

Was this political?
Eh, John Podesta and the DNC were hacked because of their stupidity .. the RNC was not .. yet Democrats have full trust and hope in their old crony leadership and the left wing media liars hype .. :lmao:
John Podesta and the DNC were probably hacked by various sources. Russia was probably one. If true, does that prove that wiki leaks' source was Russia......hell no.
That was a really interesting interview. Given Wikileaks history of 100% accuracy, I believe what Assange said was true. NONE of the information Wikileaks released came from Russia or any State agency.

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