AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

I grew up in Cleveland during a time the Cuyahoga River caught on fire.

Whether or not one thinks regulations can go too far it doesn't dispute what I said.

Unless stopped, the "capitalists" will catch our rivers on fire.

the capitalists had a theory that dumping chemicals into the river would dissipate into the lake. The theory was wrong and we made adjustments. Of course the outrage caused politicians to jump on the problem almost immediately. But if they didn't, do you really think those capitalists would have kept dumping chemicals into the river? I seriously doubt it.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

Sadly, sometimes that is true.
the capitalists had a theory that dumping chemicals into the river would dissipate into the lake. The theory was wrong and we made adjustments. Of course the outrage caused politicians to jump on the problem almost immediately. But if they didn't, do you really think those capitalists would have kept dumping chemicals into the river? I seriously doubt it.

Absolutely. It's why many go to China. To avoid the costs of operating clean.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

Most accomplished bartenders listen to their customers.

She messed that up?
I grew up in Cleveland during a time the Cuyahoga River caught on fire.

Whether or not one thinks regulations can go too far it doesn't dispute what I said.

Unless stopped, the "capitalists" will catch our rivers on fire.

So Capitalism has evolved due to regulation. For the most part that is a good thing. So why doesn't the dingbat AOC understand that? Why is she stuck with a 19th Century Communist Manifesto understanding of Capitalism that has evolved dramatically over the last two centuries?
So Capitalism has evolved due to regulation. For the most part that is a good thing. So why doesn't the dingbat AOC understand that? Why is she stuck with a 19th Century Communist Manifesto understanding of Capitalism that has evolved dramatically over the last two centuries?

Without regulations our rivers would still be catching on fire.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

I was watching Hannity just a few minutes ago and he had on Adam Carolla. They were talking about what AOC said about the Whoppie comment. He said if AOC were a 60 year old overweight woman, would anybody care about her opinions; would TMZ be following her around like a puppy dog?

The United States became the worlds most strongest and wealthiest country in the few hundred years we've been around. We owe that to capitalism. Capitalism is a reward system. We use reward systems to train animals, we use it to train our children, we use it to keep employees more productive. Apparently reward systems work pretty well. We have to spend a lot of money to keep people out of this country who do want to experience what capitalism is like in real life since they have no capitalism where they live.

What human costs is she talking about, employing people so they can earn money to support their families, to provide them with products and services they couldn't get anyplace else? Where would our social programs that she loves so much be without capitalism? Who pays for them, the homeless? As for the environment, only small percentage of our industries are a threat to that these days.

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