AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

Read it again but this time with an open mind and less bias

It can be litigated in court. Litigation costs money and time, takes knowledge and often gets people fired. Which if the theft is small enough then the employee may not bother with the cost.

It’s a problem.

Then why haven't I ever heard of it before or know anybody that was a victim of it?

According to the FLSA, unless exempt, employees are entitled to receive overtime pay of at least "time-and-a-half", or one and one-half times normal pay, for all time worked past forty hours a week.

Accounting error by payroll in most cases.

Minimum wage is enforced by the Wage and Hour Division (WHD). WHD is generally contacted by 25,000 people a year in regards to concerns and violations of minimum wage pay.[5][7] A common form of wage theft for tipped employees is to receive no standard pay ($2.13 an hour) along with tips.[6]

So the law is enforced by the government. What's the problem?\

Misclassification of employees is a violation that leaves employees very vulnerable to other forms of wage theft.

WTF is this about? Employers can classify you any way they desire. No laws broken here.

Employees are subject to forms of wage theft through illegal deductions. Trivial to sometimes fabricated violations in the workplace are used to validate deductions. Any deduction that brings an employee to a level of compensation lower than minimum wage is also illegal.

Again, there are government agencies that handle things like this.

The most blatant form of wage theft is for an employee to not be paid for work done. An employee being asked to work overtime, working through breaks, or being asked to report early and/or leave late without pay is being subjected to wage theft.

Again, government agencies to handle these things, furthermore a state violation that requires employees get breaks at X amount of times.

Putting the pressure on injured workers to not file for workers' compensation is frequently successful.[1] Employees are often confronted with threats of firing or calls to immigration services if they complain or seek redress. Workers are often denied time off or vacation time that they have acquired or denied pay for sick leave or vacation time.

Totally illegal and the law suits for this practice can lead to settlements in the six figures, so very few employers would even attempt this. I worked for one of those companies 35 years ago.
Read it again but this time with an open mind and less bias

It can be litigated in court. Litigation costs money and time, takes knowledge and often gets people fired. Which if the theft is small enough then the employee may not bother with the cost.

It’s a problem.
What was listed in your link are crimes. The govt has unlimited money to prosecute crimes, so let's see them.
It's what Dimtards claim when their skills keep them at the bottom of the wage scale. I guess they aren't paying colfax_m much to mop the floors of the hospital at night.

The left likes to make shit up like give us the impression a person can't get another job if they believe they've been wronged by an employer in some way. Wage theft. I'm 61 years old and discuss wages all the time and this is the first I heard of the term. it's made up really.

Generally companies don't like any negative publicity. One call to a local news station could close the place up if they decide to investigate and find out a company is doing anything illegal. At the very least it would always lead to less people dealing with them.
The left likes to make shit up like give us the impression a person can't get another job if they believe they've been wronged by an employer in some way.
The right does the same thing. Look at how they react to employer vaccine mandates.
The left likes to make shit up like give us the impression a person can't get another job if they believe they've been wronged by an employer in some way. Wage theft. I'm 61 years old and discuss wages all the time and this is the first I heard of the term. it's made up really.

Generally companies don't like any negative publicity. One call to a local news station could close the place up if they decide to investigate and find out a company is doing anything illegal. At the very least it would always lead to less people dealing with them.
Beyond all that, his link clearly shows anything it says qualifies as "wage theft" is illegal, so him claiming it would cost people money to sue is bullshit.
Beyond all that, his link clearly shows anything it says qualifies as "wage theft" is illegal, so him claiming it would cost people money to sue is bullshit.
Yeah. From what I read, "wage theft" is just a kind of theft. I has nothing to do with capitalism and could happen as easily under socialism. Except under socialism you'd be more screwed because your employer and your government are one in the same. Who would you turn to then?
So the solution to authoritarian government is to keep getting different jobs?
Not sure what you're getting at. I certainly didn't say that. I was referring to employers requiring employees to be vaccinated, not authoritarian government.
Not sure what you're getting at. I certainly didn't say that. I was referring to employers requiring employees to be vaccinated, not authoritarian government.

Only because the Supreme Court said they really couldn't do it outside of health facilities.

People who work at companies for 10, 15, 25 years don't want to leave their job over some mandate the employer has no right to insist on because they are leftists. If an employer demands certain attire, certain safety gear or precautions, that's one thing because you don't have to live with them once you punch out. But taking a vaccine by force is effecting you in or out of work which is wrong.

The difference between what we on the right tell people to do is apples and oranges. You know up front what your employer is going to pay you. You know within the first few months if they are Fn with you or not, and as we suggest, find another place to work.
Only because the Supreme Court said they really couldn't do it outside of health facilities.

People who work at companies for 10, 15, 25 years don't want to leave their job over some mandate the employer has no right to insist on because they are leftists. If an employer demands certain attire, certain safety gear or precautions, that's one thing because you don't have to live with them once you punch out. But taking a vaccine by force is effecting you in or out of work which is wrong.

The difference between what we on the right tell people to do is apples and oranges. You know up front what your employer is going to pay you. You know within the first few months if they are Fn with you or not, and as we suggest, find another place to work.
"It's different when we do it."

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

I'll say one thing about AOC. I really admire the fact that she stands up for what she believes in and doesn't try to hide it. That is very admirable. Now, let's get her the hell out before she destroys the country and turns us into a socialist country.
Then why haven't I ever heard of it before or know anybody that was a victim of it?

According to the FLSA, unless exempt, employees are entitled to receive overtime pay of at least "time-and-a-half", or one and one-half times normal pay, for all time worked past forty hours a week.

Accounting error by payroll in most cases.

Minimum wage is enforced by the Wage and Hour Division (WHD). WHD is generally contacted by 25,000 people a year in regards to concerns and violations of minimum wage pay.[5][7] A common form of wage theft for tipped employees is to receive no standard pay ($2.13 an hour) along with tips.[6]

So the law is enforced by the government. What's the problem?\

Misclassification of employees is a violation that leaves employees very vulnerable to other forms of wage theft.

WTF is this about? Employers can classify you any way they desire. No laws broken here.

Employees are subject to forms of wage theft through illegal deductions. Trivial to sometimes fabricated violations in the workplace are used to validate deductions. Any deduction that brings an employee to a level of compensation lower than minimum wage is also illegal.

Again, there are government agencies that handle things like this.

The most blatant form of wage theft is for an employee to not be paid for work done. An employee being asked to work overtime, working through breaks, or being asked to report early and/or leave late without pay is being subjected to wage theft.

Again, government agencies to handle these things, furthermore a state violation that requires employees get breaks at X amount of times.

Putting the pressure on injured workers to not file for workers' compensation is frequently successful.[1] Employees are often confronted with threats of firing or calls to immigration services if they complain or seek redress. Workers are often denied time off or vacation time that they have acquired or denied pay for sick leave or vacation time.

Totally illegal and the law suits for this practice can lead to settlements in the six figures, so very few employers would even attempt this. I worked for one of those companies 35 years ago.
Yes. Lots of chances for employers to deprive their employees of what they’re owed. In theory there are mechanisms to correct it, but in practice that’s just not how it works. The process of correcting it can be more costly than the offense. A lot of times the employees don’t even know they’re being screwed.

Employers are not your friend.
Yes. Lots of chances for employers to deprive their employees of what they’re owed. In theory there are mechanisms to correct it, but in practice that’s just not how it works. The process of correcting it can be more costly than the offense. A lot of times the employees don’t even know they’re being screwed.

Employers are not your friend.
You have failed to produce a single example of your mysterious "wage theft", so one must conclude you are full of always.

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