AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

Because greed is good.
Because working for what you want is not evil........but demanding that others take care of you mooches as socialism does is. Capitalism provides the driving force for growth and creation---socialism/communism provides the driving force for starvation.

GREED and Envy are the core of socialism---GREED can but not necessarily be the driver for some capitalists. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill GATES and the inbred Rothchilds embrace socialism just as the corrupt RICH of the socialist Nazis did in their time. They use the GREED and ENVY of moocher class to ENRICH themselves via Socialist programs.
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Because working for what you want is not evil........but demanding that others take care of you mooches as socialism does is. Capitalism provides the driving force for growth and creation---socialism/communist provides the driving force for starvation.
Capitalism doesn’t give a damn about starvation. Not it’s problem.
Because working for what you want is not evil........but demanding that others take care of you mooches as socialism does is. Capitalism provides the driving force for growth and creation---socialism/communist provides the driving force for starvation.

We provide trillions to inflate the markets. Where does one find that in capitalism?
The purpose of private business is to maximize profit. Within the law is not a consideration.
BS, I have never been in a private business that didn't consider laws before doing anything. We have many meetings with managers and employees to make sure we stay within the legal guidelines that we are to abide by. We still make a profit because we charge the right price and are legal. Not sure what movie your BS comes from.
BS, I have never been in a private business that didn't consider laws before doing anything. We have many meetings with managers and employees to make sure we stay within the legal guidelines that we are to abide by. We still make a profit because we charge the right price and are legal. Not sure what movie your BS comes from.
If your business thought it could make more money by violating the law, it would. You didn’t because violating the law is costly, at least if you’re caught.

Why is wage theft so prevalent?
Capitalism is not a moral enterprise.

Following the law is only necessary insofar as it maximizes profit. If it becomes more profitable to ignore the law, they will do so.
Do you have any links to studies on this? I'm gonna guess you don't.
It's been at least 2 decades since a corporation caused excess pollution...get over it.
No corporation wants to murder it's customers.
STFU, lol
Just a sample.

You're arguing an inane point, no shock. In the original link, AOC opposes ownership for profit. Her district would not exist as it does without that. But AOC concept of regulation is socialism. Why should she, or anyone, care that one person has more income than another? It's proven time and time again that capitalism, with regulation of worker and social concerns, creates a better life than simple govt ownership and wealth redistribution for simply making all pigs equal
STFU, lol
Just a sample.

You're arguing an inane point, no shock. In the original link, AOC opposes ownership for profit. Her district would not exist as it does without that. But AOC concept of regulation is socialism. Why should she, or anyone, care that one person has more income than another? It's proven time and time again that capitalism, with regulation of worker and social concerns, creates a better life than simple govt ownership and wealth redistribution for simply making all pigs equal
You’re concerned about the ozone…
Call India and China, moron.
The irony here is that we have so misapplied capitalism that it has opened the door for those who want to take us in the opposite direction.

The talk radio types don't/won't/can't understand that guardrails are not a bane to capitalism, they're an absolutely necessary component of it. But, stuck in binary thought processes as they are, that's just too far an intellectual or emotional reach.

Just another self-inflicted wound. Capitalism with the proper guardrails is clearly the best economic system. And ironically, those who think they're defending it are putting it in the most danger.

I said the exactly the same thing and you come along and pontificate like the Oracle of Delphi while completely ignoring the stupidity of AOC. In sum, a typical Mac & Cheese attention whoring post. :thup:
Capitalism doesn’t give a damn about starvation. Not it’s problem.
You are projecting your Greed and ENVY again. You don't care about starvation as long as you get your free chit. Many capitalists have donated time, energy, money to help others....and fyi, carrying around you mooches is not helping anyone. Contribute instead of take Colfax---instead of whining that others aren't doing more to carry you around.

I am a capitalist---I give alot of my money away to others---that I think I CAN and think that they DESERVE help all while you just sit around whining that others don't care about babying you. It isn't capitalists jobs to take care of you colfax----nor is it the governments.
You are projecting your Greed and ENVY again. You don't care about starvation as long as you get your free chit. Many capitalists have donated time, energy, money to help others....and fyi, carrying around you mooching but is not helping anyone. Contribute instead of take Colfax---instead of whinning that others aren't doing more to carry you around.

I am a capitalist---I give alot of my money away to others---that I think I CAN and think that they DESERVE help all while you just sit around whinning that others don't care about babying you. It isn't capitalists jobs to take care of you colfax----
If you give money away, it has nothing to do with whether or not you’re a capitalist.

Let them eat cake.
Ms. Cortez has a degree in Economics from the elite Boston University. I'm sort of surprised they didn't revoke her degree with this kind of statement.

If you needed proof our college system is a failure well there you go. Who knew no degree > economics degree from Boston U?

What's also revealing about AOC is she believes her moral compass in greater than those who are in business. She's a C.
If you give money away, it has nothing to do with whether or not you’re a capitalist.

Let them eat cake.
How do you think that I EARN my money? Do you not grasp the concept EARN your own money instead of whining about others needing to take care of you? Only druggies, children, and MOOCHES don't think in concept of taking responsibility for themselves.
If your business thought it could make more money by violating the law, it would. You didn’t because violating the law is costly, at least if you’re caught.

Why is wage theft so prevalent?
Lots of thing that we could do to violate the law if we wanted and we could get away with it but we don't that isn't who we are, it sure does tell a lot about you though.

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