Anyone Who Thinks Baltimore Is Not an Infested Sh^thole I Offer a Deal

I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
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Naw, we can talk about any liberal run city and come up with the same ending.
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So, there are no issues in Red States. Good to know.

Over half of the 50 most rat infested cities were in States that Trump won.
South Carolina is a great state! We know which bathroom to use.

Do you call this good??

For overall health care, South Carolina is ranked 33rd out of the 50 states, according to the Commonwealth Fund, a private health foundation working to improve the health care system.[105] The state's teen birth rate was 53 births per 1,000 teens, compared to the average of 41.9 births for the US, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.[106] The state's infant mortality rate was 9.4 deaths per 1,000 births compared to the US average of 6.9 deaths.[107]

There were 2.6 physicians per 1,000 people compared to the US average of 3.2 physicians.[108] There was $5,114 spent on health expenses per capita in the state, compared to the US average of $5,283.[109] There were 26 percent of children and 13 percent of elderly living in poverty in the state, compared to 23 percent and 13 percent, respectively, doing so in the US.[110] And, 34 percent of children were overweight or obese, compared to the US average of 32 percent.[111
South Carolina - Wikipedia
So now we are changing the topic to healthcare instead of Baltimore being a 3rd world shithole. Typical of a liberal to try to change the subject when they know they lost the argument.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.
Downtown Baltimore is quite expensive and I am sure anyone would enjoy his stay
How is Rep Ciumings responsible for the inner workings of Baltimore?
Because he is a representative in Congress? Would it because he is in the federal government & the federal government should do something? Then wouldn't Trump also be responsible? What has Trump done?
Maybe because instead of Cummings not doing his job in Congress by getting a reign on corruption from the liberals, he instead goes on Witch hunts looking for Russian Collusion, why you stupid fucks just wont let go.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Trump is as responsible for the conditions in Baltimore as Cumming is

Both are part of the federal government and cannot pass localized legislation
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.
Downtown Baltimore is quite expensive and I am sure anyone would enjoy his stay
Did these people enjoy their stay?
Mob attacks family in Baltimore tourist district -
“They swarmed us,” said Stacey. “They hit my husband in the head. They knocked him out… and then it was just complete bedlam.”

It happened on the day of the Baltimore Marathon, Oct. 21. The event brought a big crowd to the harbor that night. The 10 family members, from grandparents to grandchildren, were walking by the H&M store when they were overwhelmed.
How is Rep Ciumings responsible for the inner workings of Baltimore?
Because he is a representative in Congress? Would it because he is in the federal government & the federal government should do something? Then wouldn't Trump also be responsible? What has Trump done?
Maybe because instead of Cummings not doing his job in Congress by getting a reign on corruption from the liberals, he instead goes on Witch hunts looking for Russian Collusion, why you stupid fucks just wont let go.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Trump is as responsible for the conditions in Baltimore as Cumming is

Both are part of the federal government and cannot pass localized legislation
You are so full of shit...Congress is going after impeachment , not working with the president, fucking dumbass.

Seems Trumps beloved New York is a more rat infested shithole than Baltimore. When is Trump going to do something about it?

Here are the 10 "Rattiest Cities" in the U.S. for 2018, according to Orkin:
  1. Chicago
  2. Los Angeles
  3. New York
  4. Washington, DC
  5. San Francisco
  6. Detroit
  7. Philadelphia
  8. Cleveland
  9. Baltimore
  10. Denver
See the full list of "rattiest citie
Baltimore On Most Rat-Infested Cities List Again: Orkin
All run by liberal Mayors..Thanks for making the point liberals dont give a rats ass, about the people.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.
Downtown Baltimore is quite expensive and I am sure anyone would enjoy his stay
Did these people enjoy their stay?
Mob attacks family in Baltimore tourist district -
“They swarmed us,” said Stacey. “They hit my husband in the head. They knocked him out… and then it was just complete bedlam.”

It happened on the day of the Baltimore Marathon, Oct. 21. The event brought a big crowd to the harbor that night. The 10 family members, from grandparents to grandchildren, were walking by the H&M store when they were overwhelmed.

Nice cherry picking

You can find stories about crime in any city
Seems Trumps beloved New York is a more rat infested shithole than Baltimore. When is Trump going to do something about it?

Here are the 10 "Rattiest Cities" in the U.S. for 2018, according to Orkin:
  1. Chicago
  2. Los Angeles
  3. New York
  4. Washington, DC
  5. San Francisco
  6. Detroit
  7. Philadelphia
  8. Cleveland
  9. Baltimore
  10. Denver
See the full list of "rattiest citie
Baltimore On Most Rat-Infested Cities List Again: Orkin
All run by liberal Mayors..Thanks for making the point liberals dont give a rats ass, about the people.

Trump is a major developer in New York
Why does his city have so many rats?
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
I guess they aren't going to talk and talk and talk about Chicago anymore....they've been told to switch to Baltimore and like good little cultists, they obey.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
The only reason this thread exists is to mock you triggered moonbats.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
I guess they aren't going to talk and talk and talk about Chicago anymore....they've been told to switch to Baltimore and like good little cultists, they obey.

6 Killed, at Least 16 Wounded in Shootings Across Chicago
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

I would take you up on your offer but I prefer south side of Chi-Town or South Houston for my shithole vacations...

And if you ever get the urge to go to mejico?
Just go to the Eastside and save a bundle on airfare.
This is just the lestest ignorance out of the orange slut. Ever be there? The harbor (where I took my late father (WWII vet) on the only submarine he had ever been on. Harbor Place? Federal Hill? Greek Town (great food), Little Italy (more delicious food), Ten Thousand Villages, Lexington Market? One of my favorite bars to hoist a pint, The Horse You Road in On. There is so much more. The orange whore is full of shit.

A lot of people like living in cesspools. Ask Bernie, he says Baltimore is a third world country.
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It's not a cesspool in the U.S. Worst cesspool I've even been in the U.S. is Selma, Alabama. Talk about Third World. I don't come from Baltimore, but I used to live there some 20-30 miles south. I took silversmithing classes there. Still, one of my favorite bars is the Horse You Road In One. By the waterfront.

But,what is the guy whose pretending to be the president of all of us Americans (not!) attacking one of our great U.S. cities? Please explain to all of us. Please explain to Mr. Blackwell. No. Idiot. Nothing happened to our cars in the city of Baltimore. We visited and dined pleasantly.
This is just the lestest ignorance out of the orange slut. Ever be there? The harbor (where I took my late father (WWII vet) on the only submarine he had ever been on. Harbor Place? Federal Hill? Greek Town (great food), Little Italy (more delicious food), Ten Thousand Villages, Lexington Market? One of my favorite bars to hoist a pint, The Horse You Road in On. There is so much more. The orange whore is full of shit.

A lot of people like living in cesspools. Ask Bernie, he says Baltimore is a third world country.
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It's not a cesspool in the U.S. Worst cesspool I've even been in the U.S. is Selma, Alabama. Talk about Third World. I don't come from Baltimore, but I used to live there some 20-30 miles south. I took silversmithing classes there. Still, one of my favorite bars is the Horse You Road In One. By the waterfront.

But,what is the guy whose pretending to be the president of all of us Americans (not!) attacking one of our great U.S. cities? Please explain to all of us. Please explain to Mr. Blackwell. No. Idiot. Nothing happened to our cars in the city of Baltimore. We visited and dined pleasantly.
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We had no idea food stamps is a crime.
To get back to earth, why is a person who serves in the Oval Office attacking a city of the United States, a group of United States citizens? We are all here together. Is the person in the Oval Office not an American?

Why are sanctuary cities encouraging illegals to take over their cities across the nation?
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.
Downtown Baltimore is quite expensive and I am sure anyone would enjoy his stay
Did these people enjoy their stay?
Mob attacks family in Baltimore tourist district -
“They swarmed us,” said Stacey. “They hit my husband in the head. They knocked him out… and then it was just complete bedlam.”

It happened on the day of the Baltimore Marathon, Oct. 21. The event brought a big crowd to the harbor that night. The 10 family members, from grandparents to grandchildren, were walking by the H&M store when they were overwhelmed.

Nice cherry picking

You can find stories about crime in any city
I used to live south of Baltimore and know about that fucked up city. IS this cherry picking about that 3rd world city too? Or this 3rd world city? How about this one? Everyone one of those cities is run by a liberal. Yet like a good little liberal, you deny and divert from the issue..

This is just the lestest ignorance out of the orange slut. Ever be there? The harbor (where I took my late father (WWII vet) on the only submarine he had ever been on. Harbor Place? Federal Hill? Greek Town (great food), Little Italy (more delicious food), Ten Thousand Villages, Lexington Market? One of my favorite bars to hoist a pint, The Horse You Road in On. There is so much more. The orange whore is full of shit.

A lot of people like living in cesspools. Ask Bernie, he says Baltimore is a third world country.
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View attachment 271457
It's not a cesspool in the U.S. Worst cesspool I've even been in the U.S. is Selma, Alabama. Talk about Third World. I don't come from Baltimore, but I used to live there some 20-30 miles south. I took silversmithing classes there. Still, one of my favorite bars is the Horse You Road In One. By the waterfront.

But,what is the guy whose pretending to be the president of all of us Americans (not!) attacking one of our great U.S. cities? Please explain to all of us. Please explain to Mr. Blackwell. No. Idiot. Nothing happened to our cars in the city of Baltimore. We visited and dined pleasantly.
View attachment 271544
Notice how we are talking about violence and how a liberal run "CITY" is like a 3rd world shithole, and the dumbass liberal, but I repeat myself, shows a cabin in Kentucky where they arent committing violence yet, trying to justify his "lie".

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