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Definition of NEGRITUDE
  1. a consciousness of and pride in the cultural and physical aspects of the African heritage
  2. the state or condition of being black
Batwa : Wikis (The Full Wiki)

The Twa, also known as Batwa, are a pygmy people who were the oldest recorded inhabitants of the Great Lakes region of central Africa. Current populations are found in the states of Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, and the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2000, they numbered approximately 80,000 people, making them a significant minority group in these countries.

There are also a number of southern "Twa" populations in Angola, Namibia, Zambia, and Botswana living in swamps and deserts far from the forest. These are little studied, and this article deals only with the Twa of the Great Lakes region.

When the Hutu, a Bantu-speaking people, arrived in the region, they subjugated the Twa. Around the fifteenth century AD, the Tutsi, a Bantu-speaking Nilotic people, subsequently arrived and dominated both the Twa and the Hutu. The Twa speak the same language, Kinyarwanda as the Hutu and Tutsi. For several hundred years, the Twa have been a very small minority in the area (currently 1% in Rwanda and Burundi) and have had little political role.

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