anyone watching the debate tonight?

Well how 'bout that... all the peacenik demtards want WAR with CHINA.

They always have been good at STARTING wars, problem is they don't know how to FINISH them.
Evidently to the dems, putting tariffs on China is BAAAAAD, but starting a WAR with them is GREAT.

Who in their right mind would vote for any of these ass clowns?
There’s literally no leverage we have against China. They are our bank

Yep, and we did that with manufacturing regulations.

I had no idea that every single thing that Donald Trump has ever done is exactly the wrong tithing.

STFU Amy about freedom of the press. Obama spied on the press the entire time he was in office,
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Warren always sounds like a teacher who is criticizing 3rd graders for talking during a film.

Does she EVER not whine?

Just fucking awful.

She must sounds like a cat caught in a lawnmower when she comes.
When Butt gig accused Trump of being against Israel, that shit was hilarious.
I sort of enjoy them for comedy.
Wasn't aware they were having one until you posted. Doesn't look like there is any debate on the Republican side. Good of you to advertise it. I have now turned it on.
When did liberals become warmongers?

Biden wants military assets near China to fuck with them?

Do Dimms want a war with China?
Anyone see that atheist add by Ron Reagan jr??? Very disrespectful to people of faith
Joe almost got through an entire thought.

Winston Churchill joke bombed.

Joe is old AF.
When did liberals become warmongers?

Biden wants military assets near China to fuck with them?

Do Dimms want a war with China?
The Republican 19 years war of choice is plenty. I wouldn't move 60% of our navel forces to northwestern Pacific and China Sea, but I think attention should be paid to the region. There is a choice between absolutely ignoring the atrocities being perpetuated by China against it people and keeping a presence the area and speaking out for our values that does not include war.

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