AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

Capitalism is not a moral enterprise.

Following the law is only necessary insofar as it maximizes profit. If it becomes more profitable to ignore the law, they will do so.
Life is exclusively a MORAL enterprise. There is no other purpose to life.

One may choose to run their business in an immoral manner but all it will do is damage one’s soul with tainted money as well as their actions.
I wonder if AOC realizes that almost every human endeavor is done in the pursuit of personal gain, be it in a capitalistic economy or any other system and with very little consideration (if any) to human, environmental, or social cost. And BTW nothing is absolute when it comes to human behavior. What AOC also fails to realize is that capitalism far and away creates more prosperity and well-being for everybody than any other economic model. Human nature is no different in capitalism, just more successful.
I wonder if AOC realizes that almost every human endeavor is done in the pursuit of personal gain, be it in a capitalistic economy or any other system and with very little consideration (if any) to human, environmental, or social cost. And BTW nothing is absolute when it comes to human behavior. What AOC also fails to realize is that capitalism far and away creates more prosperity and well-being for everybody than any other economic model. Human nature is no different in capitalism, just more successful.
AOC's definition of justice is her being a bit more equal than the other pigs.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

That stupid uneducated bitch suppose to have a degree in Economics. Either she didn't learn a damn thing or she was taught by bat shit crazy Marxist professors.
Doesn't this clearly show AOC is a socialist, if not communist? She desires the govt. control everything, everyone & production.
Yes. I think the link clearly shows AOC believes capitalism is only ok when the workers own all the stock. That's one way a company can be managed, and there are examples of successful employ owned ventures. And in one of my first jobs, I was "given" an ownership share as part of my wages. But most ownership is by closed corporations or public stock holders. She doesn't appear to be a fan. LOL
Life is exclusively a MORAL enterprise. There is no other purpose to life.

One may choose to run their business in an immoral manner but all it will do is damage one’s soul with tainted money as well as their actions.
No other purpose? How about make a ton of money and retire on a yacht in the Caribbean?

Sounds like a good deal to me. That’s what capitalism is for.
Lots of thing that we could do to violate the law if we wanted and we could get away with it but we don't that isn't who we are, it sure does tell a lot about you though.
Then that’s not capitalism. That’s something else.
That stupid uneducated bitch suppose to have a degree in Economics. Either she didn't learn a damn thing or she was taught by bat shit crazy Marxist professors.
I was once a college student. I did LOTS of
"liberal arts" type course to fulfill my BS
requirement. ----not economics BUT same
crap as the many sociology courses and crap like
"LOGIC" that I did take. ALL CREME-PUFF no
matter what they labeled them. -----no sweat,
EASY 'A' I am no genius and I DID SWEAT
over organic chemistry and calculus and similar
NOT EASY 'A' stuff. Economic majors in my time
were something like "psychology" majors----unable
to deal with the real stuff. The big draw for
"economics" was------NO CALCULUS NEEDED
No other purpose? How about make a ton of money and retire on a yacht in the Caribbean?

Sounds like a good deal to me. That’s what capitalism is for. certainly gives people the opportunity to do just that. It's what freedom is all about.

In leftist regimes, not so much
huh? Capitalism doesn't suggest or support people breaking the law.

I know tons of people, including myself, that live and operate in a capitalist system that don't violate the law.
Capitalism is perfectly ambivalent about the law. It doesn’t suggest it. It doesn’t forbid it.

It encourages people to get away with things that they can. Like cheating on your taxes.
Capitalism is perfectly ambivalent about the law. It doesn’t suggest it. It doesn’t forbid it.

It encourages people to get away with things that they can. Like cheating on your taxes.
Not sure what you mean by "forbid it" - yeah it's a economic system..

No, capitalism merely is the private ownership of the means of doesn't encourage people to do or not do anything. It does have however give you the right, and ability to do what you personally want to do....but if the point is to max profits, you can't do that behind bars, or lying and cheating customers.
Not sure what you mean by "forbid it" - yeah it's a economic system..

No, capitalism merely is the private ownership of the means of doesn't encourage people to do or not do anything. It does have however give you the right, and ability to do what you personally want to do....but if the point is to max profits, you can't do that behind bars, or lying and cheating customers.
It encourages people to do whatever it takes to maintain the means of production.

Everything else is secondary.

Human rights are secondary.
The environment is secondary.
The welfare of the labor force is secondary.
The law is secondary.

It may not even be secondary. It may be more accurate to say it’s a “non-issue”. AOC is correct.

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