AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

Many reasons. Russia went from communist to capitalist. Did it get better?
“Many reasons”. Name more than one on the same level as economic opportunity? As for Russia, unless you lived in the USSR and now experienced the transition, you can’t make that call.
“Many reasons”. Name more than one on the same level as economic opportunity? As for Russia, unless you lived in the USSR and now experienced the transition, you can’t make that call.
I think you misunderstand. We aren’t debating whether communism or capitalism is better. This isn’t 7th grade social studies.

These systems aren’t discrete. They’re commingled in complex ways. Lots of people say that much of Europe is socialist. They’re not fleeing.
I think you misunderstand. We aren’t debating whether communism or capitalism is better. This isn’t 7th grade social studies.

These systems aren’t discrete. They’re commingled in complex ways. Lots of people say that much of Europe is socialist. They’re not fleeing.
People aren’t fleeing Socialist Europe but I would argue more of the people fleeing Communism, Socialist, and Dictatorships, choose America comparatively. And, yes, ultimately, it is about what system is best. There are elements of Socialism commingled into our system here in America which I think is a good thing but will also be quick to say that America should not move more towards Socialism because it puts US just like Europe.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

What's to discuss? It's a common Marxist equivocation, but she's just making shit up. Nothing about capitalism implies or endorses her claim.
I think you misunderstand. We aren’t debating whether communism or capitalism is better. This isn’t 7th grade social studies.

These systems aren’t discrete. They’re commingled in complex ways. Lots of people say that much of Europe is socialist. They’re not fleeing.

A lot of people think that Canada is Socialist as well, and look at the problems up there.
What's to discuss? It's a common Marxist equivocation, but she's just making shit up. Nothing about capitalism implies or endorses her claim.
She's deluded if she thinks getting rid of capitalism will eliminate selfishness and greed. It will merely channel it in a different direction. Those who want economic power will joins the ranks of government, rather than climbing the corporate ladder. And they'll have even more power as agents of government.
Better than most. What do most people think capitalism? They think little more than “not communism” or “freedom”. They really don’t think through this more than the superficial level that American indoctrination has provided.

To be clear, I’m not saying capitalism is bad. It’s just that it’s not all good.

Then what is better than capitalism?
They are. Capitalism is one of competing structures and incentives.

Capitalism doesn’t give a shit about people. You may have a sense of nationalism that competes with capitalism. That’s different.

Capitalism isn't supposed to give a shit about people. That's what churches are for.
People aren’t fleeing Socialist Europe but I would argue more of the people fleeing Communism, Socialist, and Dictatorships, choose America comparatively. And, yes, ultimately, it is about what system is best. There are elements of Socialism commingled into our system here in America which I think is a good thing but will also be quick to say that America should not move more towards Socialism because it puts US just like Europe.
If they’re fleeing authoritarian socialists but staying in democratic socialists, maybe socialism isn’t the problem.
I'm surprised anyone likes AOC, beyond her tits I mean. Regressive Democrats are a nasty bunch, such poor judges of character, because they ride the same boat. Here's what AOC thinks when she doesn't get her way:

AOC tells Schumer to make Sinema's life 'as difficult as possible'​

But when we rag on Cheney or Romney, we're bad people.

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