Anyone Who Thinks Baltimore Is Not an Infested Sh^thole I Offer a Deal

I've been there. Like many Democrat American cities, there are nice pockets and a lot of rot and ruin.

Cummings has been in office in the House since 1996 and was a public figure before that. We should expect better. Moreover, the people in his district should expect a LOT better. But not you, and not other Leftists. You're happy enough to visit the pockets of places YOU can afford and leave the rat infested and trash dumps to the "other" people. Like Cummings, see.

As opposed to you wingnuts, who want to deny the people in these pockets the right to even vote to change things.

Wow, Trump says something racist and Sweet Sue is here to his defense. Color me surprised.

(She'll whine I said something funny about Political Chick next.)

Hysteria makes up a bunch of stuff about me and now you do too. Like I don't want people TO VOTE.

Why are Leftist Democrats so stupid and crazy? Wait maybe don't answer that

Accepting that I am "Hysteria," What have I "made up" about you? All that I know about you is that you are a faux "Christian" fundie who worships frankie graham and penises in general. I don't think that you know anything at all about Baltimore. It is a place that I know and have frequented many times. It is an insult for anyone holding the office of President of the United States to attempt to degrade the People of the United States living in any location.

You have never said what shithole you live in.
This is just the lestest ignorance out of the orange slut. Ever be there? The harbor (where I took my late father (WWII vet) on the only submarine he had ever been on. Harbor Place? Federal Hill? Greek Town (great food), Little Italy (more delicious food), Ten Thousand Villages, Lexington Market? One of my favorite bars to hoist a pint, The Horse You Road in On. There is so much more. The orange whore is full of shit. I saw Victor Blackwell cry for his home. He has no reason to. We are all together. Eat Bertha's oysters.

Only St. Louis has a higher murder rate in the US than Baltimore. Baltimore has the same murder rate as Ciudad Juarez. Let that sink in.....
This is one of those issues that I struggle to understand. I have been to Baltimore a number of times. I would not walk in certain areas of Baltimore. It is not a racist thing, its self preservation and its reality. People should be outraged by the President's tweets BUT the truth of the matter is there is truth to what he is saying outside of how he has described it. He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.

I don't know what the answer is outside of bringing more jobs to the area and even if this happens you can't change the character of a person.....that's solely up to them.
He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.
Humanity isnt allowing flash mobs of black youths to kill innocent visitors to that city, but again, our President calls it like he sees it, most of the US citizens agree, but there are a few spineless liberal pansies who wont come to grips that that city is a 3rd world cesspool.
I've been there. Like many Democrat American cities, there are nice pockets and a lot of rot and ruin.

Cummings has been in office in the House since 1996 and was a public figure before that. We should expect better. Moreover, the people in his district should expect a LOT better. But not you, and not other Leftists. You're happy enough to visit the pockets of places YOU can afford and leave the rat infested and trash dumps to the "other" people. Like Cummings, see.

As opposed to you wingnuts, who want to deny the people in these pockets the right to even vote to change things.

Wow, Trump says something racist and Sweet Sue is here to his defense. Color me surprised.

(She'll whine I said something funny about Political Chick next.)

Hysteria makes up a bunch of stuff about me and now you do too. Like I don't want people TO VOTE.

Why are Leftist Democrats so stupid and crazy? Wait maybe don't answer that

Accepting that I am "Hysteria," What have I "made up" about you? All that I know about you is that you are a faux "Christian" fundie who worships frankie graham and penises in general. I don't think that you know anything at all about Baltimore. It is a place that I know and have frequented many times. It is an insult for anyone holding the office of President of the United States to attempt to degrade the People of the United States living in any location.

You have never said what shithole you live in.
Liberal thinking...

I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?

Might have something to do with how we don't think the cities of our nation, should become barbarian wastelands.

Now these people are barbarians. You are as big as a racist piece of shit as Trump.

Why the fuck can't you people discuss shit with being racist fucks.

Is it that inbred into you very being? Are you all ignorant people.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Who wants to live in a racist, white infested state like Alabama. Infested with Red Neck, Maga hat wearing, pedophile supporting, under educated, white people.
I bet your racist ass wouldn't live in Ferguson, Baltimore, Southside DC, or other black Hoods, you worthless dick. At least we voted for a guy who brought jobs back to America where more blacks have been able to find a job than before the War on Poverty started, thanks to the racist asshole LBJ.
I've been there. Like many Democrat American cities, there are nice pockets and a lot of rot and ruin.

Cummings has been in office in the House since 1996 and was a public figure before that. We should expect better. Moreover, the people in his district should expect a LOT better. But not you, and not other Leftists. You're happy enough to visit the pockets of places YOU can afford and leave the rat infested and trash dumps to the "other" people. Like Cummings, see.

As opposed to you wingnuts, who want to deny the people in these pockets the right to even vote to change things.

Wow, Trump says something racist and Sweet Sue is here to his defense. Color me surprised.

(She'll whine I said something funny about Political Chick next.)

Hysteria makes up a bunch of stuff about me and now you do too. Like I don't want people TO VOTE.

Why are Leftist Democrats so stupid and crazy? Wait maybe don't answer that

Accepting that I am "Hysteria," What have I "made up" about you? All that I know about you is that you are a faux "Christian" fundie who worships frankie graham and penises in general. I don't think that you know anything at all about Baltimore. It is a place that I know and have frequented many times. It is an insult for anyone holding the office of President of the United States to attempt to degrade the People of the United States living in any location.

You have never said what shithole you live in.

Honey here's how crazy you are. You put these two sentences right together:

All that I know about you is that you are a faux "Christian" fundie who worships frankie graham and penises in general.

I have to go easy on you. You are actually not well....I'm sorry for it
This is one of those issues that I struggle to understand. I have been to Baltimore a number of times. I would not walk in certain areas of Baltimore. It is not a racist thing, its self preservation and its reality. People should be outraged by the President's tweets BUT the truth of the matter is there is truth to what he is saying outside of how he has described it. He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.

I don't know what the answer is outside of bringing more jobs to the area and even if this happens you can't change the character of a person.....that's solely up to them.
He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.
Humanity isnt allowing flash mobs of black youths to kill innocent visitors to that city, but again, our President calls it like he sees it, most of the US citizens agree, but there are a few spineless liberal pansies who wont come to grips that that city is a 3rd world cesspool.
Humanity is not stealing children & keeping them deplorable conditions.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?

Might have something to do with how we don't think the cities of our nation, should become barbarian wastelands.

Now these people are barbarians. You are as big as a racist piece of shit as Trump.

Why the fuck can't you people discuss shit with being racist fucks.

Is it that inbred into you very being? Are you all ignorant people.
Saying some inner cities are barbarian wastelands is racist?


This is one of those issues that I struggle to understand. I have been to Baltimore a number of times. I would not walk in certain areas of Baltimore. It is not a racist thing, its self preservation and its reality. People should be outraged by the President's tweets BUT the truth of the matter is there is truth to what he is saying outside of how he has described it. He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.

I don't know what the answer is outside of bringing more jobs to the area and even if this happens you can't change the character of a person.....that's solely up to them.
He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.
Humanity isnt allowing flash mobs of black youths to kill innocent visitors to that city, but again, our President calls it like he sees it, most of the US citizens agree, but there are a few spineless liberal pansies who wont come to grips that that city is a 3rd world cesspool.
Humanity is not stealing children & keeping them deplorable conditions.
Who is then?
How is Rep Ciumings responsible for the inner workings of Baltimore?
Because he is a representative in Congress? Would it because he is in the federal government & the federal government should do something? Then wouldn't Trump also be responsible? What has Trump done?
This is one of those issues that I struggle to understand. I have been to Baltimore a number of times. I would not walk in certain areas of Baltimore. It is not a racist thing, its self preservation and its reality. People should be outraged by the President's tweets BUT the truth of the matter is there is truth to what he is saying outside of how he has described it. He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.

I don't know what the answer is outside of bringing more jobs to the area and even if this happens you can't change the character of a person.....that's solely up to them.
He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.
Humanity isnt allowing flash mobs of black youths to kill innocent visitors to that city, but again, our President calls it like he sees it, most of the US citizens agree, but there are a few spineless liberal pansies who wont come to grips that that city is a 3rd world cesspool.
Humanity is not stealing children & keeping them deplorable conditions.
Who is then?
Inhuman piece of shit you voted for, Trump.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?

Naw, we can talk about any liberal run city and come up with the same ending.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.


Bernie Sanders likens West Baltimore to 'Third World' country
Hoping to reach out to African-American voters in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders arrived in Baltimore on Tuesday for a tour of the neighborhood where...

Bernie was talking about poverty in our inner cities and our lack of action to address it.

It didn't refer to them of an infestation like the Racist fuck-in-Chief said.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Who wants to live in a racist, white infested state like Alabama. Infested with Red Neck, Maga hat wearing, pedophile supporting, under educated, white people.
I bet your racist ass wouldn't live in Ferguson, Baltimore, Southside DC, or other black Hoods, you worthless dick. At least we voted for a guy who brought jobs back to America where more blacks have been able to find a job than before the War on Poverty started, thanks to the racist asshole LBJ.
You apparently have never been to any of these places. You folks never answer the question of where you live in the U.S. Why is that?
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
View attachment 271523
Naw, we can talk about any liberal run city and come up with the same ending.
View attachment 271524

So, there are no issues in Red States. Good to know.

Over half of the 50 most rat infested cities were in States that Trump won.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
View attachment 271523
Naw, we can talk about any liberal run city and come up with the same ending.
View attachment 271524

So, there are no issues in Red States. Good to know.

Over half of the 50 most rat infested cities were in States that Trump won.
South Carolina is a great state! We know which bathroom to use.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?

Might have something to do with how we don't think the cities of our nation, should become barbarian wastelands.

Now these people are barbarians. You are as big as a racist piece of shit as Trump.

Why the fuck can't you people discuss shit with being racist fucks.

Is it that inbred into you very being? Are you all ignorant people.
Saying some inner cities are barbarian wastelands is racist?


View attachment 271521
You assfucks can pretend not to be racists. But we all know better.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
View attachment 271523
Naw, we can talk about any liberal run city and come up with the same ending.
View attachment 271524

Dan Gilbert would be upset with you for calling his city of Detroit a dump. Tramps trade war didn't help Baltimore,

Now you are not just talking about Baltimore , you are talking about all cities tramp doesn't like and also all people he doesn't like.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
View attachment 271523
Naw, we can talk about any liberal run city and come up with the same ending.
View attachment 271524

California is one of the largest States in the US and both California and Michigan are in the top ten for having the highest populations within the US.

To compare these States to those less populated States isn't a fair comparison for obvious reasons.

Some suggest elected representatives are not doing enough for their States and constituents while also promoting the position that the federal government needs to be reduced and should not get involved with running States.

The positions are contradictory at best.

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