AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

I was once a college student. I did LOTS of
"liberal arts" type course to fulfill my BS
requirement. ----not economics BUT same
crap as the many sociology courses and crap like
"LOGIC" that I did take. ALL CREME-PUFF no
matter what they labeled them. -----no sweat,
EASY 'A' I am no genius and I DID SWEAT
over organic chemistry and calculus and similar
NOT EASY 'A' stuff. Economic majors in my time
were something like "psychology" majors----unable
to deal with the real stuff. The big draw for
"economics" was------NO CALCULUS NEEDED
I've taken Economics classes with my Engineering degrees. She would have flunked the courses I took with that bullshit I hear her spouting.
It encourages people to do whatever it takes to maintain the means of production.

Everything else is secondary.

Human rights are secondary.
The environment is secondary.
The welfare of the labor force is secondary.
The law is secondary.

It may not even be secondary. It may be more accurate to say it’s a “non-issue”. AOC is correct.
hahaha no it doesn't.

again, if the point is to max profits, you can't do it if your clients don't have money, and don't like you.

It's directly responsive to the people.

In leftist society it's the opposite...the Govt runs everything, and the few tell the people what they can doesn't encourage growth, etc.

It's why in capitalist societies we see more freedom, happiness, wealth and opportunity...and it leftist society death and poverty
I've taken Economics classes with my Engineering degrees. She would have flunked the courses I took with that bullshit I hear her spouting.

Maybe that depends on who her prof was, a lib/prog probably gave her As.

College degrees are not necessarily a sign of intelligence, but instead merely an indicator that you were good at regurgitating whatever the prof told you.
hahaha no it doesn't.

again, if the point is to max profits, you can't do it if your clients don't have money, and don't like you.

It's directly responsive to the people.

In leftist society it's the opposite...the Govt runs everything, and the few tell the people what they can doesn't encourage growth, etc.

It's why in capitalist societies we see more freedom, happiness, wealth and opportunity...and it leftist society death and poverty
So you lie to your clients so they like you. If your clients don’t have money, find new clients who do have money.

They’re not responsive to the people. They’re responsive to the people’s money.
I'm surprised anyone likes AOC, beyond her tits I mean. Regressive Democrats are a nasty bunch, such poor judges of character, because they ride the same boat. Here's what AOC thinks when she doesn't get her way:

AOC tells Schumer to make Sinema's life 'as difficult as possible'​

I've taken Economics classes with my Engineering degrees. She would have flunked the courses I took with that bullshit I hear her spouting.
probably depends on WHICH SCHOOL. and when..
My under-graduate years were late sixties----the times
were just as PERVERTED as they are now----very similar. "CAPITALIST" became a dirty word and
cops were called "fuzz" or "pigs"-----and the whole
damned dorm STANK of marijuana
Maybe that depends on who her prof was, a lib/prog probably gave her As.

College degrees are not necessarily a sign of intelligence, but instead merely an indicator that you were good at regurgitating whatever the prof told you.
I am a retired Environmental Engineer. In retirement I have occasionally taught Environmental Science at an University. I know she would flunk my course with all that Environmental Wacko bullshit I hear her spouting.

We know that these stupid Moon Bats don't know jackshit about Economics, Biology, Climate Science, History, Ethics or the Constitution.
I'm surprised anyone likes AOC, beyond her tits I mean. Regressive Democrats are a nasty bunch, such poor judges of character, because they ride the same boat. Here's what AOC thinks when she doesn't get her way:

AOC tells Schumer to make Sinema's life 'as difficult as possible'​

Yea, great idea, lets force Sinema out of the party when it's a 50-50 split and we'd lose our majority. I wonder if anyone tells AOC to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
No other purpose? How about make a ton of money and retire on a yacht in the Caribbean?

Sounds like a good deal to me. That’s what capitalism is for.
No other purpose. You can’t take the money or the beach with you into the afterlife. A short-term choice that will doom your Soul for eternity.

Don’t believe in an afterlife… thsts a chance you take which I’m unwilling to.
It encourages people to do whatever it takes to maintain the means of production.

Everything else is secondary.

Human rights are secondary.
The environment is secondary.
The welfare of the labor force is secondary.
The law is secondary.

It may not even be secondary. It may be more accurate to say it’s a “non-issue”. AOC is correct.
Did you get an economics degree from BU, cuz you are as dumb as AOC.

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