AOC Believes 'Anti-Racism' Training Is Needed To Reverse Racist Habits / Behaviors Learned As A BABY

In all seriousness... all of this bullshit virtue signaling white appropriation - racism! racism! is going to make racist out of people who were not.
It's the intended result, and it is WORKING. I am so fucking sick of the bullshit, that where I would have given some benefit of the doubt, I am completely unwilling at this point.
It's the intended result, and it is WORKING. I am so fucking sick of the bullshit, that where I would have given some benefit of the doubt, I am completely unwilling at this point.
You and me both... I posted a thread the other day of the front page of the Chicago Tribune... the Headline was "GUNS in Chicago a Security Concern"... literally taking up half the front page.
FFS - wow!!... there are rouge guns flying around shooting people!!!
Can't possible mention that those guns are held by young black males now can you??? Oh hell no.... can't do that!!!!
I was making fun of AOC and the child study results. You, as usual lied to call me a fucking fascist.

"..... we're all born with it. White babies were seen blowing bubbles and giving the black babies the finger. While the black babies were seen blowing bubbles and giving the Black Power signs right back at the White babies. Then there was some head butting and exploring of the different types of hairs........."

So you innocently thought I was agreeing with the Democrats that white people are racist?

Doesn't the smell of your shit even bother you?
I was making fun of AOC and the child study results. You, as usual lied to call me a fucking fascist.

"..... we're all born with it. White babies were seen blowing bubbles and giving the black babies the finger. While the black babies were seen blowing bubbles and giving the Black Power signs right back at the White babies. Then there was some head butting and exploring of the different types of hairs........."

Just curious since you're saying Democrats are wrong and babies aren't racist if you're ever going to mention your view on that ... you know ... to a Democrat?

That was weird even for you NOT mentioning it to a Democrat then coming to me and arguing as if my position was the Democrat position that babies are racists.

LOL, what a tool. You're not going to say it to a Democrat, are you? You're not capable
So you innocently thought I was agreeing with the Democrats that white people are racist?

Doesn't the smell of your shit even bother you?
I wasn't thinking about you and your stupidity at all. It's my opinion and mine alone.
Just curious since you're saying Democrats are wrong and babies aren't racist if you're ever going to mention your view on that ... you know ... to a Democrat?

That was weird even for you NOT mentioning it to a Democrat then coming to me and arguing as if my position was the Democrat position that babies are racists.

LOL, what a tool. You're not going to say it to a Democrat, are you? You're not capable

There you go again putting words in my mouth and then insulting me based on the words you put in.

But I am making fun of both AOC and you, Skippy,.
As far as I can tell, no one knows where racism begins or ends, whether it is a defense mechanism developed in our earliest beginnings, or how helpful or deep those feelings go. So telling, or ordering others not to be racist seems doomed to failure. People can be taught not to ACT on those feelings. But that does nothing to root the feelings out, if that can even be done.

Most of the noise made about the topic seems only to be increasing the feelings of hostility. That some self-righteous and arrogant people give to themselves the supposed authority to point their Holy finger at others and brand them as racists, is irritating, at best, laughable, at worst. Taking on that ridiculous, self conferred 'authority' apparently fills some deep need these people have to feel superior to others.

Another question might concern the difference between 'racism' and 'preferences.'

I prefer chocolate ice cream. No one has a problem with that. But if I say I prefer to be around white people, self-righteous bitches will come out of the woodwork to condemn that personal preference.

I don't think any person, or group, has the right to tell, much less, command others, about how they should feel, in these matters.

Each person should have the freedom to make his own decisions in all matters. Fuck the self-righteous, bleeding heart do-gooders. They would have no time to go around bitching at others if they would only mind their own damned business.
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I wasn't thinking about you and your stupidity at all. It's my opinion and mine alone.

There you go again putting words in my mouth and then insulting me based on the words you put in.

But I am making fun of both AOC and you, Skippy,.

So I thought you were taking the Democrat position that babies are racist and you thought I was taking the Democrat position that babies are racist.

Have you ever read the board? What the fuck is wrong with you?

When are you going to tell a DEMOCRAT that babies aren't racist since they are the ones saying they are?

Go fuck yourself
When are you going to tell a DEMOCRAT that babies aren't racist since they are the ones saying they are?

I will happily defend my position on babies, racism and teats to anyone.

I will at the very least, smile while typing.
I wasn't thinking about you and your stupidity at all. It's my opinion and mine alone.

There you go again putting words in my mouth and then insulting me based on the words you put in.

But I am making fun of both AOC and you, Skippy,.

I clearly kept saying that babies are not racists. And you kept arguing with me.

You thought I was a Democrat? OMG you're stupid. Have you EVER read the board? YOU are the Democrat, jackass, not me.

Notice you claim that you disagree with Democrats, babies are NOT racists. And you still won't tell a fucking Democrat you think that. What is wrong with you? Seriously. What?

Um ... kaz, you're the Democrat ...

Go fuck yourself
100% pure bullshit. You don't speak for anyone but yourself, and you are clearly trying to project your arrested-development weakness and fear on everyone else because it is easier to live with your failings if you convince yourself everyone else shares them.
You seem to be experiencing some difficulty in accepting the Truth... you go right ahead deluding yourself and trying (and failing) to convince others.
I think the racism that existed during the slavery period is not the same as the natural prejudices we develop from birth. The belief that one race is inferior and that they deserve to be enslaved forever is held by very few these days. Just sayin.
That is quite probably true.

Hyper-reactive types like our colleague UnkoWhatreverTheHellHisNameIs hold to one working definition of 'racism'... an intellectual limitation, to be sure.

The sort of extreme and aggressive racism that you reference was, indeed, extant, many decades ago, and still exists on a limited scale in some quarters.

But it's not widespread any longer, and hasn't been for a very long time, and that's a good thing... it's progress towards peaceful coexistence.

On the other hand, the Birds-of-a-Feather syndrome is alive and well and will still exist as a robust and instinctive force a thousand generations from now.

We tend to live amongst our own, marry amongst our own, breed to look like our own, and have more care for our own welfare than that of others.

It's ingrained deeply within the generics of the human animal and the human psyche... but the sane, rational conscious mind is usually able to overcome that.
You seem to be experiencing some difficulty in accepting the Truth... you go right ahead deluding yourself and trying (and failing) to convince others.
You wouldn't know the truth if it picked you up and drove your head through the sidewalk, so save that bullshit. YOU speak ONLY for yourself, and what you are speaking is nonsense.
You wouldn't know the truth if it picked you up and drove your head through the sidewalk, so save that bullshit. YOU speak ONLY for yourself, and what you are speaking is nonsense.
My, my, my... as bad as all that...

1. We tend to live amongst our own...

2. We tend to marry amongst our own...

3. We tend to reproduce those who look like us in order to propagate our own...

4. We tend to be more concerned about the survival and advancement and interests of our own than we are about others...

There are exceptions, and such instincts and behaviors and thinking are not linked to goodwill to others beyond our own kind, however...

In that context, I am a racist, as are you, and every other human being on the face of the planet, or who have ever lived on the planet, or who ever will...

It is instinctive... it is genetically encoded... it can be overridden by the conscious mind... and more easily by minds that tend towards goodwill to others...

But it's there... it's part of the Human Condition... even if it IS an "Inconvenient Truth" to dullards unable to think outside the box or their own narrow agenda.

Rather than throwing rocks - and an emotional tantrum, complete with ad hominem attacks - show us where I'm wrong about points (1) thru (4)...

But you won't... because you can't... so phukk off before you embarrass yourself further.


We tend to live amongst our own, marry amongst our own, breed to look like our own, and have more care for our own welfare than that of others.
YOU do, because you are a child still ruled by weakness and fear. Historically, people have had limited opportunities to know, and live with and among people from far away. Limited by geographical, political, and economic reasons among others. Even at that, when and wherever people have come into contact they have mixed and mingled and lived together. As the modern world has gradually reduced these barriers, more and more people have been living, working, and even raising families together. This is easily traced over time. Scared little monkeys like you have been cowering in a cave, terrified at anything different, much like a dimwitted child. Trying to attribute all the above to some larger 'truth' is illogical and absurd. If YOU fear and hate anything or anyone the slightest bit different from yourself, that is nothing but YOUR own laughable weakness manifesting. Don't pretend it is anything else.
... I am a racist, as are you, and every other human being on the face of the planet, or who have ever lived on the planet, or who ever will...
Speak for yourself, because that is all you can do. Pretending the rest of the world is as weak and stupid as you doesn't make YOU any less weak and stupid.

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