AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

I think she is a Marxist. Her view of Capitalism is straight out of 19th century Das Kapital.
Hopefully not. Of course, she, by her own rhetoric and legislation promoted has proven herself to be batsh#t crazy. So, there is that. At one time, I thought the state Dems didn't even like her, but she got re-elected. I do not understand New Yorkers. She still reminds me of when my daughter was a rebellious teen, but AOC did not grow out of it.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

Your link:

"In his annual letter to CEOs this year, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink urged other chief executives to harness the 'power of capitalism' to influence society and serve as a catalyst for positive change."

Who poses the greater risk to society, AOC or Larry Fink?

Opinion: In a ‘woke’ and weary world, Larry Fink remains focused on a kinder, gentler greed
What she describes are capitalists, not capitalism. Capitalism is a free market enterprise with limited government allowing anyone from any class opportunity in their pursuit of happiness. Hence the reason so many that are in the serf classes and denied any opportunities in those socialist paradises are so desperate to get here and NOT the other way around.

For some reason the demented twit left never address that. They gloss over it or ignore it entirely cause what exactly can they say?

Which socialist country are people from here clamoring to get to? And do not bring the wealthy left wingers here. Their hypocrisy is so insidious that there aren't words in any language to describe it accurately.

So, why not one report of any American (black nor any other color) trying to float down to Cuba on a leaky crappy boat to escape the American tyrannical racism these dingbats love to Chant every day of their lives?

They will ignore that as usual and we all know why.
Without regulations this would be the route taken by the "capitalists".
The irony here is that we have so misapplied capitalism that it has opened the door for those who want to take us in the opposite direction.

The talk radio types don't/won't/can't understand that guardrails are not a bane to capitalism, they're an absolutely necessary component of it. But, stuck in binary thought processes as they are, that's just too far an intellectual or emotional reach.

Just another self-inflicted wound. Capitalism with the proper guardrails is clearly the best economic system. And ironically, those who think they're defending it are putting it in the most danger.
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What she describes are capitalists, not capitalism. Capitalism is a free market enterprise with limited government allowing anyone from any class opportunity in their pursuit of happiness. Hence the reason so many that are in the serf classes and denied any opportunities in those socialist paradises are so desperate to get here and NOT the other way around.

Classroom theory.

For some reason the demented twit left never address that. They gloss over it or ignore it entirely cause what exactly can they say?

Which socialist country are people from here clamoring to get to? And do not bring the wealthy left wingers here. Their hypocrisy is so insidious that there aren't words in any language to describe it accurately.

So, why not one report of any American (black nor any other color) trying to float down to Cuba on a leaky crappy boat to escape the American tyrannical racism these dingbats love to Chant every day of their lives?

They will ignore that as usual and we all know why.

Tell me, where in Capitalism do we find the idea of the government bailing out a failed business?
Classroom theory.

Tell me, where in Capitalism do we find the idea of the government bailing out a failed business?
You are describing DEMOGOGUERY and obama obviously did that. We are not a republic which is what this country was supposed to be, and because we caved into the identity politics strategy to overthrow the republic by making voting a right, we have become a DEMOGOGUERY. That also goes for RINOS and even Trump who wasn't a perfect president by any means.

Since we have made voting a right, we allow politicians to promise the sun, moon, stars and free free free to the vast groups of uneducated ignorant buffoons who actually believe free money is really really free.

Then those companies that they BAIL OUT continue to fund their dirty campaigns and I haven't even addressed the level that blackmail works in Washington.

This world isn't a utopia. There is no such thing. About as a mythical as unicorns and chocolate waterfalls. But the demagogues will continue to sell free free free. Especially the left wing sellouts as they dance on their globalist puppet strings.
You are describing DEMOGOGUERY and obama obviously did that.

Trump Tries to Win Over Midwest Farmers with Socialist Promises

We are not a republic which is what this country was supposed to be, and because we caved into the identity politics strategy to overthrow the republic by making voting a right, we have become a DEMOGOGUERY. That also goes for RINOS and even Trump who wasn't a perfect president by any means.

Since we have made voting a right, we allow politicians to promise the sun, moon, stars and free free free to the vast groups of uneducated ignorant buffoons who actually believe free money is really really free.

Then those companies that they BAIL OUT continue to fund their dirty campaigns and I haven't even addressed the level that blackmail works in Washington.

This world isn't a utopia. There is no such thing. About as a mythical as unicorns and chocolate waterfalls. But the demagogues will continue to sell free free free. Especially the left wing sellouts as they dance on their globalist puppet strings.

So we claim to be a capitalist society and all you note is the failures.
Absolutely. It's why many go to China. To avoid the costs of operating clean.
Nailed it......NAFTA was just the excuse they needed to start closing down heavy industry and either moving or sourcing from other countries rather than to submit to the odious regulations that were being put into place at the was cheaper to close them down and sell off what they could.

LOL....The point can be argued that NAFTA saved our environment more than industry complying with regulations did.

My town was a "factory town" when I was growing-up with a huge Rayon plant located here.....The pollution was just terrible and when it was finally closed down by the state it was found to be so polluted that it then became a Superfund site for over 20 years. I knew men that got a federal job there when it started and retired before it was completed.

Avtex Fibers Site - a "Brownfield" Success Story

It's a 400+ acre field overlooked by the Skyline Drive today. You can see the drive at about 9-o'clock were a lonesome pine stands next to the road.

Nailed it......NAFTA was just the excuse they needed to start closing down heavy industry and either moving or sourcing from other countries rather than to submit to the odious regulations that were being put into place at the was cheaper to close them down and sell off what they could.

LOL....The point can be argued that NAFTA saved our environment more than industry complying with regulations did.

My town was a "factory town" when I was growing-up with a huge Rayon plant located here.....The pollution was just terrible and when it was finally closed down by the state it was found to be so polluted that it then became a Superfund site for over 20 years. I knew men that got a federal job there when it started and retired before it was completed.

Avtex Fibers Site - a "Brownfield" Success Story

It's a 400+ acre field overlooked by the Skyline Drive today. You can see the drive at about 9-o'clock were a lonesome pine stands next to the road.


Business pollutes and taxpayers are forced to clean it up. Capitalism as we practice it.
Business pollutes and taxpayers are forced to clean it up. Capitalism as we practice it.
On the plus side the Superfund site created about 200 good paying full-time jobs for a long time.....Not to mention the hundreds of local contractor jobs it provided over the course of it's demolition/clean-up.

I swear though the place was a horror story of pollution....As it started operation in 1940 there were bomb shelters built under it that later became storage areas or were closed-off and abandoned.

The sulfuric acid that was used in the production of Rayon leeched into those areas over time, combined with rain water and filled them, then it ate through the floors and followed the underground limestone formations and polluted the wells of homes across the river from the plant. Same with the open air "acid ponds" that were on site that ate through their liners.....You can't imagine the smell from those.

LOL.....The joke in my AO was "If you want to kiss your GF where it stinks, you take her to Front Royal". ;)

They hauled water to those homes for years till the residents died/sold-out and the homes were folded into the Superfund site and demolished.
On the plus side the Superfund site created about 200 good paying full-time jobs for a long time.....Not to mention the hundreds of local contractor jobs it provided over the course of it's demolition/clean-up.
Paid for by the taxpayers.

I swear though the place was a horror story of pollution....As it started operation in 1940 there were bomb shelters built under it that later became storage areas or were closed-off and abandoned.

The sulfuric acid that was used in the production of Rayon leeched into those areas over time, combined with rain water and filled them, then it ate through the floors and followed the underground limestone formations and polluted the wells of homes across the river from the plant. Same with the open air "acid ponds" that were on site that ate through their liners.....You can't imagine the smell from those.

LOL.....The joke in my AO was "If you want to kiss your GF where it stinks, you take her to Front Royal". ;)

They hauled water to those homes for years till the residents died/sold-out and the homes were folded into the Superfund site and demolished.

Paid for by the taxpayers while the business that created the mess skated.
Paid for by the taxpayers.

Paid for by the taxpayers while the business that created the mess skated.
Meh, it is what it is, those jobs really helped my AO since we lost 800 jobs and another 400 contractor related jobs when they closed the plant down.

FMC had to pay 63 million towards the clean-up.....Avtex went bankrupt so they only got a few million out of them by selling off the assets that were on site.
Meh, it is what it is, those jobs really helped my AO since we lost 800 jobs and another 400 contractor related jobs when they closed the plant down.

FMC had to pay 63 million towards the clean-up.....Avtex went bankrupt so they only got a few million out of them by selling off the assets that were on site.

That's great but this is a discussion on Capitalism and what you are describing is not. It's describing how people have been stuck cleaning up after capitalism.
That's great but this is a discussion on Capitalism and what you are describing is not. It's describing how people have been stuck cleaning up after capitalism.

That's true but folks often forget about the ugly underbelly of capitalism and what it can leave behind.

Believe me, I'd rather see that 440 acres dotted with Super Max prisons than to ever see heavy industry on it again.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

AOC is a typical liberal "let them eat cake" elitist.
The sheer lack of hypocrisy to spout off about capitalism while walking around is $1000 dresses, jewelry and vacationing in Italy.
If AOC, and all the leftist ilk like her, could become ruler of the world - they would live in lavish mansions... parade around town in stretch limos, tossing out nickels to the peasantry. That is exactly what they would want.
That's true but folks often forget about the ugly underbelly of capitalism and what it can leave behind.

Believe me, I'd rather see that 440 acres dotted with Super Max prisons than to ever see heavy industry on it again.
I guess we can permanently blow off the balance of trade thing, if capitalism in American cannot support heavy industry and advances in modern production techniques, for the desire to maximize capitalist profits. The has to be a methods that work at a profit. Otherwise, we will just be the gas can to the world, and all durable permanently made somewhere else and imported to support or lifestyle.
I guess we can permanently blow off the balance of trade thing, if capitalism in American cannot support heavy industry and advances in modern production techniques, for the desire to maximize capitalist profits. The has to be a methods that work at a profit. Otherwise, we will just be the gas can to the world, and all durable permanently made somewhere else and imported to support or lifestyle.
Most people have no idea of what baggage (good and bad) heavy industry brings with it.....Having been there, done that, and have the tee-shirt industry can go and be heavy someplace else.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

Actually, its turning the bank account of a ditzy barmaid into a millionaire in a couple of years. She left that part out.
Most people have no idea of what baggage (good and bad) heavy industry brings with it.....Having been there, done that, and have the tee-shirt industry can go and be heavy someplace else.
I guess you might know, being from heavy industry. I would be among the "not in my backyard" crowd, most likely if it were done like the 60s or before. It just does not seem to speak well for capitalism, unless a pure globalist.

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