AOC Believes 'Anti-Racism' Training Is Needed To Reverse Racist Habits / Behaviors Learned As A BABY

The best way to keep racism alive is to do NOTHING to end it.

Discrimination is NOT a necessary function in life, and it is very self-limiting and destructive. Needing your own mother isn't "discrimination", it's "bonding" - necessary for babies to learn how to bond with others so that they can form bonds with others throughout their lives. The inability to bond is called "attachment disorder" and it happens when a child fails to bond with any family before age 5.

Stop projecting natural attachment with family members as "discrimination" as an excuse to justify your racism. It's just another right wing bullshit lie.

Of course we should deal with racism, when it happens. What you want is to deal with racism everywhere, including where it doesn't exist, which is most places. Like cop shootings, which are incredibly rare. It's all political agenda to you
The first thing babies learn to do is discriminate. That's a necessary function in life.

The first thing they do is bond with the owner of the milk factory. It doesn't matter to the baby what the color of the milk factories skin is either.
The first thing they do is bond with the owner of the milk factory. It doesn't matter to the baby what the color of the milk factories skin is either.

That's all parenting is to you? "milk factory?"

Of course it is.

And kids notice EVERYTHING. Gender, hair color, smell, hair, touch it's not just "skin color."

They like what they are familiar with then expand from there.

My God I hope you're not a parent. If you are, you should be reported for child abuse. You don't think that people care about anything but food. That's way beyond ignorant, it's sick
That's all parenting is to you? "milk factory?"

Not one word about parenting was said. But par for your course you make up a lie and play pretend.

My God I hope you're not a parent. If you are, you should be reported for child abuse.

Infants do not discriminate between teats. White ones , brown ones, yellow ones or red ones.

Saul good.
The first thing they do is bond with the owner of the milk factory. It doesn't matter to the baby what the color of the milk factories skin is either.

"The first thing they do is bond with the owner of the milk factory. "

Not one word about parenting was said. But par for your course you make up a lie and play pretend.

Infants do not discriminate between teats. White ones , brown ones, yellow ones or red ones.

Saul good.

Whatever, moron. You're just blowing shit out of our ass.

Yes, babies do "discriminate" by race and everything else. That is healthy and they don't hate anyone. But you're playing word games to make it sound bad.

Ooohhhhhh, babies "discriminate." They're racists!

Fuck you
Fox News has low level Democrats on to use as punching bags. They are there for the commentators to score points off of as they lie, mislead and promote conspiracy theories. That's not "balance", and it doesn't stop the unending lies that FOX promotes about Democrats.

The rest of your post is just lies and bullshit about the MSM - which is publicly owned, subscribes to established journalistic standards of truth and verification of stories, and is much more reliable than FOX News which has to apply for their broadcast license, not as a "news network", but as an "entertainment" station, to
get around their failure to hold their reporters to any kind of journalistic standards.

You're now adopting the standard fascist tactic of accusing the other side of doing what Republicans have been doing since Clinton was President.
elect a black PM in the cold racist inconsequential country you live in before you give input on who is or isnt moral ! .......and no this doesnt count as having a black PM ...
"The first thing they do is bond with the owner of the milk factory. "

Yes, babies do "discriminate" by race and everything else. That is healthy and they don't hate anyone. But you're playing word games to make it sound bad.

Fuck you

They do not discriminate teats.

Ooooh fuck me huh? Whats yer sign toots?
Anyone else ever watch a big bunch of young kids at a playground? They don't give a shit about 'race.' They just run around playing with each other without concern.
The marxists here said CRT is about history, so AOC admits it is about indoctrination. lol.
They do not discriminate teats.

Ooooh fuck me huh? Whats yer sign toots?

Yeah, fuck you. You think kids only need food and they are born wanting to join the KKK.

It's stupid.

Kids have PREFERENCES. They gravitate to what is familiar. Yes, that is discrimination. All words to you are political. As they get older that continuously evolves.

So my ass is lily white and my wife is a woman of color. My kids must be confused, huh? She seems to oppress me more than I oppress her. She sure has a lot more rules than I do.

How does that work for kids like mine who are both white and not white then? Do they self oppress or more take turns oppressing each other?

Leftists are morons
Yeah, fuck you. You think kids only need food
Hahaha Typical Kazy Lie. Sucking on a teat in one of the first things a newborn instinctively does.

But lying is a feature for your party isn't it?
Hahaha Typical Kazy Lie. Sucking on a teat in one of the first things a newborn instinctively does.

But lying is a feature for your party isn't it?

So you're not only arguing that "sucking teats" is the first thing a baby learns and it's "lying" to say the first thing they do is learn to tell things apart and gravitate to what is normal to them and anyone who disagrees with you is "lying" for a party. That's such a critical issue for you. Which is "first."
You are one sick puppy. What a jackass.

My point is how stupid it is to say babies are racists and to teach kids that they are as your party is doing. They aren't. But you want to bicker about whether sucking teats or learning to tell things apart is first. Go fuck yourself
So you're not only arguing that "sucking teats" is the first thing a baby learns and it's "lying" to say the first thing they do is learn to tell things apart and gravitate to what is normal to them and anyone who disagrees with you is "lying" for a party. That's such a critical issue for you. Which is "first."
You are one sick puppy. What a jackass.

My point is how stupid it is to say babies are racists and to teach kids that they are as your party is doing. They aren't. But you want to bicker about whether sucking teats or learning to tell things apart is first. Go fuck yourself
No. Sucking teat is a survival instinct like I said. They do not discriminate as to the color of the teat they find nourishment in. Discrimination is learned. You said it yourself. It's one of the first things they learn. Do you think they learn it all on their own, or are do they learn by watching those around them

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rails against CRT opposition: Teachers should be 'fluent in how to dismantle racism' learned in INFANTCY

View attachment 514939

How about we just identify children with the highest chance of becoming stupid, Marxist, pro-Communist, liberal extremists like AOC and ensure they are never allowed to hold positions of power?!

While I agree with AOC that racism is learned, it is learned later in life, not as an infant.
The term "anti-racism" has an inherently intrusive meaning, setting the stage for all manner of usurpations and oppression.

What is the real objective here? It can't be good.
No. Sucking teat is a survival instinct like I said. They do not discriminate as to the color of the teat they find nourishment in. Discrimination is learned. You said it yourself. It's one of the first things they learn. Do you think they learn it all on their own, or are do they learn by watching those around them
Good question. We could ask that same question about an infinite number of topics and reach the same conclusions.
No. Sucking teat is a survival instinct like I said. They do not discriminate as to the color of the teat they find nourishment in. Discrimination is learned. You said it yourself. It's one of the first things they learn. Do you think they learn it all on their own, or are do they learn by watching those around them

So if you're saying that white leftists are teaching their kids to be racist, then why are you arguing about it with me since I agree with that?

I have said all through this that kids are not racist like leftists are teaching them. Why aren't you arguing with any leftists about this since you are saying they are wrong?

What is wrong with you?
Shit, in my day we were raised unaware that we were supposed to be racist. It was weird, because I saw blacks and such as people, many my close friends.

Then we progressed, and I now recognize I was sheltered & dumb, as I was supposed to be racist, all so AOC policies can pull me out of it.
So if you're saying that white leftists are teaching their kids to be racist, then why are you arguing about it with me since I agree with that?

I have said all through this that kids are not racist like leftists are teaching them. Why aren't you arguing with any leftists about this since you are saying they are wrong?

What is wrong with you?

I was making fun of AOC and the child study results. You, as usual lied to call me a fucking fascist.

"..... we're all born with it. White babies were seen blowing bubbles and giving the black babies the finger. While the black babies were seen blowing bubbles and giving the Black Power signs right back at the White babies. Then there was some head butting and exploring of the different types of hairs........."
In all seriousness... all of this bullshit virtue signaling white appropriation - racism! racism! is going to make racist out of people who were not.
I, for one, am beyond sick of it.
The excusing of bad behavior, the bending every rule that exist to make a situation appear what it isn't just so some white Karens can feel good about themselves. Seeing racism!! racism!! every fucking place they look - well fuck you and the fake horse you rode in on.

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