Anyone Who Thinks Baltimore Is Not an Infested Sh^thole I Offer a Deal

I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.


Bernie Sanders likens West Baltimore to 'Third World' country
Hoping to reach out to African-American voters in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders arrived in Baltimore on Tuesday for a tour of the neighborhood where...

This is just the lestest ignorance out of the orange slut. Ever be there? The harbor (where I took my late father (WWII vet) on the only submarine he had ever been on. Harbor Place? Federal Hill? Greek Town (great food), Little Italy (more delicious food), Ten Thousand Villages, Lexington Market? One of my favorite bars to hoist a pint, The Horse You Road in On. There is so much more. The orange whore is full of shit. I saw Victor Blackwell cry for his home. He has no reason to. We are all together. Eat Bertha's oysters.
Didn't know Bernie was a wranger!!

Bernie Sanders likens West Baltimore to 'Third World' country
Hoping to reach out to African-American voters in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders arrived in Baltimore on Tuesday for a tour of the neighborhood where...

I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Baltimore is a dirty city full of bernie's voters and criminals

Have you even been to Baltimore? I have, many times. What is your beef?

BTW: what's up with the bible, the cross, the rosaries, the candle? Is all of this display to masquerade as a believer in Christianity.

Bernie said it was a shithole.

I've been there. Like many Democrat American cities, there are nice pockets and a lot of rot and ruin.

Cummings has been in office in the House since 1996 and was a public figure before that. We should expect better. Moreover, the people in his district should expect a LOT better. But not you, and not other Leftists. You're happy enough to visit the pockets of places YOU can afford and leave the rat infested and trash dumps to the "other" people. Like Cummings, see.
So what shithole do you live in? Where is your district? What city, what state, what district? I know that you are a lover of frankie, but no more than than that. Are you Kentucky? Alabama? Arkansas? the Carolinas? Where? Why insult Baltimore?

So far every single thing you have projected onto me is WRONG.

Old, but not wise in the least. As I said.

Why are you bitching about Baltimore? You make it sound like you have something better. So what is better? What is better where you live? Even if it was, which I seriously doubt, why pick on Baltimore? I am thinking that you live in a sparsely populated area that just doesn't like cities and the people don't like mixing with other Americans. Harbor Place, Greek Town, Little Italy, Lexington Market, The Horse You Road In On, Ten Thousand Villages, are fine with me.

Why do you support this assault on the city of Baltimore? BTW: I am not a native of Baltimore. I grew up within 15 miles of NYC.

Are you mentally well?

Are you on medication
I think that you have a mental problem and need therapy and medication. What is better in your town (where ever it is) than Baltimore? Have you seen a therapist? I don't think that you have ever set foot in Baltimore. I know you to just babble on the internet.

What is your job, Hysteria. How do you support yourself. Let's start there on comparing wellness. I have been in the same job since the mid-90s. Professional job too. Your turn, honey.
People dumb enough to elect a lazy, illogical, unintelligent slob like Cummings deserve what they get. Those people would see a big improvement if they canned Cummings. Viva Trump
I guess nobody wants to spend a night in beautiful downtown Baltimore and get on CNN the next day to talk about it.

Go figure.
This is just the lestest ignorance out of the orange slut.

Was it ok when Bernie said it?

Bernie Sanders likens West Baltimore to 'Third World' country

So I follow Sanders? PLUS, you are talking about a specific area that you refer to as "west" Baltimore. Not the city of Balitimore and its suburbs. You forget the that the whore in the Oval Office was from Queens. I am from NJ and Manhattan. Cheap shits come from over densely populated areas. We don't know where anyone comes from. Just where do you think that pence comes from?
So when Flash Mobs attack people visiting at the inner harbor, of the City of Baltimore, that isnt the city ? Again a liberal is thinking again.

To get back to earth, why is a person who serves in the Oval Office attacking a city of the United States, a group of United States citizens? We are all here together. Is the person in the Oval Office not an American?
Why is a "black" congressman and other congress women attacking the president for colluding with Russia when he didnt and still they want to impeach him? Then you wonder why citizens of the US hate your fucking guts.
Every one of these Democrat controlled big cities are shitholes.

The stupid inner city minorities elect worthless incompetent corrupt Democrat Blacks as leaders and then they wonder why the place is a crime infested high taxed shithole.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Baltimore is a dirty city full of bernie's voters and criminals

Have you even been to Baltimore? I have, many times. What is your beef?

BTW: what's up with the bible, the cross, the rosaries, the candle? Is all of this display to masquerade as a believer in Christianity.
This is just the lestest ignorance out of the orange slut. Ever be there? The harbor (where I took my late father (WWII vet) on the only submarine he had ever been on. Harbor Place? Federal Hill? Greek Town (great food), Little Italy (more delicious food), Ten Thousand Villages, Lexington Market? One of my favorite bars to hoist a pint, The Horse You Road in On. There is so much more. The orange whore is full of shit.

A lot of people like living in cesspools. Ask Bernie, he says Baltimore is a third world country.
View attachment 271454

Would it be inappropriate to want that police cruiser...?
This is one of those issues that I struggle to understand. I have been to Baltimore a number of times. I would not walk in certain areas of Baltimore. It is not a racist thing, its self preservation and its reality. People should be outraged by the President's tweets BUT the truth of the matter is there is truth to what he is saying outside of how he has described it. He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.

I don't know what the answer is outside of bringing more jobs to the area and even if this happens you can't change the character of a person.....that's solely up to them.
This is one of those issues that I struggle to understand. I have been to Baltimore a number of times. I would not walk in certain areas of Baltimore. It is not a racist thing, its self preservation and its reality. People should be outraged by the President's tweets BUT the truth of the matter is there is truth to what he is saying outside of how he has described it. He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.

I don't know what the answer is outside of bringing more jobs to the area and even if this happens you can't change the character of a person.....that's solely up to them.

What did he say that was hateful?
I don't know what the answer is outside of bringing more jobs to the area and even if this happens you can't change the character of a person
These people arent capable of holding jobs for the reason you mentioned -- character.
This is one of those issues that I struggle to understand. I have been to Baltimore a number of times. I would not walk in certain areas of Baltimore. It is not a racist thing, its self preservation and its reality. People should be outraged by the President's tweets BUT the truth of the matter is there is truth to what he is saying outside of how he has described it. He doesn't seem to be someone who can view a situation with humanity only hate.

I don't know what the answer is outside of bringing more jobs to the area and even if this happens you can't change the character of a person.....that's solely up to them.

What did he say that was hateful?

It's not one thing but a history of comments. It would be irresponsible to judge someone from one instance or one comment. Responsible people consider all comments.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Who wants to live in a racist, white infested state like Alabama. Infested with Red Neck, Maga hat wearing, pedophile supporting, under educated, white people.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Who wants to live in a racist, white infested state like Alabama. Infested with Red Neck, Maga hat wearing, pedophile supporting, under educated, white people.

You bring up an interesting comparison. My career has taken me to almost every single State in America and without question every State I've visited has it's stain.

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