Anyone Wonder If Most Pollsters Skew Left To Avoid Being Accused Of Being Racist?

Mar 16, 2012


All year long most of us have said to ourselves,something like "That Can't Be Right". Even some that call into the Rush Limbaugh Show are saying it. "These Polls Can't Be Right"!.
We already know that in at least half of them,they lean left and diss a few points of the right. The split in general is about 35/30/35. So Why are pollsters sampling closer to 40% Democrats,30ish Independents,27/28% Republicans.
Even Gallup and Fox polls often show Obama leading by 5 points.
You have to wonder what the real polls are, odds are its closer to 40% for Obama and closer to 49/50% for Romney, and 8/9/10% still undecided.
Fox may be having second thoughts about giving us the real internal polls being they don't want to be declared "Racists" by the left and the lovable Reverend Al Sharpton.
It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?
you also have to check out what other conservative websights are saying, in general, many are trashing Obama. Nothing conpared to how they trashed Bush. I read the free republic sight often to check on the more trusted polls and continuous updates on stories. IMO,,,i am pretty sure Obama is at 43/44% and stuck there.
It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?

I guess you just forgot what and why democrats almost exclusively use push polling.

You have become a disappointment. You dont seem to be able to actually argue a position, just the talking points.
It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?

I don't know every time there is a poll that does not show Obama leading the left on here say it's a right wing poll.
It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?

I don't know every time there is a poll that does not show Obama leading the left on here say it's a right wing poll.

It isn't what you expect? How many times has a Romney supporter said, "Gee, our guy is behind. That sounds pretty accurate?"
It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?

I don't know every time there is a poll that does not show Obama leading the left on here say it's a right wing poll.

It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?

I guess you just forgot what and why democrats almost exclusively use push polling.

You have become a disappointment. You dont seem to be able to actually argue a position, just the talking points.

It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?

I don't know every time there is a poll that does not show Obama leading the left on here say it's a right wing poll.

It isn't what you expect? How many times has a Romney supporter said, "Gee, our guy is behind. That sounds pretty accurate?"

I don't keep track of what Romney supporters say what I do know is partisans on both sides cherry pick polls that favor their candidates and dismiss any other's as being biased right or left wing polls.
I never even thought of FOX as racist. They have no problem with Clarence Thomas and Alan Keyes. I think they hated Bill Clinton way more than Obama.

You've taken something that's true - the admitted over-use of the "Race Card" by the Left - but you've tacked it on to polling, where it doesn't even make sense, especially for FOX, who has no limits when it comes to going after Obama.

Your logic seems like it came from a Right wing pundit, which pundit is able to make these absurd claims because his audience tends to be under-educated. [I'm not saying you're under-educated, nor am I saying Republicans are under-educated. I'm saying that people who listen to Limbaugh and FOX news tend to be low-information voters without much advanced education. People with strong analytical skills would not be able to listen to this garbage (and I include Keith Olber-nutjob).

My wish for the OP is that he take advantage of the wealth of high minded conservative intellectuals, dead and living. Substitute Limbaugh for Richard Posner, the brilliant legal mind from the University of Chicago. Fuck, even Milton Friedman would force you to process complicated arguments so you didn't have to regurgitate talk radio nonsense. Or, what about great conservative authors like Saul Bellow? I just finished "Mr. Sammler's Planet" which is filled with brilliant contempt - conservative contempt - for the socially liberal post fifties America. Take advantage of the good work done on your side. Turn off talk radio and FOX News. You can do better. Don't make conservatism look like it depends on a bunch of hacks who get their information from partisan entertainers. At the very least, don't repeat this stuff in a public forum. Read Christopher Lasch's "Culture of Narcissism", or Allan Bloom's "Closing of The American Mind", or Edmund Burke's criticism of the French Revolution. This will enable you to castigate the Left far better than your moronic pundits]
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It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?

Yeah, it says they're lame and desperate and did I mention lame?

Expect to hear a lot more of this kind of crap as the election gets closer.

OTOH, I also expect to see huge money going to mittens from both foreign and US mega-buck superpacs.

The R will buy or steal this election if they can and they've already got a damn good start on exactly that.
Why do nutters fear being accused of something so much? Especially if such accusations are uncalled for and never have merit?


All year long most of us have said to ourselves,something like "That Can't Be Right". Even some that call into the Rush Limbaugh Show are saying it. "These Polls Can't Be Right"!.
We already know that in at least half of them,they lean left and diss a few points of the right. The split in general is about 35/30/35. So Why are pollsters sampling closer to 40% Democrats,30ish Independents,27/28% Republicans.
Even Gallup and Fox polls often show Obama leading by 5 points.
You have to wonder what the real polls are, odds are its closer to 40% for Obama and closer to 49/50% for Romney, and 8/9/10% still undecided.
Fox may be having second thoughts about giving us the real internal polls being they don't want to be declared "Racists" by the left and the lovable Reverend Al Sharpton.

So the polls say Romeny is not doing as well as you WISH he was doing, and the only conclusion you can reach is that the polls are wrong?


Holy shit, that's some serious delusion you have there.
If one reads the polls and this is across the board now the incumbent AKA golfer in chief is runnng neck and neck with someone who isn't even declared the actual Republican candidate, if you're Axelrod you are shitting your pants and just called for double strength Immodium AD from the pharmacy.

I'll lay it on the line here. The libs we see on this board are not the norm. We have the rabid crew. Democrats the real democrats are starting to really worry. You know their internals are freaking them out.

Polls have always swung wildly in the summer. That's what make this summer so very strange. Neck and neck at this point in time? Obama can't pull ahead. Most interesting. And this is with how much moola going to attack ads against Romney?
another way of taking a more realisitc poll is just when we speak to our friends and relatives. i can tell you from people I know in Florida,,they are outraged over what obama has done to their lives and business owners. here in naples it feels like the movie, the day the earth stood still.
another way of taking a more realisitc poll is just when we speak to our friends and relatives.

You are some kind of prankster, right? You can't be for real.

Every critical thinker knows that anecdotes are useless as evidence of anything.
did it ever occur to you all...that they aren't skewed? Did it ever occur to you that hard core right wing media is just that? Most of "fuckin'commies" realize that MSNBC is hard core left wing media and if we watch at all, take it with a grain of salt.

but your right wing media sources have so many of you convinced that all the other sources are Communist Propaganda and the ONLY ones that aren't are theirs. Seriously, doesn't that raise a red flag for ANY Conservatives on here?
another way of taking a more realisitc poll is just when we speak to our friends and relatives. i can tell you from people I know in Florida,,they are outraged over what obama has done to their lives and business owners. here in naples it feels like the movie, the day the earth stood still.
what i was getting at is what the average american is talking about amongst friends regarding how they feel about obama. you can also compare the scenario as if it was a water cooler conversation, or what the locals are talking about in their resident bars. odds are, they aren't discussing what a great job o'bozo has done.
It says quite a bit about republicans that such a question needs to be asked; does it not?

Yeah, it says they're lame and desperate and did I mention lame?

Expect to hear a lot more of this kind of crap as the election gets closer.

OTOH, I also expect to see huge money going to mittens from both foreign and US mega-buck superpacs.

The R will buy or steal this election if they can and they've already got a damn good start on exactly that.

Personally I am enjoying you guys being forced to deal with what you dish out. I hope you get a lot more.

As far as foreign money, democrats have a long history of accepting the (cough cough) GIFTS. I didnt see you speaking out about Obamas collection.

Is there any subject you guys dont have double standards applied?
If one reads the polls and this is across the board now the incumbent AKA golfer in chief is runnng neck and neck with someone who isn't even declared the actual Republican candidate, if you're Axelrod you are shitting your pants and just called for double strength Immodium AD from the pharmacy.

I'll lay it on the line here. The libs we see on this board are not the norm. We have the rabid crew. Democrats the real democrats are starting to really worry. You know their internals are freaking them out.

Polls have always swung wildly in the summer. That's what make this summer so very strange. Neck and neck at this point in time? Obama can't pull ahead. Most interesting. And this is with how much moola going to attack ads against Romney?

The reason Obama has been ahead all summer is because he's going to win and the internals show he's going to win. That's why the Bain attacks are working. Romney will be effectively knocked out by Sept 1st.

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