Anything *BAD* For America, Liberals Love It.

Originally posted by Gop guy
Nice try again, that link doesn't work.

Well now the link works just fine for me so i'll just bump that post and we'll just see if you have a problem with accepting reality you stupid little fuck!
Ask the others if it works for them.

I feel sorry for you, having to resort to such petty name calling, you're such a child.

You should change your attitude, ever hear of karma?
Originally posted by Gop guy
Ask the others if it works for them.

I feel sorry for you, having to resort to such petty name calling, you're such a child.

You should change your attitude, ever hear of karma?

GET YOUR ASS DOWN TO ANTI-USA ON THE DOUBLE! Then I will expect a public apology from you junior!
Originally posted by Gop guy
You shouldn't be so mean.

You don't have many friends, do you?

Don't be a crybaby, you want to play with the big kids you'd better grow some thicker skin. I've got plenty of friends we just don't bullshit each other.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I'm glad that you see that its wrong, however, my 6 years in the marines I was taught that we were a PROFESSIONAL branch of service. I would expect that the army teaches its soldiers the same thing. Being that is the case, these soldiers should know, as a professional soldier, death happens. They should also know the Geneva Convention, I was taught the conventions as a marine, and if these soldiers aren't capable of being professionals, maybe they should find a new line of work.

It's not about defending the terrorists, its about maintaining the professionalism and integrity of the corps, or the army as the case may be.

Not much I can say to that. That just about sums it up.

I also spent time in the military. Eight years in the Air Force, and was also taught the Geneva Convention rules. As a matter of fact, I remember them giving us a Geneva hand book. I wonder what ever happened to that..... ?

In any case yes, it's done severe damage to our military's integrity. Good word.
Originally posted by Gop guy
Bush is ABUSING HIM IN OTHER POLLS like foreign policy, personal likeability, handiling of the War on Terror, and Iraq

Just go to:,2933/11,9323,00.html to see.

Also,Zell Miller is A REAL DEMOCRAT, not a communist.

The democratic party was taken over by communists in the early 70's. Zell is one of the few dems left that still see this.


Right, the Democratic party was taken over by commies, WHATEVER, go ahead, go live in your little fantasy world.

And as for those other polls - I wasn't aware that when we go to vote they ask us to rate the candidates in different areas, is that new?
Originally posted by Tippy Toes
I think the guys who had large penises were probably loving every minute of it.

I think we all think too much. Humiliation isn't the worst thing that can happen to a person.

I kinda doubt these people get humiliated very easily. They don't value life all that much. Not like we do.

If they are like everybody else, they probably ignore half of what their religion teaches, and the rest is for show. The show part is what has me worried.

Being threatened to be electrocuted, and being electrocuted are two different things.

I just don't feel that sorry right now, I'll have to know more, and these guys have to get a fair trial, so how much can be divulged?

I feel more sorry for our troops that will pay the consequences, not us.

Tippy toes, how do you know what these people value? Did you sit down and ask every of them? How do you even know who these people are?

Being humiliated - and being humiliated at gunpoint, are two different things. Stop minimizing what happened and maybe people will actually start to think you have respect for human rights like the rest of America.
PLEASE SPIDY-----put this into some kinda of context for me. Are you saying America is worse than other countries, equal to others countries or better than other countries?
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Considering my original reference was to the polls, you should have known I was referring to popular votes.
I know you are referring to the popular vote and you also know that is not how the President is elected. So to say:
And you and CowBushie know all to well you don't actually have to have more votes than your opponent to win the
is pointless, it would apply to all presidential canidates. However votes do count electoral votes, the canidate with more of those does win.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Stop minimizing what happened and maybe people will actually start to think you have respect for human rights like the rest of America.

You stop making it more than it is.
Originally posted by dilloduck
PLEASE SPIDY-----put this into some kinda of context for me. Are you saying America is worse than other countries, equal to others countries or better than other countries?

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that in everything I ever said I had to say how great I thought America was, my bad. The only issue ever, and the only question ever asked or answered, should relate to the greatness of this country. Apparently its not enough I say it everynow and then, I must say it everytime I post because apparently torturing Iraqi prisoners isn't the issue at all, I don't know what I was thinking, the real issue all the time with every single issue is how great America is. My bad, I'll modify my sig line.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that in everything I ever said I had to say how great I thought America was, my bad. Apparently its not enough I say it everynow and then, I must say it everytime I post because apparently torturing Iraqi prisoners isn't the issue at all, I don't know what I was thinking, the real issue all the time with every single issue is how great America is. My bad, I'll modify my sig line.

Your are a scumbag. I can't believe your running for president.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
I know you are referring to the popular vote and you also know that is not how the President is elected. So to say:
is pointless, it would apply to all presidential canidates. However votes do count electoral votes, the canidate with more of those does win.

The original point made was that Bush was leading in the polls, I responded by saying that means jack because you don't have to have the popular vote to win. See now?

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