AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

Exactly as it should be. The purpose of a private business is maximizing PROFIT, within the law, pure and simple.
The purpose of private business is to maximize profit. Within the law is not a consideration.
Exactly as it should be. The purpose of a private business is maximizing PROFIT, within the law, pure and simple.

The argument is that without these laws (regulations), maximizing profits would mean still pumping waste into the rivers.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

any argument against capitalism is an argument against freedom
The purpose of private business is to maximize profit. Within the law is not a consideration.
I disagree. I believe there is a moral obligation for every individual, organization and business to follow the law or accept responsibility and the consequences when caught. Pure and simple.
The argument is that without these laws (regulations), maximizing profits would mean still pumping waste into the rivers.
Exactly. As it should. That’s why you have the law. If the business doesn’t like the regulations they can move to a place with less regulations.
I grew up in Cleveland during a time the Cuyahoga River caught on fire.

Whether or not one thinks regulations can go too far it doesn't dispute what I said.

Unless stopped, the "capitalists" will catch our rivers on fire.
haha no they won’t….what sort of capitalist wants a river to burn and have their customers mad at them?
The purpose of private business is to maximize profit. Within the law is not a consideration.
The sole purpose of private business is to maximize profits? To focus on wringing suppliers and employees of every dollar? all pay no taxes by accounting tricks?

Where in that is the customer? Ya know, the thing that drives the business?

If your company focuses on driving profits leave that company immediately for one that drives it's effort to building a better product thru quality employees and innovation.
The argument is that without these laws (regulations), maximizing profits would mean still pumping waste into the rivers.
That's what happens when you haven't established a property right in a resource.
I'd guess the ones that did just that.
no they actually responded by cleaning it up.

something were done in the past without knowledge…

we don’t need a govt mandate telling us we need drinking water
I disagree. I believe there is a moral obligation for every individual, organization and business to follow the law or accept responsibility and the consequences when caught. Pure and simple.
Capitalism is not a moral enterprise.

Following the law is only necessary insofar as it maximizes profit. If it becomes more profitable to ignore the law, they will do so.

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